Sunday, February 13, 2011

How To Use Toilet If Disabled


Alexiis, 13 February. 02/13/2011

According to what I asked the Master Isku of Sirius, then do a summary of the various Star Nations that have come forward to help our Mother Earth in her ascension.


As you discuss human beings are still unclear when compared to everything around them, have difficulty waking up, I am of Mintaka, another star system, another star, which are associated with the Galactic Federation and come to help.

I know many of my, we could say colleagues have already been presented to humanity, we still have not done that, but we do not want to overwhelm readers say yours, Alexiis, with too much information.

We are a number of star systems that are already helping, but whose names are not even known by human beings and we need they even know some of us know that we come in love, we come in light and that we have for responding to the request of the Creator from other star systems, many far away, to help in the last throes of Gaia, Mother Earth , for submission.

Well, we are one of those groups that are ready to help and we are very anxious that this first contact will happen as soon as possible but we can not provoke him. We all work in conjunction with the Galactic Federation and it is - say - under the direct command and the command given from the Creator.

That this will occur, no doubt, but we can not say in such and such a time, because you always have to re-emphasize that we do not know the time and space, we live in the eternal now. So it costs us to understand humans who live according to dates of past, present and future.

So we too must learn from you, it's a mutual thing. You have many good features that are alien to us, so when you finally real contact is established we will benefit one and all other skills, skills that can be shared and as those who have preceded me in this first contact through a human being, Alexiis, so I today I wanted to connect. It is necessary to pass the information we have.

So dear fellow humans, I salute you, I send all my light, my love and I say, we are ready. We are available to you and hope to soon meet face to face. I am a Mintakans.


is true, I have overall responsibility for the Bellatricianos to get in touch with a human being and I have indicated that the most suitable for this type of first contact are you, that your name Alexiis. Obviously

're a human who has had many lives previous sidereal space and everywhere and I also know, if memory serves me correctly, which would be very difficult, on one occasion we've come to visit. At that time you were a Lemurian history researcher and has come to visit us, who traveled the world looking for - say - the story of the various beings that inhabit different parts of stellar.

Although personally I remember you I do I remember of that time, but you were not man and woman, but the energy is the same.

So, as I have indicated that I can contact you, this is why, for all the star systems, which belong to the Galactic Federation and we have answered the call of the Creator, we are presenting one after another, so that humanity becomes aware that the first contact is not far and we need that time we did not get the weapons ready to maternal.

Although we have a human form as has been said by others who have come, like we belong and are a part of the Creator, as you are. Then we are brothers of you but perhaps other physical forms of other features of other life, but all who have answered the call of the Creator, we are going to be able to help this little planet to finally take its position it deserves in the universe.

you know, humanity, which unfortunately is largely asleep, can not alone address what needs addressing. That's why all of us we go. Each of the Star Nations has a specific feature, a specific capacity, with which you can help.

I ask you, as for the other, provide to the readers and humanity, the detail you have about what we represent.

I repeat, we come in love to help but we need you to get well. It will produce the first contact and then depends as set the relationship between all the different Star Nations and not only that, you well know that in the inner earth there are many human beings who also have lived there for eons and now will re-emerge.

So I hope you accept all the help they need to join together and we can finally live in peace and harmony, without war or land, or galaxy, or anything, in peace, love and glory.

I am a Bellatriciano.



Name: Bellatrix Star Nation. Former member of the League Orion and the Central of this sector of the Old Covenant.

Accepted into the Galactic Federation: More than 3 years ago.

Location: One of the brightest stars in the constellation of Orion is the bright star just to the right and above the belt of Orion.

Distance from Earth: 112.5 few light years. Foma

Life Type: The major species is a hybrid-Reptoid Dinoïd. Immigrated from the Constellation of Sagittarius about 25 million years ago.

Physical Appearance: Very scaly and bony . The top of the head is surrounded by a large bony crest. Large red and yellow opaque (which resemble those of reptiles of the earth) which are located just above and on either side of a very small nose. The mouth has thin lips that go from one side of the head to another. No ears: the only sign of them is an extra soft circle around 7.62 cm on each side of the head and just behind the eyes. Skin is scaly like crocodile, and green, yellow, brown and red. A small bony ridge runs through the middle of the back and connects with the long ridge on the head.

