Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chicken Has White Stool


Last September, when I arrived at the residence where I live for the second year running, dress, including giant suitcases, bags and boxes brimming full of useless things, a series of pictures to put on the wall, why not get out of the topics Room university. However, I never got to them, not for anything special, just as I was leaving for another day, as they do many times. Today I remembered them, and a nostalgic impulse I began to look at them. Chronologically, the first are small and old, and appears a couple, looking in detail, they look pretty to me. Somewhat shy but smiling accomplices at a time, but most interesting is the ease in them. Advancing guess about twenty years later, also shows a smiling blond girl, but a more forced, yet it is still a real smile of happiness of teeth, along with other faces more teens where they already see me clearly. Finally, the other phase are much more recent photographs, have two or three years, some are soaked in alcohol, other assumptions reflect some important events, and the few good friends, where people go I can not see as much as I like.
describe this, because there is a factor that surprises me. A few decades ago, most of the photos, except for a small group of artists of photography in which I will not go now, nor do I have a great knowledge about it frankly became looking directly at the target, with a clear and obvious posturing family photo. And yet, my parents in those forgotten photos, despite starting doing exactly that, it seems to me is looking at me instead of the camera. There is much more expressive in them, which is in the latest pictures of me made spontaneously, which is often on people who supposedly does not notice that they are photographing. And in my self as a child, perhaps because it was just that, it seems that I tell someone how happy I am that this in front of me instead of just looking at the camera.


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