Saturday, November 6, 2010

Where Can I Find St Dalfour Cream In Dubai

Part Seven Spiritual Dimensions in the Healing of Addictions Part 6 (cotinuación)

Dr. Donna Cunningham Andrew Ramer


View Karina Malpica

sugar or any food you want out of your bubble. Do not bring it inside the bubble, just leave it outside at the height of your heart. What happens to the light? Aléjala now and get rid of it. What happens now with the light? This is the truly courageous exercise. Now you have the experience of how the substance affects the light and have experienced the pure love of white light. Now imagine the bubble out of a person or situation in your present or your past where you think you have professed to love and a sense of belonging. Bring it inside the bubble and see what happens. It is a litmus test for whether or not is pure love. It is not always a clear case, but sometimes will go all the light.


In chapter one we talked about the tendency of a blocked or damaged chakra to chakra spilling over the sides. In this case, the damage caused by the sugar to the heart chakra pours more strongly on the solar plexus. (There's also a spill to the center of the thymus.) The sugar addict suffers from an agony of self-loathing. Yes, it is true that society powerfully reinforces this with their prejudices and treatment received by people mocking overweight. However, in this case, the solar plexus poisoning is what initiates feelings of self-hatred and sugar addict, seeking to rationalize why this feeling occurs, seek an explanation in the convictions of society. In addition, when energy is blocked heart chakra, the person does not feel loved and the resulting turbulence in the solar plexus, he moved to the heart: "There must be something wrong with me if nobody loves me. " Sugar also has a powerful effect on the first chakra, the energy to pull away to take up, in a rush of energy to the heart. There are also side effects in terms of the damage that modern life has resulted in the root chakra. We move constantly and consistently we are losing people because we moved and they do. The connections with the family of origin frequently break. Somehow we think that being rooted and nurtured is the same, so that we are drawn to the sweets when you feel uprooted. We feel that chakra movement to eat sugar, but we fail to realize that this movement is out of the root chakra, rather than toward it. As more and more people suffer from lack of attachment and loss of family ties, we feel more and more attracted to the sugar and put it in everything. Food companies are selling products than sugar, so that more and more sugar in our food. Ruptures of the root chakra may predispose to overweight problems or alcoholism. (In the chapter on alcohol is a companion to this chapter will talk about the discovery that American children of immigrants are more cups of alcohol to the same ethnic groups in their respective countries.) Chakra Breaks root not only occur following traumatic events in life, even if many of them. Are passed from one generation to the next in two ways: hereditary and incarnational. In the succession of lines of lives in the survival level, several lifetimes in which these breaks occur hungry. As explained above, the fat cells are transmitted in the genes, through the mechanism that ensures survival. We also say that the deficiencies in the root chakra are also inherited, and which are transmitted over generations by parents who do not fully know how to nurture their children roots chakras. On another level, those who have had lives in which they have gone hungry and very hard work can bring back memories when they incarnate, causing addiction to sugar and overeating. SUGAR


Artificial sweeteners are products of the disenchantment of society you can have it all: eat all you want and stay thin. Maintain the same relationship to real food that they have credit cards with real money. Artificial sweeteners, being synthetic, almost belong to the category of synthetic drugs, such as sugar can be included in the category of drugs that are processed organic derivatives such as cocaine and heroin. Maybe not alter consciousness as deeply as do Qualudes [a brand of sedative-hypnotics, but damage the energy field, besides causing damage and disruption to the physical body. Artificial sweeteners trick your heart to open, are love false, more false than sugar. Sugar at least extract some kind of rush that causes the blood stream entry extracted from the first chakra. As time passes, we find that artificial sweeteners damage the heart even more than sugar or alcohol, because the heart suffers heart be misled in this way. We already know that these chemicals cause cancer and people are increasingly realizing that they are addictive and cause depression. Depression is related to the fact that the heart has been deceived to open, but no loving energy between the opening like a stream. We are caught in artificial sweeteners because of the desperate lack of love in the world today. We become addicted to the look as a tool of power to make others love us, but the "love" based on appearance is not real, so we turned to sugar. But us fat and sugar being fat makes it difficult to find love, so that false sweeteners become more attractive. Desserts and sodas are not real food those artificially sweetened, even less so. So that still do not make very fundamental question: Is our food is nutritious and supports the life process at the cellular level? If the amount of money spent on promotion, consuming artificial sweeteners and investigate what we spent on improving the quality of human life, we would not have much need for sweeteners, real or artificial. Meanwhile, millions of people are starving.