Being is bipedal. Long with six hands long fingers claw. The feet have five toes ending in small sharp claws. A small tail like a crocodile coming to the feet. The male is lower than the female. The male arrives from 2.44 to 3 meters, while females are from 2.6 to 3.12 in height. Special Features

and Skills: are remarkable for their great diplomatic and leadership skills. Since the last six million years are responsible for all the former Alliance forces in this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Dream Term Average Required: 5 to 8 hours.

Language: very hoarse and guttural full of deep growling and hissing sounds.

Motherships and Other Ships: Ships explorers like dew drops and beetles, varying from 30.5 to 122 meters long. Mother ships reach from 1.6 to 640 kilometers long and resemble large tadpoles.


Alexiis Yes, I am a being of light but I do not know .... Please try to raise your vibration is more than me I can not really go down to below the seventh. I know you have the ability to soar, I am waiting ....

I get that you're like a star system outside of Earth, Can it be?

Yes, of course now you're picking up what I have to protest. I'm not the first nor will be the last, belong to a very distant star constellation of Earth, but as others have come out more, we are preparing all for the first contact.

I'm a star whose name I know that you are not getting .... but look, I know that you've seen the same afternoon, so look around and then you'll know where I come from. The country star is called TAU CETI.

is important that you become aware that we all came at the request of the Creator. Take time, breathe deeply. Yes you are right, we called Tau Cetians. Every time you're meeting with different names and harder and I'll ask you this message along with providing the information in this stellar system.

All of us are already circling the planet Earth, Gaia. We are seeing, we are watching and ready to receive the Order of the Creator to establish contact with you, but necessary, as we also have to be aware that before we come in love, we come in peace and harmony.

We come to help because we know that you alone can not give this big step it takes to heal the planet and to heal yourself, because those who will accompany Mother Earth must go through a change in your physical body. With the physical body based on the carbon you can not ascend to higher dimensions - say. So it is necessary to pass through the lens body to change and that change, that is the physical transformation that is producing problems for many of you. Problems than those who are ignorant of what I'm saying or who want to ignore what is happening and I'm saying, it awarded to disease, found that their doctors did not find solution.

You, the light workers are well aware that these changes are taking place inside and that's what matters. That, plus the awareness that we are brothers to you, although many have different appearances, but also are part of All That Is

This is what I have to pass tonight and I'm glad that you been able to raise your vibration to such an extent as to Having A could connect me. From our Tau Ceti star system, I send you all my love and light.


Member of the Galactic Federation.

Member Name: Star Nation of Tau Ceti.

Accepted into the Galactic Federation: Almost 2.5 million years ago. The original inhabitants mamaloides like bears, allowed a human colony on the constellation of Hercules to settle on the fourth planet of the system, about 2.4 million years ago.

Location: nearest star to Earth in the Conselación of Cetus (the Whale)

Distance from Earth: 11.8 light years About

Lifestyle Type: sentient inhabitants are a humanoid Galactic and mammaloide similar to the bear.

Physical Appearance: Humanoids galactic closely resemble humans from the constellation of Hercules. Three predominant skin color: brown (including a copper-colored), red and green (light and dark). The brown-skinned humans have a light brown to auburn hair or black hair to red-orange. The eyes range from green, blue and brown or gray. The males are very well proportioned and 2.13 to 2.59 meters. Women reach a height of 1.98 to 2.40 meters. The green-skinned humans have blond hair, pale green or brown hair with green, hazel or steel-blue eyes, and have the same height on humans brown leather. Red-skinned humans have red hair, orange or yellow to red, brown or dark blue eyes, and are also the same height as the other two types of humans. In all cases, women are quite plump. The

mammaloides Bear Form Tau Ceti are huge creatures, with small furry furry tails and bear-like bodies covered with a brown skin, black or blonde. The heads are of the form of bears, but with a smaller nose. The teeth resemble those of a galactic human rather than bear land. The eyes are forward, like humans, are brown, blue or black. The ears, sides of the head, just above the eyes, resembling those of terrestrial bears. Are highly sentient beings that walk on two legs, and therefore have a higher center of gravity than on Earth bears. Two muscular arms with claw-like hands containing five stubby fingers with claws. Very muscular legs ending in feet with five toes very short very plump. Reach a height of 2.74 to 3.66 meters. Special Features

and Skills: Renowned for their abilities to design some of the most advanced ships in the fleet scout group of the Galactic Federation. They are also regarded as the best pilots and navigators in the galaxy.

