Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Find Game With Cydia


Channeled by Sorema

February 3, 2011

http:// /

So, the ringing in your ears is a sign for you to receive our communication , and that in turn is the pass to all who wish to consider on their behalf. Here we are, the higher selves together again, to give you some information may be useful to those who want to consider it, and that it may be favorable in the need for openness of consciousness.

This opportunity may be those who are waking up and striving for progress, is available to only want to connect to your Higher Self, and what we want is that from then remove each one by itself, all the wisdom it already has for its many lives of experiences.

And for those who choose to apply in its progress, will have the help they need by themselves and with others you can offer them, until they needed any outside help, and connect with their divinity perfectly for this, but always it is good to help each other in everything possible.

This is how all going to share the wisdom that you already have available each and arranged for himself and to help others, and this share with each other, is how you will feel this unit are all in itself, coming to feel the need every brother who is requesting such assistance.

do not need a school like that you know now in your social teaching, the system must be completely free and available for each individual for himself, it would be to force anyone, but only offered to those who ask or get some help something specific, do not believe there is much to teach each other, because everything you have in and just have to remember.

We, your Higher Selves, we are united to all teachers and beings of light for a constant help to awaken and help you remember your own wisdom, making it the straightest and safe way for your Higher Self of each, is waiting to hear him all the time necessary constantly because he is the best I can give you all the wisdom that you need at all times.

Each has its own wisdom necessary to remember, and this can be very different from the one you need another being in his way, because it is not very compatible with each other communication that each receives, unless it is very clear that they are for everyone, such as a concrete pipe or other receipt.

We, your Higher Selves, we are taking more and more available to the physical bodies of each, and have more in mind the need of the whole, without neglecting the individual of each by himself, with his own Higher Self in particular need.

But right now, it's important to drive with all our souls, since the levels out of time, and then take the fitness plans that we have agreed together in unity for the creation, where we all sit with same intensity alike with the force needed to create the same physically all together.

is how we all Higher Selves and teachers work closely together on this side of the veil, to establish the full and united force in one direction, all with the same sense of creating the very reality of Love, the highest good now required for all on the physical side, with the same action as a whole, of everything that is taking action every day without interruption.

This is what you are all feeling and communicating with each other constantly, in all the ways that you can, you receive from your Higher Self and all the ascended masters of this hand, we are united in the same building to achieve the ascension of Gaia and humanity.

now is how many pipes are all in very different ways of receiving what is happening, and although each is translated in their own way, we are all feeling the same thing together, so we want to say that maybe the even words are different, but the feeling of Love is for everyone and for everyone equally.

The Pipes can have differences and even some confusion with so many at once, but rather is to open channels to open as many as possible, rather than to the perfection of what is received, and they may not truthfully match words but the feeling of love as I say, if the same of all who are practicing the pipeline.

And that's the most important, it will become increasingly full of what channel they are practicing all the time, to take security in their perceptions and helping others with the potential being developed for the common good , although now is not too perfect, as we will become better for all who are trying with all his love

This wave of new energy that you are getting high today, amid three years of Triad of the Trinity, 2010-2011-2012, you are taking advantage of all the ways, and many, initially with the practice of channeling, which like everything starts, is not perfect, but its continued dedication necessary to achieve strong and using the open-heart pioneer service.

This we say, with all our intention that each Higher're hoping your own choice for constant communication with your Higher Self, and so we will be helping all those who choose to channel, not to provide the world with perfect pipes in content, but to open the telepathic channels, which are necessary for the gradual process of ascension of all humanity, each in its own rhythm, and After all helping each other.

This aid of each other, all is not perfect, but it is best received as stimuli each, because if you can see, the other is encouraged to try it, without fear that it is not right, but to get to practice each with determination and confidence.

I say and repeat, that we are all helping all Higher Selves together all that you may have the same feeling of love received, but then everyone can translate their own way, but never mind for now, practice is more important the good performance in the pipelines.

With perseverance and good intentions, in constant communication with your Higher Self, you are getting that little step so important in the rise of all united in sense of experience both as this is the hardest thing that I do them all at once to unite your strength and potential creation. Everything is perfect

my brethren, though apparently not think so, if compared beginners pipelines that already have the contracts of other lives and achieved much more preparation for that purpose, so, Do not take this so seriously and see what it is, just channeling experiences, which in turn are also necessary for the benefit of all.

We constantly with you ... your Higher Selves together.


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