EXERCISE: The sugar shake: to take sugar in your system

is good to do this exercise when you have sugar in your system and for long-range cleanups when you left the sugar. In the recent past were prescribed horseback riding when you were eating more due to the action of that gentle shaking. Follow these steps: Remember that sugar is a poison. To counteract this, surround yourself with a bubble full of green vapor. Imagine you inhale the steam ever more deeply with each breath until your entire body is full of it. Feel the green cleaning and revitalizing your system. Stand up and begins to vibrate your arms and legs. Let the vibrations from spreading through your body. Breathing deeply, continues for a minute or two, until you feel clean inside.



As mentioned in other chapters, the behavior and habits are imprinted on our consciousness in the same way that feeds the computer memory. Addictions also leave fingerprints and that chart is designed to clean and reverse the track of your sugar habit of neural circuits. It will help you stop sugar addiction and amantenerte away from it long term. To clean and remove the pattern, you will be able to release the energy channeled into the addiction for more constructive purposes. To use the diagram, enters a deep state consciousness. For several minutes, staring at the circle and nothing else. Make it at least twice a day for several weeks or more if you feel you need. Every time you feel like eating something sweet, look at the diagram instead of eating.

YEAR: Light sweet love tool

sugar addicts often seek love in a safe place, away from the threat of human contact. But as the sugar is as deadly as any bad relationship, this exercise is planned for those times when the loneliness and desperation lead us to something sweet. To replace sugar, just follow these steps: Sit in your bubble of white light. As you inhale, imagine your body being filled with a soft pink light, entering through your nose and slowly spreading through your whole body with cadarespiración. Feel this light pink swirls in your heart. Allow yourself to feel any sadness you are pushing to sugar. Allow the light pink is directed to the place where sorrow and clean. Be aware that the pink light has the power to meet that need in another way. Feel the light pink on your tongue and notice that healing is more than can be any sweeter. Affirm your ability to find love within you. Be aware that when done will be in a better position to attract the right love to you from abroad, bringing you a faint pink glow of light in your heart. The more you repeat this exercise, the easier it will make change happen in an instant, anytime, anywhere and in any space, in a second home, in a cafe, anywhere where you are to about to eat something sweet. Work with light pink as healthy you can do for yourself. We also note that if you're still eating sugar, the exercises of the first book will be as useful to you and to those who use harder drugs.


Sugar is a source of power whose proper use is the release of energy that electrifies the senses and increases the emotional pleasure. The body can only tolerate sugar once a month at most. Sugar vibrations can only be channeled and absorbed when your personal energy is connected with the energies of a loving group of friends, and followed by an activity that directs and release this energy that has been brought up. Probably the best option is to dance or sing in a group, or a series of relay races or a football match on grass. Expands and releases sugar perception. The gift of the proper use of sugar is a different perspective, bigger and higher. For the body to be burned by the power of sugar, require a high energy group and the release of certain chemicals in the body that takes place only in festivals of joy. Without a group that recycles energy, without the activity of a group that dissipate any energy released is lost. Hence the depression arising after sitting alone with a cola or a can of ice cream. To use the sugar properly, meet with friends once a month, perhaps during the full moon. Take your hands around sugary food, rodeaos individually and together with a white light. So each of you should direct light onto the dessert. Eat it, dance or sing until you have used the power they have been uploaded for sugar and moved out of your systems. Even in these meetings, eat in moderation. This is the proper use of sugar. To avoid misuse, eliminate all sugar from your diet. This means having to check all food labels to see if any substance containing sugar, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, Berley malt, honey or maple syrup. There are hidden sugars in bread, ketchup, cigarettes, canned fruits, creams or creams that contain no milk, medicines for colds and many other products insopechados. Popularly believed that honey and maple syrup are good substitutes for sugar. Although containing minerals and other nutrients and even do not lead to resentment among workers in sugar cane, sugar remain as they are broken inside the body. If needed, start by replacing the natural sweeteners processed sugar, but with the intention to eventually eliminate from your diet all sweeteners, except those used during your monthly celebration.