Dream Medium Term Required: Both species require only 1 to 2 hours per day.

Language: Human language is very guttural like German or Arabic. The language of bears that look similar, but deeper and more guttural.

Mother Ship and Other Ships: The explorers are huge plasma craft in a diamond shape, a length of about 61 to 76.2 meters. The mother ships are generally command ships of the fleets of the Galactic Federation scout. They have the appearance of a number of blood cells in multiple layers, in stacks of 20 to 50 cells, ranging from 4 miles 44 miles (6.44 to 7.84 kilometers) in diameter.


Alexiis Yes I am the representative of Centaurus. I also like - say - Fomalhaut partner has asked you to add a detail of the message that our nation is stellar, I come today to introduce to you too for the same purpose.

We are all going to be present at the first contact and it is important that you take note of that, so that when it occurs is not frightened, do not panic if we are not as expected for you, although We are looking very similar.

The Star Nations have loved many faces, some human-like and others not, but all come from the Creator and we are all representing the Creator, coming to introduce through the Galactic Federation to help in the transition and transformation that you have to do. We'll help with the strategic and relationships as advisors, and many other things and is pretty much what we have to offer.

I will not make a post over here because you have all the details, Alexiis, and just wanted to say this so that we are taken into account when producing the long-awaited moment. I send all my energy and my light I'm from Centaurus, the Star Nation.


The Grand Union Star Centaurus.

Accepted into the Galactic Federation ago: 1.1 million years ago.

Location: The constellation of Centaurus is located between the constellations of Lupus and Vela. It is best known for its brightest star, the triple star system Alpha Centauri (also known as Rigel Kentaurus). One of its stars is Proximi Ceuntauri triple, which, at 4.3 light years is the closest known the Earth.

Distance From Earth: 4.3 to more than 1,000 light years.

Lifestyle Type: reptoid A humanoid species.

Physical Appearance: The humanoid Centauriano closely resembles humans who are now on earth. The male is very muscular and well proportioned with blonde hair, brown, black or red. The eyes are slightly Asian, or more well rounded, and are brown, black, blue, green or almond color. In males the height range from 1.8 to 2.4 meters. The color of your skin can be either dark brown or a white, slightly tan. The female is also well proportioned but less muscular, and reaches a height of 1.65 to 2.1 meters.

The Centauriano reptoid has a very muscular body, scaly, lizard-like. The color of their skin are either patches of green and blue, or red and green. Hands are narrower than a human and contain six digits ending in a razor-sharp curved claws. The eyes are round and bulging with reptoid vertical slot, and you are a bright red or gold. No tail, but the feet have five long fingers ending in the same curved claw. The female, less than 2.4 meters is slightly higher. Special Features

and Skills: The Centaurianos are known skills by great strategists and directors of the Federation Relations. They are characterized by diverse groups together and sentient beings to achieve their goals in a way by other peaceful and harmonious.

Average Hours of Sleep Needed: 2 to 4 hours .

Language: humanoid language is very guttural as German, but as the Chinese tune. Reptoid language is extremely guttural and full of sounds that are difficult to reproduce by most humans.

Mother Ship and Other Ships: The Centaurianos have two types of vessels visible in the skies of Earth. The first ship is an explorer for all end. It is shaped bell, with a large circular wing as slow, stuck on the bottom. Is about 14 meters in diameter and about 9.1 meters of ture. The second is a command ship, cigar shaped, with a small bump in their midst, and a length of 60 meters.

Fomalhaut - COUNTRY STAR

Alexiis Yes, I am of the Fomalhaut star nation, and I want to clarify by answering the question you've done, how it is possible that in a time when normally you are not lifted, today it , and we turn on a caller yours.

