Saturday, November 6, 2010

How To Put On Underwear

The Spiritual Dimensions in Part Eight Healing Addictions and FIN

Dr. Donna Cunningham, Andrew Ramer

Translation Karina Malpica

When you remember that the soul creates the body, can begin to recreate it. It is interesting that we use these same words recreational and design, to name the most popular drugs today. Recreation has to do with the fluidity and the design has to do with the order, and they remind us of our need to grow into more fluid forms of life on a higher plane of cosmic order.

chemical drugs, the Brow Chakra and brain waves

The chakra that most affect manufactured drugs is the third eye. When you honor your attraction to these substances as something that comes from a need to raise or turn over this chakra, you can do spiritually, rather than chemically. Living in a society that denies the existence of the chakras in a moment your awareness is vital for the future evolution of humanity, is something that supports the futile reliance on manufactured substances. Unfortunately, no drug can help you see what you can do freely through the third eye while awake. The chemical structure of the drug in a way to experience just at a time when you're ready to start experimenting and exploring fluid states of consciousness. The chemical mimics the effect of altered brain waves necessary for such experiences. The lights, sound and other forms of non-chemical technologies are much more effective to make these changes than drugs. Ultimately, you can grow a natural way to such wave patterns through meditation and even fantasy. Later we will give a sound exercise to help you make this change. In 50 years everyone in these states will work fine, all channeled. We are becoming more and more subtle. Ultimately we will move in that you can hold amethysts amethysts of the inner planes, of flower essences to the simple tune with flowers. To make this change, we need to work with power tools are not physical, through consciousness-altering meditations. For example, although nobody can teach you how you can consciously alter your brainwaves to repeat the patterns created by any substance that has been accustomed, from coffee to qualudes. In one study of tuning into your memories and perhaps other people can see or feel how they see these waves and tell the part of your brain that knows so well that simply recreate. Some of these patterns however, due to long abuse, causing malfunctions. However, the exercises that we have with crystals and transformation diagrams brainwaves alter habits in ways that are positive and helpful. Certain drugs suppress brain waves, so that we can make a leap beyond them, to jump that particular approach. You can, with practice, and nobody can teach you how to start playing with your own brain waves without chemicals, learning how to move jagged patterns generated by our stressful lifestyle patterns toward softer, more euphoric. You can even alter the brain waves of people around you, learning how to sync with them, to join with them and then change them. This technique has implications for the healing of schizophrenics, epileptics and others whose stress has led to the derailment of brain waves. Dolphins do it in a natural way, as a form of marriage, communication and pleasure. One of the reasons that healers and therapists working with addicts (or schizophrenic or retarded people) ended up burning is that, without being conscious about it and start taking mimic disturbed brain wave patterns of people with whom they work. If you work with addicts in recovery or not, need to cleanse your aura and your chakras, perhaps daily, using one of the first chapter exercises. In addiction, you need blindarte when you go to work with a bubble of white light, using a daily cleanse immersing glass all night and brain waves, perhaps by protecting light with a helmet covering the third eye and chakra crown. (In fact this kind of armor was part of the reason for of hull armor.) Also there is a connection between drugs and our newly awakened synthetic thymus chakra. Initially these drugs stimulate this center, but in a short period of time, depress their new and fragile operation. We encourage a global level, as long as you take a specific drug, the same chemical substance, whether sugar, alcohol or marijuana, varies according to several fields in which the plant was harvested precursor, and these change from season season and from year to year. Initially manufactured drugs stimulate the thymus, but in a short time both the chakra as damage to the thymus gland, inhibiting body's immune system. All chemicals, food additives and contaminants from air and water, negatively affect the immune system and in future will probably find a higher occurrence of diseases due to immunodeficiency. Although some of these drugs lead to lower chakra energy and some to superiors, and although many of them also affect the heart chakra because they circulate in the bloodstream and affect the heart, ultimately harm all synthetic chemicals all chakras, avoiding acting alone or in concert. These chemicals also damage the aura and subtle bodies faster than any other addictive substance, separating the layers, creating spaces where the external energy can penetrate and get stuck. They also cause irregular rhythms and staccato pulses in the flow of energy meridians. As a child may be burned before you are ready to cook, so we're burning us with the chemicals we've created.