All essences given for the heart chakra can help you in your healing especially BLEADING HEART TURQUOISE, and ROSE QUARTZ RUBY. APRICOT and bababa are both extremely useful for hypoglycemia that often accompanies the addiction of sugar. POMEGRANATE is excellent for those addicted to sugar to balance emotional extremes due to lack of child nutrition. SUGAR CANE SUGAR BEET and are now available as an essence, but we have not worked with them. Refined sugar is a crystalline form, so that it can vibrate addicts especially with crystals, clear quartz being especially useful. However, rose quartz is the keystone of the heart chakra and can not recommend it enough. Use a beaded necklace rose quartz, not necessarily expensive or used a pendant of this stone in a string of the exact size to make it up to your heart center. Frequently clean the stone or elixir RESCUE REMEDY ROSE QUARTZ: Sleep with a piece of it near you or create it in your mind every night a huge iridescent rose quartz egg around the bed where you sleep. This glass is a tool you can use to replace sugar when you get sugar cravings: You need a piece of rose quartz the size of a walnut and a piece of transparent glass a little smaller. Hold the rose quartz in your left hand and right transparent quartz. Close your fist and feel the energy rising for your arms to your chest. Open the energy field of your heart and stomach to be filled by the comfortable and warm energy.




Many people do not recognize that alcohol is a drug, one of the most powerful and destructive when it reaches the level of addiction. The fact that it is a liquid dazzles us and makes us think it's just a drink, maybe a euphoric side effects, but still, a drink. Many people who want to leave other drugs are switched to alcohol, thinking it is less harmful. Although legal and addiction takes longer to appear, it's still an addiction and as we shall see, has powerful effects on the welfare of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual individual. Many more people die from the effects of alcohol each year because of all the other drugs and alcohol is ranked in fourth place among health problem. Alcohol-ethanol, ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol, is the chemical compound found in beer, wine and spirits. It is produced through the fermentation process of starch due to beer yeast and other microscopic bacteria. Worldwide there fermented beverages. The domestication of the vineyard began about 6000 years and about 1500 BC, the production of wine from grapes and beer footprints made using sprouted grains malta, was a technique or an art-established in most East medium.