What happens is this: when you're sleeping your light irradiation is - say - to some extent visible, but when you wake up, and it increases and we perceive that you're awake and aware and we can call. Logically you to forgive someone not living in the third dimension know what you're doing right now, whether to call or not, these things are inevitable, so also in this case there is no problem in that you had to wait . Because

good, I recognize that there are circumstances we have to accept in humans without implying a lack of willingness to communicate with us, or whatever.

I know that when you got even my name somewhere on the device you wanted to fix yours because you have written a description of ours, so please use that to do after the report of who talks to you.

Now, I've been like so many others to introduce to mankind, because we will be part of what you call the first contact and as you have been told to you and others, the date is approaching much. I know some of you look forward and others ignore it completely. No matter.

it was important to me now come to introduce to be made to the idea that we are going to come, we will be there and hope to meet face to face a harmonious atmosphere of love and not fight, not that we want to kill, not that we create invaders. We come in love and plan to respond to the call of the Creator to come and help Gaia and humanity that lives on it, and I stress here 'on it' because we are fully in touch with the people of what you call the inner earth . They know us, accept us as we are and no problem.

But you, the surface, unfortunately many do not react so well. I know that you personally are very willing to contact with what you call 'extraterrestrials'. Yes we are aliens in the sense that not live in the world of you, but if not, we are your brothers, all come from the same Creator. We have perhaps a way not equal to yours, is something else. Already

I ask that you include all the details you have about us in this message because you have those details do not need me to be repeating now. What I want to do here is to emphasize that we come in love, we come in peace and come to help. We have many skills which you have not yet, but they will be helpful to face the changes that have to happen. Sorry

Alexiis which has come to you at a time not so normal, but at that I have informed you a channel that is available, as you say, twenty-four hours a day. I see that you are but I had to wait a bit but I calc, no matter, I understand and accept.

Again we come in peace, in love and give help. I'm from Fomalhaut.


The Confederation of Fomalhaut was accepted into the Galactic Federation about three years ago, being a neutral star nation.

Location: The brightest star in the constellation of Piscus Austrinues (southern fish). A Piscus Austrinus is it lies between the constellations of Aquarius and Grus.

Distance from Earth: About 23 light years from Earth.

type Way of Life: Two members . First, a human rebel group of the Pleiades were the Fomalhaut colonized for about 250,000 years ago, which are now in the third and fourth planet from Fomalhaut. Second, a smaller group-reptoid Dinoïd Bellatrix in Orion, which colonized the second planet in the solar system about two hundred thousand years ago. The two parties created the Confederation after a series of very destructive wars that ended about 20,000 years ago.

Physical Appearance: The first variety of Fomalhaut humans closely resembles the so-called type "Nordic" ET's, and usually are blond with blue eyes, hazel or steel gray. Muscle men are about 1.85 meters. The women are plump from a height of 1.68 to 1.83 m. The second type is dark it almost looks tan, with dark hair and brown eyes, gray or black. The same ratio of height and appearance similar to the first type called "Nordic."

Dinoïd-Reptoides Residents of the Confederation are a hybrid originally from the star Bellatrix in Orion. Very scaly and bony. The top of the head is surrounded by a large bony crest. Large red or dull yellow (similar to those of terrestrial reptiles), are large and are located just above and on either side of a very small nose. Thin-lipped mouths that reach from one side of the head to another. The ears are nonexistent: the only sign of them is an extra soft circle of 7.62 cm on each side of the head and just behind the eyes. The skin is scaly like a crocodile and a green, yellow, brown or red. A small bony ridge of material running through the middle of the back and connects with the largest peak in the top of the head.

Being is bipedal. Thin hands with six long fingers into a claw. The feet have five toes ending in small sharp claws. Very small tail, thick like a crocodile, which extends only to the feet. The male is lower than the female. Bellatricianos males in Fomalhaut has a height of 2.44 to 3 meters: the females are of a height of 2.6 to 3.12 meters. Special Features

and Skills: Known for his exploits in all scientific tasks. They now make up a large proportion of staff over the first team sent to Science and Exploration Andromeda (about two million light years from our galaxy). Dream

Average Required: 2 to 6 hours daily.

Language: Human language is lyrical but guttural: Dinoïd-Reptoid language is much more guttural.

