Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Free Letters To Use For Pastor Anniversary


Alexiis, March 3, 2011

As many of my posts I mentioned that I am a Past Life Therapist, and somehow I have referred to these facts, I think I need to comment on a little of what is involved here.

Past Life Therapy, hereinafter DVT, is a therapy of the soul, because our pain is in the soul and the soul is what you need to heal.

Through regression, clarified that do not work with hypnotism, but with deep relaxation, what I do is bring awareness that moment, that emotion is reviving our soul without us knowing it. In doing so aware, we can relive the original position and allow those emotions to find out through our body, experiencing feelings sensory organ, or maybe, just crying.

DVT is a therapy of the soul, healing the spirit. If we consider only the present life of each one, if for a moment I will review the present life, will surely find plenty of experiences that profoundly influenced the human. Some spanking in childhood, the death of a loved one, perhaps the separation from parents at an early age, perhaps the removal of any of them, a traumatic experience at school, a history of shame in public, or thwarted love a betrayal of love, a political grief, and so can continue to infinity.

One of these experiences is enough to constrain the behavior of a person for life. In the life of a child there are dozens experiences that mark us and that go unnoticed for parents and even to himself, because we rehearsed defense mechanisms to adapt to each traumatic event.

What is trauma? It's just the memory of an event associated with an emotional charge. Over time the act itself becomes less important, is forgotten, but the emotional charge remains intact in our subconscious and from there proceed to determine our behavior, our lifestyle and our response to similar situations. The more we deny an emotion, the more you repress and bury deep in our subconscious memory, the more force takes over our lives. All this can happen as only with an incident in our lives today.

Now it happens that throughout our evolution, our soul has gone through thousands of stocks. In each there was plenty of traumatic experiences. Hundreds of violent deaths, from being devoured by a prehistoric animal, the skull crushed by the club of a primitive warrior, burned by the Inquisition, perhaps guillotined during the French Revolution, perhaps buried alive in a mine collapse, drowned in a shipwreck or suffocated in a gas chamber.

One of these experiences is enough to generate phobia, chronic headache pain, fear of public speaking, to express religious belief or a fearful and defensive behavior or, conversely, aggressive and violent responses to any opposition. In addition, these situations are repeated over several lives and in each reinforcing closer and closer.

Other times, death was natural and calm, but as in our present life, there were thousands of incidents recorded by fire our spirit, such as slavery at the hands of other more powerful nations, religious persecution, torture , impotence in the face of a disaster, betrayal, lies, infidelity, guilt, abuse of power, abandonment, castration, rejection, and thousands of situations that do not necessarily ended with death, but where psychic pain was more intense than the physical.

Throughout these stocks, life after life, our soul is evolving, learning, but at the same time was recorded each of these pains, each of the emotions generated by traumatic or significant events.

Thus, from the unconscious memory originate our fears, our beliefs, our standards of conduct, our aversion or attraction to certain people or places or just a melody or a meal. In every situation of daily life respond according to these forces of the subconscious. Hindu sages, long ago these forces identified two Sanskrit words: "saṁskāra" and "vasanas" past impressions and latent tendencies respectively.

These impressions and trends are remnants of past experiences that were seared into our souls and from there, determine the life most of us. Why DVT is a soul therapy, because our pains are in the soul and the soul is what you need to heal.

should remember that the Greeks called "psyche" of the soul, from where there psyche and psychology. Therefore when we talk about the study of the psyche we are talking about the study of diseases of the soul.

By means of DVT, we can go to the source of these pains. We can go to the place and moment where these forces are generated deep emotional. We find, identify and release now, at this very moment, this trapped energy, latent, that is influencing our lives. But not enough to remember. To release that energy is necessary to experience the fact that caused that emotion. Therefore, the TVP is fundamentally experiential and involves putting the body and feel strongly that those emotions are beating in my soul. Through regression relive what happened last fifty, five hundred thousand or millions of years.

time for the soul does not exist, everything is there, at the same time. We can remember events of our present life instantly, without a chronological sequence. Also episodes of our early childhood and immediately something happened last week. Similarly, all lives are recorded and the experiences lived. We are living many lives at once.

face every situation, every emotion, our soul is reviving the situation he experienced for the first or last time that emotion. React in the present, not according to what is happening, but according to what our soul is revived. Through regression we bring to consciousness that moment, that emotion revives our soul without us knowing it.

In doing so aware, we relive the original situation and allow that emotion to find out through our body, body sensations and sensory experience, or maybe, just crying. The body, the conscious sensation, acts as a drain of the soul, cleansing, purifying, finally releasing these energies entrenched. And the relief is instantaneous results.

Occurs insight (insight), lighting. Suddenly understanding arises in the mind, "now I understand why such a thing and such other." The next day, or next week, the same situation that generated anxiety or fear me, now I see with new eyes, respond differently, perhaps not even realize that I missed something, because that was repressed emotion is gone and my response mechanism is structured differently even without me having to think. I act freely and spontaneously. Now I can see the situation as it is and not as I thought it was.

sincerely hope that this report is useful for many, because for me personally, my life has been immensely important.

Love, Alexiis


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