Before understanding alcoholism, we must first understand the spirit, purpose and appeal of our lives from a spiritual and emotional. Alcohol has been with us since the first human settlements. It was not always used in a manner so destructive, but part of community life ritual. Alcohol and all fermented beverages were introduced centuries ago under the same kind of shift in consciousness that smoking herbs or mushrooms, but was a step forward at that time. Alcohol as a tool was introduced as a concept to our world by disembodied beings. It was designed to alter our brain waves beyond the natural threshold of primate experience and was pleasantly accepted by doing this. Served as a bridge to raise the vision. So we have been chemically engineered for more 10,000 years. Fermented beverages were originally prepared by women shamans and were used in ceremonial rites to awaken vision. Alcohol and dancing go together. Alcohol and love go together. Alcohol is a tool of liberation, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. The love of which we speak here is that which exists between groups, but in the absence of community life, people often use it as a tool of expression in their personal relationships. However, the dance together in large groups of people in the new moon, on crops and holidays, alcohol provides a change in energy levels. Used in this way is a great tool to channel the group energy. Alcohol causes the grains and fruits. The oldest and most powerful spiritual drink, wine, comes from the grape, which grows in a spiral, like a lap dance. In these rural settings, the relationship of people with drinking depended on the seasons. They planted, tended and harvested the grapes, crushed, and stored until the wine was ready. Some wine was stored for other uses, particularly therapeutic and the rest was drunk during the holidays, so that was not available all year round. In our culture there is no room for this alliance with the land or the seasonal rhythm of drinking. We live in cities where we have almost no contact with nature and we've lost touch with the knowledge of how to use alcohol safely and destroys so let us instead of healing. Alcohol and other drugs affect us differently at different times of year and at different stages in the biorhythms of the earth, and therefore there are times when it is safer to use. All meals follow the rhythm of the seasons and the alcohol is no exception. People who drink has a profound unconscious memory that these drinks began as tools of healing. There were many very potent drugs distillates or preserved in alcohol, besides the few that have survived. This tool was the condom, not the vital ingredient, but we have lost sight of this ... Many doctors and others who are alcoholics remember this too well. Even now, spirits are made of healing herbs, but not drink alcohol need to use such herbs. Hops, the main ingredient of beer is a great healing agent, a natural sedative that also helps digestion. Absinthe, herbal element of vermouth is an antidote to the bitterness and also download the mucosa, but you can use the absinthe in an infusion. Both hops and wormwood are available as flower essences. Herbs and alcoholic beverages are powerful enough to heal because of their processing. No However, people seek alcohol with a collective unconscious memory that such beverages were once used to heal. It is very easy, however, romanticize the past, see how our ancestors were more connected to the earth and its seasons and forget the hardship and suffering they went through. Since the tribes to the city states, the rule was that male bosses who were ruled, the warlords, priests and kings, forcing rigid social codes in many hardships for those who disobeyed. It is as if the global human community, away from the structure of animal instinct, not yet ready or sufficiently evolved (and still hardly is) to be able to handle human individuality and creativity. The intricate laws of the past from the outside seemed to duplicate the old order animal, which once came from the inner instinct. But there were always those who saw the future, beyond the rigid structures, those that did not fit, those who listened to other gods. And alcohol was one of their tools of power. The company permitted the use of alcohol on limited occasions to serve as a kind of safety valve. When used, allowing people to break the ties that the social order imposed on them, shaking off the restrictions for a day or two. But there was always some who still drinking, continued to exploit this apparently antisocial vision, that vision is anachronistic, that it was actually a vision of human society. It is important to remember that in the West, both the wine and the theater were sacred to the god Dionysus. The representations were used as a tool to express the inexpressible, to carry out that those individuals who did not fit as functional and useful members of the group. When using masks, those followers of the god of wine could say things that would have allowed them to say without them. In vino veritas -in wine there is truth "was a Latin translation of the proverb quoted by Plato in The Symposium . The followers of Dionysus believed that wine was a gift from the gods, a tool for transformation. Even today on alcoholic beverages are called spirits, a weak recognition of its ability to open to the world of spirits. Those who once called gods are really powerful guides disembodied spirits helping more advanced human consciousness to move into new and more free places. But eventually, proper use of wine and brought changes in consciousness that were forgotten. The rules about how to channel energy were forgotten or suppressed by the emerging nations and cities. The wine and other alcoholic beverages yet are favored as tools of power by particular artists and writers, but the communal structure that has been supported and group functions and those that allowed them to become voices, those sacred holidays and those days are gone too. Drinkers can go to pubs and bars by a memory of community, but instead each drinker now turns inward. We've gone too far in the memory of the old group instinctive patterns that our ancestors once knew, but we have not developed standards to join in celebrating the individual egos rather than mixing. Alcohol was a tool that took us to another point of evolution. Facilitated our tribal creatures transition towards global beings. But alcohol is no longer working as a global tool. Individuals who use found themselves trapped as scratched discs that keep playing the same phrases over and over again. Many individuals who are alcoholics in this life and actors were healers in past lives. It is important for them to honor the processing capacity expressed in the past without being trapped in the power tool used then. It is difficult to separate the two. But the more honor alcoholics processing capacity, the more they use the lessons of his addiction to move towards new levels of altered consciousness and help others to reach them in the future. We have reached a point in our history when the planet itself are threatened with destruction. If we are to survive and continue to evolve, we must reconnect with the planet back without returning to the rigid social codes of the past while moving into the future without uprooting therefore we can not make practical changes in the world. Different ways, all recovering addicts have within themselves a part of future healing. We must support a variety of ways that capacity in ourselves and in others, for us to survive and begin to develop.