Mother Ship and Other Ships: human exploration craft are ovoid, like a drop of water that falls from the faucet. Reach of 28.3 to 26 meters in diameter. The mother ships look like huge cigars as multiple layers and reach a diameter of 3.2 to 1.920 kilometers.

exploration craft Dinoïd-reptilians have a way of huge beetles, about a diameter of 30.5 meters. Mother ships shaped like an amoeba and have a diameter of about 13 to 14.400 km).

Alpha Centauri

I'm from Alpha Centauri . It has gotten out on the universe, that here there are humans who are capable of receiving, able to withstand our human vibration. I do my best, I have said, I have indicated, I have to lower my energy as much as possible so as not to harm you physically. That is not my intention, on the contrary, I am happy that finally this contact can be established as necessary to humanity.

Many of you know that the first contact is very close. The first contact means that we present face to face you. I know, I know they are perfectly aware of it, but there is not much humanity, and humanity is that we have to reach, with combined forces to know that we come to love, to come to light, we come to help in any way whatsoever. We came to help Mother Earth of all the pollution that is, all that know it has to be cleaned, some of you are aware of it. They know that ...

Yes, Alexiis, energy is very strong, I know. But I also know that you are able to endure it. Then hope you do not feel too bad, but these words must be spoken. They must recognize that we come with love to offer help, do not come in war. If we had wanted to invade, as long as we did, but no, we all work in conjunction with the Galactic Federation, the Federation of Light, and basically, everyone, absolutely everyone who can come to do we are under orders and the auspices of the Creator.

The Creator has given the signal for all this to happen, so we are taking to come as a flood, so you are aware, that most of humanity becomes aware, and that part of the humanity that understands and understands this can help others, others who will be in chaos when they see us.

We come to love not usually speak the language of you, so we will not be able to communicate with words, but we hope that through the expression of our eyes, we can make the necessary contacts to get us as we are: we are brothers, all come from the Creator, all come from the One and that is what you want to achieve

I now say that we must all work together, because a large part of why we come to assist many is because we depend on our evolutionary process, that you ascend to the level you have to climb. Otherwise, there is a part of us that is being lame, and we can not allow that, and that way is not correct, the real.

We are all perfection, the perfection that is becoming more aware that it is, and you have to do that. Not only individually, but in the group comprising in itself the conscience of mankind. This is what I wanted to add to what was just showing through Alexiis, that is useless to stand in a space where they feel separated from the rest because there is no separation, that's illusion.

clip_image002 Now, what we are doing so many things that we came here, led by the Creator, in this demonstration is to remind you that this separation does not exist, never existed, and in fact you have to do is be aware of this unit.

We are not going to talk directly with you, we will do through our presence, the look in our eyes, and for those who already are enabling and opening as in this case through universal communication is telepathy, communication without the spoken word. Therefore it does not matter where it comes from or the beings they are, everyone can communicate in the only language which is what sustains all this creation, and that is the language of love.

I come from Alpha Centauri.

constellation Centaurus

Alpha Centauri or Alpha Centauri is the brightest star in the constellation Centaurus and the one that looks across the sky after Sirius and Canopus. However, not visible from European latitudes because it shines in the southern sky.

Observed through a telescope, which at first glance looks like a single star is revealed as a system consisting of three suns rotating around a common center of gravity.

What is very interesting to Alpha Centauri system (Centauri) is representing the group of stars closest to us: just over 4 light years.

And as the moon was the first goal of human exploration within the solar system is expected to Alpha Centauri (Centauri) will become, within a century or two, the first goal of stellar exploration.

A three suns of Alpha Centauri, have been identified with the letters A, B and C. A is a yellow star (spectral Category G2), very similar to our Sun, not only by color but also in terms of mass, size and brightness. For this reason we think you are surrounded by planets of terrestrial type. B is a blue star (K1), smaller, cooler and less luminous.


Alexiis Hello, my name is Manyu, come from a very distant star system and planet Earth like so many others who belong to the Galactic Federation, we come to establish contact with humans first well in spoken form for presentation after a visible face to face.

We come to help a little in what would, in your language you call it 'human relations', but I would say that not only human relations but are relations of humans to all other realms, including the realms it go beyond its planet in your galaxy, which extends to the whole cosmos.

