Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Find Volume Of Dishend


means that the photon belt? Why I have not heard anything about this before?

Photon Belt was first discovered when the famous British astronomer Edmund Halley began a series of studies of the Pleiades (known in Peru as: The Seven Sisters) in the early eighteenth century. Halley is known for his discovery of Comet Halley, which seemed to demonstrate the laws Newtonian planetary motion. Halley discovered that at least 3 of the stars of the Pleiades group were not recorded in the same positions in biblical times by several Greek astronomers. The difference in position was already so great in times of Halley was impossible to say who was wrong, the Greeks or Halley. It therefore concluded that the Pleiades have a predictable movement. A century later proved the validity of their observations with the observations made by Frederich Wilhelm Beseel. Who discovered that all the stars in the Pleiades have a proper motion of approximately 5.5 seconds of arc per century.


The PleyadesPaul Otto Hesse (Siglo XIX) also studied the Pleiades and discovered that in a perfect angle (90 degrees) with the movement of the Pleiades BELT LIGHT was a ring-shaped or "donut", similar in formation to the rings of Saturn, with a thickness of 2,000 solar years or 759.864 billion miles.

The planet Earth is completing a cycle of 24.000 to 26.000 years to find this belt. Hesse, Nobel Prize in Science provides that our planetary system is part of the seventh orbit suns system belonging to the Pleiades, and are not over the six suns orbiting Alcyone, but many more, and our solar system rotates in the seventh orbit of the system.

After many years of direct observation and photography, it was discovered that at least six visible stars, seven including the very Alcyone, form a physical system that is not covered in stars with movement and life independent, but obey a gravitational center, which spin like our planets around our Sun Central.


Because the Earth will enter the PHOTONIC BELT, astrologers, scientists and historians believe and think that the next millennium will usher in a new era for mankind. To the astrologers of the Earth, this new era is the era of Aquarius, a time of vast changes in science, technology and consciousness. For scientists and historians, is a time of great difficulty, that their social and political structures may not be able to handle, however, seems to be the prelude of a marvel or upon termination Site. There remains the question. What role does the nearby PHOTONIC BELT now.

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The belt can be divided into three sections: first go into what is called the Null Zone. It takes about 5 or 6 days, including 72 hours or so of total darkness (3 days of darkness), then move on to the Main Belt itself and experience a permanent daylight (24 hours a day). This trip usually takes about 2,000 years (Dramatic Prophesies of the Great Pyramid) and ends when the solar system out the other side of the Belt, crossing the other Null Zone for a further period of 5 or 6 days. BUBBLE

RESCUE Interdimensional

However, in this cycle, the Supreme Creative Force (God) has established that the solar system enters a dimensional Inter Rescue Bubble that will launch outside the PHOTON BELT through the fifth dimension and take office about 3 light years from the Sirius Star System. (At present Sirius is approximately at 8.3 light years from Earth.) This bubble will be reached around the years from 2.012 to 2.013. When the Earth's orbit is fully in inside the BELT.

Around the photon belt is a huge barrier called the Null Zone contains a region of incredible energy compression. It is a place where magnetic fields are so tightly intertwined that it is impossible for any tri dimensional magnetic field pass through without being altered. This fact means that the magnetic field of the Earth and the Sun must be transformed into a new type of interdimensional magnetism. Therefore, you should expect a change in electric fields, magnetic and gravity of the Earth, such change is happening now.

In recent decades, the magnetic field of land has been declining gradually to near zero. Many humans have used this phenomenon to prove that there will be a noticeable change in the Earth's polarity end of the century. However, this Council and its Syrian scientists can assure you it will be just changing polarity. Change is in the Earth's magnetic field, a side effect of pressure on your solar system by the Photon Belt.

When the Photon Belt is fully revealed, will not allow any electrical work. This means that no batteries or batteries, nothing electronic will operate when the Earth is within Belt. You require a new form of energy-photon-to power their electric past, soon to be altered.
Another significant development is expected to occur as you approach the null zone is increased pressure on the planet's atmosphere and surface. This aspect is also beginning to be felt in the increase of seismic activity worldwide. Since 1960, the Earth has been registered and entered a period in which the seismic activities around the world have increased. RADICAL CHANGES

The same applies in relation to the volcanism. There was also a change dramatic in the planet's weather patterns which increase the pressure on traditional water cycle. Consequently, droughts in California, the Sub Saharan Africa (the Sahal), India South Central and northeast of Chile are examples of strong winds and the internal currents of the oceans have been altered by this event.

addition, the breakdown of the ozone layer in the late seventies and early eighties marks another critical change created in part by the Photon Belt as it approached. Much more important is the effect of the next event on the sunspot cycle and its profound effects on the solar system, even on temperatures total surface of the Sun

Let us now look at the sun and see what he's been happening. In 1987 and 1988, the Syrians changed the polarity of the subtle bodies of the Sun so that the Photon Belt would not adversely affect the solar system. First they changed the polarity of the solar bodies subtle realigning with new networks being created by "The Lords of Time" (God Force Supervisor which is responsible for the continuous creation of this physical universe). This will allow the Earth a safe entry into the Photon Belt. Second, the Galactic Federation scientists varied the timing the sunspot cycle to facilitate the sun suits this new alignment of subtle bodies. In an effort to create harmony solar, they created a new type of Sun The new Sun responded with an increase in the activities of the solar flares and a general stellar cooling. By achieving this action, the pressure on their vast solar system have been eliminated.