Dreams are for individuals as well as myths to society that creates them. In the West, one of our most powerful myths is the Holy Grail, the cup of wine that Jesus used at the Last Supper, supposedly a source of eternal blessings to anyone who find it. In the East, alcohol was used as a tool sacramental long before the time of Jesus and long before the emergence of the myth of the Holy Grail in the Middle Ages. The quest for the Holy Grail was one of the main concerns of the court of King Arthur's knights. In a sense, all drinkers are looking for their own Holy Grail, its own source blessings. This quest is part of what gives so much power to our collective addiction to alcohol. In a subtle way, is contained in the collective unconscious. Everyone wants to find the Holy Grail. An excellent introduction to the myth of the grail is the book He [He] Robert A. Johnson (Perennial Library, 1977). One of the things that reminds us in our quest for the Holy Grail is that the Grail does not exist as a bonus and personally rewarding. The Grail is a collective blessing. It is a future blessing. Everyone thrives when it is. But we have a short circuit in our sense of collective healing. We dip into our glasses, alone and disconnected from the world. Confuse the contents of the cup to his reward. Only if we continue to grow and give up our addictions we continue to seek the grail which means instead of what seems to offer individually. The Grail is our collective heart. The message of the Grail myth of the West is about the need to open our hearts. The Grail is part of the teaching of addiction to alcohol, part of their healing more recalls again the powerful effects of alcohol on the heart center. The search for the Grail is the quest to heal the heart. The times of King Arthur began the tradition of courtship and romance, and the reintroduction of the female energy suppressed patriarchy in the early church.


Fermented beverages have sprouted around the world to induce altered states of consciousness for healing rituals, to communicate with the plane of spirit, as a tool to support what we now call channeling and to open doors to the world of dreams. The role of alcohol is to spread awareness to other levels as a tool to solve our daily problems. But we've made that change and alcohol is now essentially obsolete and no longer serves us. Alcohol is nostalgia of consciousness, all it produces are places people already have been. Anyone remember this resort to alcohol at a deep level. But as our culture denies the reality of the dream world and the spirit world, one can go there and have back problems, have trouble realizing the feelings, visions and directions that one found there. Then one is lost in dreams, instead of using the wisdom of dreams to lead their daily lives. One continues to rely on alcohol, knowing that once had power. But without the anchor that once gave us naturally fermented drinks for nature and without an understanding of the power tools, alcohol destroy rather than heal. The reality of waking becomes so fluid and so uncertain as dreams. And the dream becomes a glamorous one bait towards anything constantly but can not finish achieved.


The choice of what you drink can be an indication of the kind of problems you're trying to solve. Beer drinkers tend to have an excess of physical energy in the body not being used, which are not channeled correctly This is the reason why the sport spectators accompanied by his fans so often with a beer. When you work all day, the energy builds momentum and the beer is a way to let her out. Drinking more than one, exacerbates the problem by emphasizing the energy, exacerbating rather than soothe. The key word here is frustration and do not have a channel for energy, because people have jobs less and less physical and beer is becoming more of a national drink. Jogging, aerobics or some other regular exercise can release blocked energy much more effectively than a bottle of beer. Wine drinkers have too much mental energy. People who are drinking too much wine should pause to ask herself, "What mental capacity I'm not using it correctly?" Wine drinkers can often become trapped in mental labyrinths that lead them nowhere. Often the act of drinking is associated with sadness due to when they were children, were not allowed to play mentally, so that when adults feed on mental activities. A small glass of wine, drink slowly over an hour, will tend to lower the energy of the head and distribute throughout the body. More than that is counterproductive as it begins to numb the body and allows the mind to run and wander more freely. Mental people as writers, can feel this and much wine to take the mind to run. This impulse is wrong oriented because it is losing its ability to hold and concrete. The recommendation for these people is to observe your mind, in practice some form of daily meditation. HEAVY SPIRITS DRINKERS often have trouble expressing their anger. Drank a small sip slowly over a half hour or forty minutes, you can help the natural release of transmuting the energy of anger in a much more efficient and acceptable to the songs of drunkenness or cathartic account of the personal history between drink and drink. More than one drink begins to poison the liver, which at a metaphysical level, is where the anger is processed. As a result, anger has no appropriate channel and ulcerate liver. The alcohol and the bitter anger ultimately destroy the liver. When you resort to strong drink, you need to ask what you're angry. The keywords for the three addictions to alcohol, beer, wine and hard liquor, are frustration, sadness and anger. Divisions are simplistic, however, can give you guidance on your healing. Other people solve these problems in other ways. Almost everyone is frustrated, sad or angry about different things, but not everyone turns to alcohol for a solution. Some process these problems in the state of sleep, but others are afraid of their dreams, they remember their vital purposes. Small amounts of alcohol bring small amounts of sleep state to the waking state, where you can deal with them more quickly. But when you drink too much, make things worse because the sleep state itself is damaged because of addiction. So that a drink before bed-it is just that and not the culmination of an evening drinking can help with the dream state, but not if it takes so regularly that it becomes destructive.