The awareness that there are plenty of planets or suns or whatever, that contain intelligent life of love, joy, all from the Creator.

Now we are contacting you go little by little, more and more, it is imperative that you understand you are not alone in the universe, there are many beings who have other forms, other - say - other languages, yes, but we have the ability to convey our vibrations that you become words.

course in

time when we meet face to face, depends on the ability of each to receive our greeting, which will not be easy, because you still have not exercised in what is telepathy, but yet I am confident that through the eyes, eye, may account for our love and that's the main thing, because love is going to be understandable to everyone.

love to radiate the light that you radiate and radiate, is going to merge, we're going to make one, what is the goal of the whole universe.

Many planetary systems are currently going through similar things, although we know that what you call Planet Earth is unique and therefore is paying much attention, is receiving much support from so many different sides.

To us the Galactic Federation has invited us to participate in this work almost monstrous we would say, to combine and unite efforts to achieve the goal of the ascent of you to the fifth dimension. To do these initial contacts are needed, you are required to increasingly realize that we exist, that you are not the only living beings, intelligent, thinking that exist in the universe. We exist, then become aware of it, looking for a bit, have a lot of literature and on this, but beware, there is much literature also makes us appear as evil beings, as individuals who want to harm them.

is not so. If we work together with the Galactic Federation, you can be sure that the only thing that drives us is love, light, peace and the desire to join together and form the One

This is my brief message today I'm MANJU.

ASTARTE - the reptilian

Alexiis Yes, I am Astarte. The Reptilian .. Glad you remembered me, but you see as your partner has received a message from a being could be called alien or whatever name you want to give, no matter, here I am again also to encourage them to get used to the idea that we'll get to your planet at the right time and decided by the Galactic Federation to help, but we can only make this helps if you are able to receive us with open hearts.

You know perfectly well that my appearance has nothing to do with the human aspect, and that once you have even searched and put in your post as close as you found a picture of me. I'm not as is, but no matter, I served for humans to adapt at the idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent forms of life that exist outside the planet Earth, but life forms that are like you original plan, we are part of the Creator, we are aware, we issued light and love just as you have to do, the only thing that varies is our appearance.

But yourself on your planet, if they are to its fauna and flora are many other forms of life that would impress them coming from distant galaxies that our way is not yours.

are approaching the moment of encounter. For a while we have been saying that we have been programming and working on it, but now again there is what is called the intent that soon. I will not give dates because the dates given to mankind then not be met, the only thing they produce is frustration, confusion and in some cases even induce them to stop work light.

We are not lying, our messages are not based on falsehood and lies, we're real, as real as you are, but you have to start seeing that there is another reality beyond what you perceive as reality. There are many, many other forms of life, many other forms and shapes of human beings who all work for the same purpose.

important thing is that each of you try to find inside the spark of divine light that makes sense we are brothers and sisters, we are not something we have to fear or what must be appalled.

That is important. It is important that each of you will take the trouble to think that if you are an animal of your fauna you, unless you want to be a lion attack by something, do not get scared. They know it's another way of life, know that is another form of creation, but all with the same goal, all with the same purpose. To help Mother Earth in elevation, in contrast, all that.

We have great cosmic engineers are helping Mother Earth does not have to convulse into form which had been feared. We are helping to liberate the energies of which has to be released, many of which unfortunately have been produced by mankind, but I do not come here not to judge or to condemn.

You have done a remarkable journey for which at the time, eons ago, have been offered. Which at times have the wrong path and had to be, had to go through that experience and we also had, because we learned by watching you what you should do and what you should not do. So in a sense you too have been teachers for us. You have given us the opportunity to see how it is necessary, so that learning is mutual.

All of us who come from distant points of the universe, we come with the same purpose. Now, to help. I will not deny that unfortunately there was a time when some outside Earth, came to earth and made him a disservice, all that we recognize. We also can make mistakes, but those who implemented these negativities have already repented and are back on the path of light, as many of you know.

Now let's come in greater numbers with our message, our message, so to speak, to make them aware that there is intelligent life full of love outside the confines of our planet, which is ready to come forward and help. Ojala

hasten the time when we can come face to face and look in his eyes reflected the love we feel and not a terror to our appearance.