There were two reasons why the sun was safely within the limits and possession so he could go directly to the Photon Belt. First, the belt is an interdimensional event that requires the sun to penetrate in a position of approximate phase (the Sun must be in a relatively low activity and should be able to easily adapt to rapid changes involves entering the Belt). Second, the Earth must be supervised and must be implemented procedures that align the energy bodies of the inter-dimensional world, the rapid degree of change that will take place immediately before entering the belt, through the use of an inter dimensional hologram .

Without this change, the sun would have been destroyed by the null zone of the Photon Belt and Earth would have been vaporized. Therefore as we approach the entrance to the Earth in the belt, you may feel reassured by the fact that the Sun has been changed significantly and is now able to enter successfully into the Belt. This coating interdimensional light was placed around his sun to properly align the Solar System with this new event (the belt) and also to use the hologram to successfully regulate the entry of the Earth in the Belt.
The hologram is then used to move your solar system to the new position close to the star of our system (Syrian). Consequently, we had to adjust the input fields of the Sun enlarging the hologram of the planet so that includes the Sun and the Solar System. This adjustment would allow a safe entry into the Photon Belt as well to his new position in this galaxy.

These procedures were achieved by two important processes. First, we changed the polarity of the Second Sun, the Galactic Federation has placed several atmospheric research craft and equipment tracking personal preparations, who integrated their activities with the actions of inter dimensional hologram of the Earth. Its sole purpose is to monitor the hole in the ozone layer and make sure it does not become intolerable for life on their planet. In addition, these ships and their crews are able to monitor and correct seismic activities that are occurring now as your planet and solar system is approaching and entering the Photon Belt null zone.

What may seem to you a loss is really a benefit that will enable photonic energy fields are altered sub-atomic level and will become the basic energy source of the Solar System. Since all atoms and molecules change, humans will have changes in their nature. You are going to become something completely different, better, so exciting in relation to what they are today.


You enter the null zone and begin the process of transformation. Not only are in the dark but because none of their electrical work. When the pumps stop operating and the water tanks are empty, water will not run and toilets will not work. Cars can not be fired. Were in a whole new world. Despite these incredible difficulties, something has happened in their bodies, something wonderful.



When this happens the collapse of the electric and magnetic fields on the planet, will undergo a major change in darkness as we approach the area; suddenly the level of darkness will replaced by total darkness, disappearing sun and stars, due to compression of the null zone exerted on sunlight and starlight.
As you start accepting the shock produced by the darkness, see the malfunction of electrical equipment, batteries, cars, etc.. It will also introduce a change to all the atoms in the Earth. The atoms of his body, will be modified to form a semi etheric body and the veil of consciousness around you will be removed.
human will now be living in the reality of galactic light, with extrasensory powers of physical and should have had from the moment that humans first came out of the constellation of Lyra to disseminate their knowledge and protection throughout this galaxy. Have begun the process of "coming home" to the fifth dimension.


becomes denser ... ...

When the atmosphere begins to compress, around the second day, experience the sensation of being compacted by the pressures of the null zone in Earth's gravitational field and feel dull, however, this numbness will last only about two days. As your atmosphere is compressed and all materials become denser, the great danger will be posed by nuclear materials since there is a possibility of initiating chain reactions or huge and deadly radioactive explosions of fusible elements. This compression of nuclear energy could cause massive firestorms in addition to explosions around the planet.
Therefore, to avoid this risk, the Federation will allow special landing craft and technical personnel so that these potential nuclear dangers can be eliminated.


The next change will be felt, will the cold caused by the complete absence of the Sun (The low temperature will be deep, as the cold type of an Ice Age). This occurs because the Sun will be undergoing a change in its interdimensional polarity, which prevent its heat from reaching the Earth's surface.


