Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Orbit Remotes Starters


January 24, 2011

Transcription: SaräAmma


Goodnight beloved Masters, 10:30 pm, and I'm not totally sure, if you are calling me, or if the agitation I feel, is the message that the beloved Yeshua has Sorema transmitted through, but just in case, I connect with you, to see if there are more messages to transmit.

waited, as always, with all my love.

"If Alexiis, I've been calling. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. At this time, really all channels, absolutely everyone, must be, as we say, on red alert.

are taking many things, but you know in detail what happens, but those working for some time with us, just like you you are, and many other lightworkers, fully aware that if we give an alert, has its rationale.

not going to fill details now, which itself is important, they are firm in their position, be alert. A low signal, preferably to connect once again that much.

This is being done to help as much as possible, to all mankind.

A lot of sleeping humanity, and you who are awake, those activities have to be the second track of what happens, and when needed, to intervene in whatever.

This is simply a warning, a wake-up call. Are active, willing, and maintain their level of care, as high as possible. Vos

Alexiis, in your case, have your kid recorder in hand, even if you go to bed, because you might call it, is not the first time. And so many others of you who have different systems, to realize that we need.

We need to have our channels, to the fullest, we need to be sure, that our channels are tuned.

This is what I want to add now to the message given above.

Dear brothers, things are racing with all my love, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. "

Thanks Master, I promise to be as careful as possible, all the time. Thanks.


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