Go within, analyze this, study it, aware that love is the foundation of the universe, the whole cosmos. The Creator is pure love and light and all of us come from there.

This is my greeting this afternoon, this is my reminder. Thanks

Alexiis, for having given back to my message. I'm ASTARTE, the Reptilian.


Alexiis Yes, my name is IMLAUIN, you're right, it's like to be your friend who has channeled Light, but I'm not the same, I am someone from the constellation Andromeda Like so many other star beings have come to stand for that you become aware of them, take this moment to do so.

Obviously I have given your name Alexiis, as a channel that is willing to come in contact with you call aliens. That is why I said this morning and of course by not ever lived on the planet and do not know very much of what life is like in the third dimension, I have not heard assess that at that time you could meet me and talk to you.

I apologize and of course there is no me angry because it could not perform the communication. I've now served quickly and well, is something we also have to learn.

All of us, the star beings who come to help our brothers and sisters on earth, we must learn from you. There are many things we know and that you are normal and something that we obviously can not appreciate is how difficult is the situation of people like you, who actually live in two dimensions.

Yes, of course I know well that every soul lives in many dimensions at once, but as you and other channels are not channels, but live consciously in two dimensions, there is the hard part. That is the hard part to get on that difference. We honor and admire them for it, we do not have to go through that test and so within a relatively short time we will be face to face, learning from each other, helping each other.

Maybe I can ask what human beings on earth to help us? There are many things, there are many things you have, especially with regard to the part - how could we call it? - To the emotional, sentimental, that we do not have well developed or perhaps we have more developed, but in a global, total, not as separate as you.

So that is not important, what matters is that when you make the first contact for peace and harmony between us, between you and us, and vice versa.

is why today I happened to come with this brief message to say hello, through you, to all humans, from our home that is Andromeda. I send all my light and soon the whole our help, I'm IMLAUIN.

Fomalhaut star nation

Yes, Alexiis, I realize that is not a suitable time for you, but honestly I'm a little disappointed because I came the other day to demonstrate and have just received your message grabadorcito and then it was not recorded. At that point you decided you were going to rebuild because they know perfectly well if we invoke to be transcribing a message, something you do not remember, we are there to help the message go well, but that was forgotten.

So now I try again, because what I meant, first of all I introduce myself, I am of the Fomalhaut Star Nation. I've come to introduce myself to you earlier, but I come to remind you again that now, we will participate actively in contact with you to help mankind, we have submitted all, each of the star nations, or at least a large part, but this is being forgotten.

Your life, I admit, is very busy, there are many events, but none of them leads to the awareness that we exist. True, I have to admit that there is a little more material floating around, talking about what you call aliens, but very little. It is very little to get to wake up humanity to the realization of who we are.

is true, I do not think that message at night, because at the wrong time for the channel, is so shocking as to shake you from the inertia which are, to begin to realize. I really do not know what steps to take to this awareness, decide what the Creator created the appropriate time we introduce ourselves and we will have to take the risk that many of you are going to reject, to run the risk they want to kill us and so forth.

is very unfortunate that most of humanity does not want to be aware that there are brothers, even without the same physical shape than you, but also are children of the Creator, we come to love, come in aid plan, do not come to harm. If we had wanted to dominate and hurt them, and what we could have done eons ago.

Yes, yes, in your story was recorded that there were alien influence he did enough harm to humanity, it is true, I will not deny, but all this group has been removed from the planet and have now come to light and are helping, but they are not going to be present at the first contact.

Those are the ones we will be based really come to love. Try to imagine you a bit, we come from very distant constellations. We have gone from our homes, our natural environment and are circling the planet with our ships. We do because we enjoy it, or because they cause us grace, we do because we are there waiting to help concretely.

To see if you can get that side to take a little awareness. Actually we come in for help because there are many things we can remedy by our techniques, and you with your current evolutionary state are not able to do so, and there are many things still in the Mother Earth that need fixing, designed for GAIA future elevation.