However around the third day, you will begin to see a bright dawn as surrounding your planet. At that time will have the beginnings of the "Photon effect." This effect is very important because it will give them a new source of energy. This new source of energy also will enable them to end their dependence on fossil fuels.

alternative will also allow special trips as photonics technology is the power system for all spacecraft used by the Galactic Federation, is the technology that is used for all human functioning and tasks. Around the third and fourth day, have reached the moment of his introduction to the photon energy, albeit slight.






compressed atmospheric




STARTS Photonic Effect





all living things is Reenergize


"Ice Age"



psychic and telepathic abilities


humanity will Invigorate

... As on so fast, the end of the fourth day, the weather begins to warm and bright light return. Photon effect that began towards the end of the third day is now in its fullness. Teams can now use photon energy. All living things will be invigorated by the photons that emerge from the Main Belt, have entered a new era with a new body.

will be ready for the next phase in which their extrasensory abilities will be enhanced by the effect Photon.

this photon energy not only their bodies provide maximum efficiency in energy use but also be used to provide homes and industries. Enter into the Age of the Photon. At this time, space travel will have become something quite simple and is the preferred means of transport.

Once you start living in the Photon Belt will be in a fully developed space age. With the strength provided by the photon energy, the stars and other planets will soon seem to be as close as a walk across the city. With this new energy will be so easy to travel to Sirius or any other nearby star and is now traveling from California to New York.

addition, we now have among you those who have long called "aliens" who are his older brothers, their guides and directors during this transitional period.

the return of your space family, will mark a major shift in the spatial relationship of the Earth to the Universe. Time lords who control the entrance into the Photon Belt will make your planet a change both in consciousness and in physical relationship.


The change from a three-dimensional world, especially one of fifth dimension is a great gift, thanks to this change, you will be spending the control of the Pleiades to be under the influence of Sirius. This reality means that the fifth dimension will be closer to Sirius, which can adopt the culture-Syrian Lira and under the protection of Sirius as they were in the times of Lemuria 25.000 years ago.


As we reflect on the true story of the land, they will learn from the Galactic Federation, and use this new spatial relationship which gives them access to the fifth dimension.

Therefore, his company is approaching an almost indescribable Golden Age has been foretold by the prophecies of various religions in the past 2,000 years.

This next Golden Age is one in which all humans on earth, will have the opportunity to become everything that has the potential to be.

Photon Belt mark the approaching end of civilization, in the terms that you know it. Furthermore, with the arrival of the belt, the period of 10.000 years of limited consciousness with a hierarchical government control negative (which has existed since the end of Atlantis) and will conclude in the final phase of a global civilization of the Age of Pisces , to take them to really wonderful time.

These new times which are wonderful for you to about to enter, will allow them to develop their full conscious potential. This fact is predicted in the biblical revelation and is a time when you speak and walk with all who have lived on the planet. It is a time that will be united with the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, is also an era in which returns to work in cooperation with the planet's cetaceans to be the coguardianes of the Earth, and possibly also rehabilitated solar system.

You are also about to discover their true identities and they are able to understand and use many extrasensory abilities. If skills such as telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, etc. .

will inherit also new concepts about how to relate to each other with environmental organizations, or any aspect of human development and the preservation of life, come together and create networks among themselves.

Sharing with others in harmony and right human relations how these specific practices to govern their society construction in a peaceful manner, taking care of everyone. With these personal and social changes also come new technologies and new science that can be known and applied safely. In fact, a planet, a galactic civilization and a human being fully galactic are again about to be born. We also ask

together and set dates and times for your meditations. Also formulate actions based on cooperative consciousness that give them confidence.

Be prepared to act in unison for the good of mankind in thought and deed. Since it does not require a huge number of humans, to act as a unified group around your globe, to achieve this great energy of change and awareness for the planet and allow it to be anchored securely so as to support everyone, even those who still refuse to participate.

are now ready for was amazing, even better than you created in Lemuria.
By helping the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Solar System, you will return to their spiritual axis as true guardians of all life on Planet Earth and other planets in the Solar System.


The arrival into the Photon Belt is causing a great expectation and a great "stress" in the Solar System. For the crucial moment there are three sources of help:

1. - In the great spiritual helpers and angels of the many dimensions.
2. - Those in human form that help the celestial forces.
3. - Have been established energetic protective patterns around the globe. All this set minimizes the seismic activity.

But there is another point that is also important to understand: You are on the verge of these great changes and new beginnings because our future landings of "initial Contact" in your planet. This Spiritual Hierarchy and the first contact, led by Syrian loa, help around the solar system to take its place in the Galactic Federation so as to become what we have just described, a galactic civilization.

Through love and wisdom applied here on earth, you can be sure that at some point in the future can share their knowledge with other star systems, and then the share will continue in the presence and the ever-growing power of God. Really, are on the verge of a remarkable and wonderful time. EACH

21 March, our planet reaches its innermost position in the Photon Belt, AND THEREFORE IS A TOP OF VIBRATION IN THE LIGHT, UNTIL THE DAY THAT WE ARE TOTALLY INSIDE.


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