Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tyagi Public School Near Metro Station

Twelve explanation.

He said he had to learn to speak of that sphere weighing his words before uttering a single, which should fall slowly and in early autumn after many years surrounded by beige. He also said that one day they would love to ache and then his life would be meaningless, would then have the wisdom to appreciate it and then reject it, or deliver it in the foundations of a difficult future with a fifty percent chance of failure, statistical and mathematical experience, calculated and zero defects. He said there would come a time that would step the product of their efforts, without negative connotations, but literally, and be proud of the fruits of their choices. They said it would solve two mysteries that would make it crucial to die with the feeling of a job well done and fulfilled life. He said that more and travel to the ends of the world if he wanted, that marvel of glass palaces and endless seas and could appreciate their knowledge and understanding achieved. They told him what he considered good music disappear to make way for scratchy sounds and light bulbs. He said the nights would be napping, friends, cycling clothes, mothers daughters, the sacrifices pure routine.
And left the world in two, like few before, as many now, as perhaps the most one day.


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