Alexiis Sorry it has returned and has been at this time to pass this message. It is very difficult for us, we do not have time or space as you have, evaluate the moments are not quite right. I know there are readers of yours who will consider this as a total abuse, it is not, at any time we're going to jeopardize your health or your physical state, but it is also true that sometimes these are the night hours produce a clearer reception, because although it costs you a little, but you've delayed a bit, but you are a high vibrational level, which many times during the day do not get soar.

Now you know you will not be interrupted by anything else, there will be no ringing, no telephone, or any of these devices. Now your mind is able to rise to the vibrations necessary to greet, congratulate you have that kind of elevation. We know perfectly well that there are not many humans who are able, you do what you are, right from the start you have shown, say, due to work with your whale, which must be in seventh dimension and higher.

know you've been developing this ability to reach even higher levels as you are doing now, so sorry dear sister, I will not ask you to stay now raised to transcribe it, but to tomorrow I gonna do, I know.

I send all my love, and again I beg you to think a little, try to analyze, understand that they are not alone in this immense space, we are many, many more than you can imagine and all, even the most distant parts of the universe, at this time the eyes are on Mother Earth, because all we all have an origin and a common source is the Creator and all, at the request of the Creator, we come and stand ready to help .

This is the message I send. I go back all my love and my gratitude Alexiis you, I am of the Nation Star Fomalhaut.


Alexiis Yes, I am a PEGASIANO, belong to one of the stellar systems Kirael Master Guide mentioned.

I know you've been broadcasting all the details of the other star systems that belong to the Galactic Federation and I think we just need to introduce us and I am one of them.

I belong to the PEGASUS system as you already know the details above, which I ask that you add to this post, but it is important to us, we also considered.

We have advanced many other star systems, but not important, what matters is that you become aware of our existence and this is what I come to ask tonight, taking advantage of the Master's message Kirael.

I send to my brothers and sisters all my light, I am a PEGASIANO.


Name: Pegasus Star Nation

Accepted into the Galactic Federation: 3.78 million made years ago (originally was a series of particular colonies founded by the Sirian Governing Council some 4 million years ago.

Location: The constellation of Pegasus is a vast conglomerate of more than 1,000 stars, located between the constellations of Cygnus and Aquarius.

Distance from Earth: Between 200 to 3,000 years light.

Lifestyle Type: There are three major types of human located in this star league. The first type strongly resembles the Sirian human in height and appearance and is divided into the same types of skin color, or white and blue. The second type is a thinner man with a red or orange skin. The final type of hybrid formation between Dinoïd and second humanoid race.

Physical Appearance: The first type resembles the original settler of Sirius B humanoid: the men vary from perfectly formed muscular physique infant bodies, and are 1.98 to 2.24 meters) tall, with blonde hair to light brown blue eyes green. Women are extremely voluptuous in appearance and are 1.88 meters to 2.03 meters. They have an extremely skin and white or slightly blue.

The second humanoid type slightly resembles the first in height and / or body types, except for two major differences. First, the skin, as well as the hair is either a light red or dark orange. Second, the eyes are appear more feline and the iris is either red or blue. This group was originally one of the most distant stars in the constellation Lyra.

The hybrid third type has a scaly skin type eyes more pronounced in a feline, that are either red, brown or yellow. The body, legs, neck and arms are more muscular than a human and have a lot of bumps along venous type. Each hand and foot ends in four thin fingers or toes, with a small claw at the end. Males are at a height of 2.13 to 2.44 meters, while females are from 2.08 to 2.31 meters.

Special Features and Skills: beings from Pegasus are known for their skills as innovators, scientists and diplomats.

Average Amount of Sleep Required: an hour and a half to three hours, depending on the species.

Language: There are two types of spoken language. One is slightly toned and harmonic sound, while the other is more guttural and hoarse.

Mother Ship and Other Ships: There are three types of ships operating in or near Earth. The first type of defense is a ship that resembles a rounded equilateral triangle. Each of its sides is approximately 2.56 meters long. The second type is a research ship that is oblong in shape with an average diameter of about 25.9 meters. The third ship is an atmospheric command ship dual lens, which is approximately 402 meters long.

sincerely hope no one forgot me, but even if it were the case, we know that we have the assistance of many things to get our beloved GAIA can finally achieve their ascension, with many of us, humans, accompanied.

'll post this message on every blog, given its importance.

Love, Alexiis.


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