Every addictive substance has an initial affinity with one or more of the chakras. Crossing threshold of abuse all chakras are damaged, but the most severely affected by alcohol to the heart center. As the heart chakra is blocked, the energy is fixed at the lower three chakras, which govern the self-esteem, sexuality and security. The more deeply the person falls into alcoholism, the greater the blockage. As we said before, where there is a blockage of heart chakra, can be a cascading effect, so that the solar plexus, and thymus, being near the heart, may also be affected. Often men who drink are those who are entrusted with positions of great power, or conversely, are in situations of class or race in which they are deprived of access to power that they said should be "real men" in our society. Many women who drink have not had access to power, causing a short circuit your energy. This damage causes problems common to alcoholics and those who love them. There is a gradual absorption into himself, withdrawal from contact with the world, a bitter and resentful attitude and difficulties with sexuality (either promiscuity or impotence). All this is understandable in light of the functioning of the chakras. Around the late stages of alcoholism, it is typical that the person to experience what is colloquially called the "horrors": periods of severe anxiety no reason, with terror into the phone, buses, dogs, mailboxes, anything. One important thing to know is that staying sober is not enough. Have to deal with the spiritual root of addiction by finding the vision or purpose of life and working on it. It is also essential to repair the damage caused by blockage of energy in the subtle bodies. All chakras must be cleaned, particularly the heart chakra which is strongly affected by alcohol. This center does not open spontaneously unless there is a powerful spiritual awakening or a great romance. If it stays closed, the person may feel isolated and miserable, and therefore very vulnerable to relapse. The practice of multiple flower petals we gave in chapter one is particularly effective for the heart center free of any constraint is available so that a flow of loving energy. Couples, lovers and children of alcoholics are also seriously affected by these blockages of the chakras. On a psychological level, alcoholics and other addicts in recovery still have the ability to extract energy from other, despite their inability to use it. So those who live or work with active or recovering alcoholics often suffer from energy drained, especially heart energy and can develop their own units secondary and sugar to try to recover energy. Young people whose parents were heavy drinkers end up with a chakra underdeveloped and malnourished. One of the causes of the high rate of alcoholism among children of alcoholics may be the underdevelopment of various chakras. In addition to its effects on the heart chakra, the consumption of alcohol also affects the throat chakra and third eye. When the heart chakra is functioning, it serves as a bridge between the upper and lower chakras. But as the heart is blocked and the energy is trapped in the lower chakras, the throat and third eye is open more, to create some kind of balance. This type of expansion Verbosity leads to delusional of alcoholics, so they can talk and talk without reaching any point. This creates the pattern of dishonesty and lack of communication familiar to those close to addicts. As the addiction progresses, this imbalance contributes to delirium and "hallucinations" in the advanced stages. Prohibition taught us that we can not deal with the excess through denial. And the imbalances caused by alcohol we say it is not possible to balance the lower chakras blocked and close the heart taking up two chakras too open.

EXERCISE: The sea of \u200b\u200bgold, a substitute for alcohol

Alcohol dependence is caused by poor use of energy and this year we will be working in balance with the help of the primary energy source of our world ... the sun. The following meditative exercise is designed to help you balance your energy field and grant you a spiritual tool alternative power to be able to do the work you intended to help you carry out your favorite beverage. Works particularly well in the heart center. These are the steps to follow: Sit in your bubble of white light enters a deep state of consciousness. Imagine you're floating like a jellyfish in the middle of an ocean endless liquid light from a light golden color. Feel that you are breathing in the light while swimming through the water. Light enters your bubble, filled and then enters your body, reaching every organ and every cell, filling you full of energy. Let it pour into your heart and fill it, until it was as bright as an inner sun. Experience the feeling of pure energy within you. Please note that once you find a way to enter this place you will return when you want.It aware that once you have absorbed the water from this place, they will change the very way you have to use your energy. Your energy use will become efficient and increase your ability to make your own energy to work for you. You'll be changing the magnetic structure of your body and with this change, you will begin to attract to you situations that are good for you. Find the balance of your energy. When you feel you've done with this, your bubble dissolves and returns to normal consciousness. Perform this exercise whenever you feel the need for a drink or when you want to balance your energy system so you can work with frustration, anger or sadness.


there one of these diagrams for each of the main addictions. The diagram shown here is designed to clean and reverse the electrical pattern of alcohol habit. To use this diagram, free your mind from distractions and sit quietly. Now focus on the diagram. Train your eyes to go nonstop from the two lower arrows into the circle. Return back down and up several times. You can do this exercise three or four times a day at first, until you feel the process is complete.


