Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why Does Music Suck Nowadays

Background Library ITEM

S or high
And to come down (with a cough drop?)
And do you know why we where spinning?
I scream And my nose bleeds

passed things, many things that were loaded concepts of those who had me before coming here. Of those on which I thought in the car when going to school.

Party crashin 'In the evening

And maybe they're right and we have become all a little crazy. From time to repeat the phrases.

To die on your way to the soiree
It's the only way I'll get around!

The lightning bolt of pain, it stays. I feel it all the time

No, do not think much of what we do, I will be.

And heaven Was a work in vain
Before Were you born ... Did it hurt? Feeling so broken

When I'm drinking ...
Leaking Problems That

I think the music's to fast
'Cause my legs severed Passed out on the living room couch

Remember down the slopes? Of course, it was much better than getting the Gran Via
When you arrived at Corte Ingles know you were half way.

So That You're not dead, and it's not What You Expected ... it's a drag.

To live again with your friends and living skin, well it's a lonely dream I'll never Have


The lightning bolt of pain, it stays. I feel it all the time
And Heaven Was a work in vain
Before You Were Born ... Did it hurt?

a while, in the next 10 years.

Stay in the moment you're in.


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