For many former alcoholics, changes in body metabolism make it impossible for them that alcohol can go back to your body without triggering a negative chemical impact. So if you can not or do not want to drink wine again, just imagine the grape and how it develops through a spiral growth pattern reminiscent of a lap dance, and some of the same effect will occur in your brain. Those who feel unable to drink alcohol, can replace unfermented grape juice for this ritual. Remember what we said earlier, about the alcohol and dance go together. To dance in large groups of people during the new moon, the harvest time and holidays, alcohol gives a change in the energy level at its highest form has to do with and is channeled through the power of group energy. To begin your ritual proper use, meet your friends in a circle. Taking hands and surrounded with a ring of bright light. Pass then the wine or beer or whatever that you choose in a large cup or chalice, drinking every friend a drink. Yes, it's like communion, communion being racial but a faint recollection of pre-Christian rites. As you pass the cup, focus your thoughts on all things we can be thankful. Arraigaos and focus on these thoughts. Know that the power of alcohol is such that it can stimulate the release of negativity through dance in a non conscious level. So is that you do not need to be aware of what liberáis. In fact, being aware aferréis only makes you more to it. Drink from the cup as you go through your hands, drink from it three or four times deep enough to feel slightly dizzy. Then lay your trust in music and the alcohol will carry out its work of liberation, and that this is a tool of power, something that helps you do the work that you have to do, and we all have work to do in regard to release negativity. So drink, dance and let go. Arraigaos in gratitude, in the group, dancing, at most once a month.


Try this exercise with glasses if you're addicted to alcohol or depend on him and want to break the pattern, or if you're abstaining from it and want to stimulate those aspects of your consciousness that alcohol stimulated . Need a piece of quartz citrine about half the size of your thumb and a piece of celestite more or less the same size. Keep the citrine in your right hand and celestite in your left hand. Feel the energy spreading through your hands to your arms, your chest, legs and head. Feel the spiral through you radiating warmth.


Often hypoglycemia is the result of a long abuse of alcohol. BANANA APRICOT and are useful for hypoglycemia, but you'd better try what is most useful for you. However, in general, it is instructive to note that bananas are more like the male and the female apricots. The essences for the heart center are very important for alcoholics, their families and all those who love them. The best of them are BLEEDING HEART TURQUOISE and Ruby, but warned again that it is better to test via pendulum or kinesiology to find out what best at a certain point, especially since BLEEDING HEART can cause emotional catharsis difficult due to the old wounds of the heart. If addiction has lasted a long time may also be needed for isolation remedies: MARIPOSA LILY, SHOOTING STAR or Dogwood.



A cocaine addicts certainly will not like being classified with heroin addicts and vice versa . How can they be in the same chapter the most exciting and most depressant? How do you compare the cocaine sniffers people who get stuck heroin in their veins? Perhaps they are right, but we organize the material in any way. If the substances clasificáramos stimulants and depressants, then coffee drinkers would be in the same chapter as those who abuse cocaine and amphetamines, as both are stimulants, while addicted to sugar would be in conjunction with intravenous heroin users since both are depressants. Instead, this book is organized according to the degree of damage caused to the subtle bodies. Natural substances that are only minimally processed (Coffee, snuff, marijuana) are the least harmful, while those that are natural but have some degree of chemical processing (sugar and alcohol) come later. Cocaine and heroin fit the line between natural and synthetic since they are quite altered during their processing. The most damaging of all are the synthetic drugs which will be discussed in the next chapter.


The coca plant has been cultivated for hundreds of years in the highlands of the Andes Mountains in South America. The leaves when chewed, are a mild stimulant. The inhabitants of these regions of high altitude use them to cause a sensation of excess energy in the air little oxygen. The leaves were introduced to Europe in the nineteenth century. In 1866 a patent medicine made from coca leaves and kola nuts (providing caffeine) was introduced to the United States under the name Coca-Cola. The leaves, stripped of cocaine, are still used to flavor Coca-Cola, although cocaine was a major part of the original drink and was responsible for its enormous appeal. Cocaine is the active ingredient of the coca plant. It was first isolated from the leaves of the coca in Germany in 1844. The isolation of pure cocaine leaves is many times more powerful than when ingested by chewing the leaves. In 1884, the Bavarian army began using cocaine alone to help their soldiers to reduce fatigue. Sigmund Freud heard about it and tested it on himself and his friends as an antidepressant and as an aid to recovery from addiction to morphine. When was the agency that came up with repeated use, their enthusiastic initial articles became bitter. However, some of his famous psychoanalytic ideas are inspired by cocaine. Perhaps our readers know the cocaine may be able to discover which of them. Cocaine is legally classified as a narcotic, as a drug that numbs the senses, but in reality is a stimulant, the most powerful of all natural stimulant. Their effects on central nervous system are almost instantaneous: A flash of euphoria, sweet and short, often repeated. Not long ago was thought to be harmless, the perfect drug. It can be fatal and cause sudden death, but even if you use only occasionally, over time has subtle side effects. Physically, the repeated use of cocaine damages the nasal passages, causing chronic congestion and damage to the liver and kidneys. Since it is a vasoconstrictor slows the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the system. At one level psychological and neurological side effects ranging from anxiety and paranoia to dizziness and ultimately seizures. In 1914, the Harrison Act classified as a narcotic drug cocaine and ended his legal career in the United States. Twenty years ago, cocaine use was rare. It was the Queen of the Gypsies drugs, used by artists, musicians and lower-class rebels. But during the seventies, increased government restrictions on amphetamines, increased the attractiveness of cocaine. Its high price in the streets became a glamorous drug, a drug of the elite. Thus, the product of high altitudes in remote regions of the world is used to elevate the people trying to acclimatise to the rarefied atmosphere in which they lived. Far from its roots, away from the normal cultural expectations with which they grew, they found high levels of corporate structures or on top of buildings on Wall Street. Or, even if they were not in such a rarefied position, aspiring to them.

cocaine as POWER TOOL

If you're reading this chapter, you probably wonder about your own use of cocaine or someone close to you. Why do people seek cocaine? Why became the drug of the eighties? The world of entertainment, sports and the circuit of revelers from the United States became home to the cocaine. We need not famous names. You know them. But why so many got caught with cocaine? Like all drugs, cocaine is a tool of power. Like a saw or hammer, has some use and works a certain way. People who are attracted to her innately know it can be used that way. Alters the levels of awareness, expand vision, adjust your mood. Cocaine can be done. But from a certain point, using a drug is like dropping a nuclear bomb. Work, does what you want to do. But the price of the pump-side effects, radiation poison is it worth? Do you like cocaine? Probably you are very creative and do not know what to do with so much creativity. You're probably stuck in a life situation that you know is not for you, but do not know how to get out of it. Or you're in a situation that has been expansive growth has brought you but now feel pressure to stay there, growing, expandiéndote. And if your life seems "normal" on the surface, evidence that cocaine is not. You're on the razor's edge of our society and you know it, but do not know what to do about it. In fact, you feel a certain hopelessness, a sense of frustration. You wake up in the morning and think, "Well, here I am, bright and beautiful, so what? I'm brilliant and beautiful work in a clothing store, drive a taxi, or I'm rich and famous, but now what? I hit to get here. Why? Where is the magic that I said that I find? The sense of myself? "Cocaine is good for that. When you're on a site and want to be somewhere else. Or when you're not anywhere and know you do not belong there. Cocaine is a powerful tool that gives you a magnified view of the possibilities. It allows you to see beyond the limits imposed by our society. Dancing makes you more time and further into the night. It makes you sing like a goddess. But it is not real. Cocaine, in fact, is the power tool that displays your dreams expanded, not your life expanded. Takes you to the top of the mountains and drops you back. Do you worry about how you use cocaine? Do you ask yourself if it really is too much? Are you having frequent changes of mood and periods of irritability? Do you need to party? Can you limit how much you use? Do you use alone? Are you lying about it or spending more money than you win? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have a problem with cocaine. Do you already know and still find you can not stop, while you see how your work experience and your relationships? This is a common problem with cocaine. You can clearly see what is happening "is a tool that expands the vision and still not do anything about it. Your life becomes a movie. And you're not in it. You're just watching. Continued ...


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