EXERCISE: A sound substitute for synthetic drugs

In each of the previous chapters on substance abuse have given you a replacement tool to stimulate your consciousness in a similar way as for the drug. No proper use of these chemicals, but we've all learned the inappropriate use of all sorts of things. They exist, they are part of our world. The following exercise is designed to stimulate your brain, your mind and your body in similar ways as they do with synthetic drugs. Try it once or twice daily for four minutes if you have been using, since it serves both as a substitute for these substances as a healing therapy have used them. These are the steps to follow: Sit quietly in your bubble with your eyes closed. Becomes aware of your breath. With your lips open, but with your upper and lower teeth touching, begins to vibrate the back of your throat whereby it emits the highest sound EEA and inclined you can do. Feel that this sound is moving in circles inside your skull, your third eye level, from the front to the back of your head until you've created in a sound vibrating ring. Now change the direction in which sound moves so as to move in circles through your third eye on top of your head down between your eyes, and then in circles from your brain to the crown again, creating another ring vibration. This time the sound takes EEA slower and do not travel so fast. Take it to your brain and you feel you can pass from one side to another between the two hemispheres your brain so that curled between them like you're juggling a ball of molten wax between your two hands. Now directs the sound to a point and let it move in a spiral and dance in your brain, waking up every part of it and making it vibrate. Let the sound slowly fades until you can no longer hear it, feel it even as an echo and moving inside. Becomes aware of your breath again and when you're ready, slowly dissolves your bubble and open your eyes. Note the changes you feel. Do things look or seem different? Your body feels different? Becomes aware of the ways in which this exercise can resintonizarte, not the song who sings a chemist, but the pure and wonderful power of yourself singing.

EXERCISE: A light substitute for synthetic drugs

People with dependence on synthetic drugs are looking for something that does not exist, something new and as yet undiscovered, whether in the world or in his own consciousness. The next exercise is designed to do the same, through repeated use and extreme patience, sitting like a Zen monk doing it again and again. These are the steps you should go, sit in a bubble, this time with not having any light. Feel the safety and security of the bubble. When you feel comfortable in it, visualize yourself floating out in your bubble, on the surface of a deep sea and endless. The place we are entering is completely unknown. No one has ever seen this place. There is no light here. Move through the darkness using all your senses, except sight, to perceive what is around you. Hear, smell, taste, feel and use all your senses subtle. In our society we rely heavily on sight. Use on the eyes that prevent us from developing other physical senses, not to mention the subtle senses. Things will happen in the semi darkness. Some are beautiful, others are appalling. Remember that anything you see is not real in this world we live only in the world of the mind. If you can not stay totally calm here, not even belong here. Return from whence you came, knowing that nothing can harm you have not created from within, and that you are strong enough to face (if you're calm, continues to exercise until the end). When you've traveled enough, rock your body forward and back gently to return to your sense of this world. Feel like the sea then back around and open your eyes to the physical world. Do not do this more than once a day. And do not make more than three minutes. Not because it can harm you, but energy you can lose by being a beacon of light illuminated worlds. When finished you may need to sit for a while in your bubble until the light grow inside and around you to balance things out. In doing this exercise you will be traveling to new places, but not see them. This is a great adventure, but also a great risk and perhaps a waste of time. Not everything that makes up humanity is valuable, as evidenced by the nuclear waste pollution, war, rape and violence.


As mentioned in previous chapters, part of letting go and release an addiction is to reprogram the brain wave patterns. In any case it is crucial that this type of drugs that suppress the praises of both normal brain waves to alter massively. This is the chart to convert to synthetic drugs habit. Force your eyes to go from the bottom up of two parallel lines without stopping power. Repeat the movement from the bottom up to ten times per session. Perform three sessions per day.


If you've hit bottom with drugs manufactured and are ready to stop using, try this pattern as a substitute lens. You will need a piece of malachite on the size of an egg yolk and a piece of rhodochrosite that is a little smaller. Malachite Hold your right hand and rhodochrosite on the left. Feel the energy rise your arms and fill your body. Feel how it moves in waves from your feet to the top of your head. Allow the rhythm of the waves become slow or fast depending on how hard you hold the stones. Do this about eight minutes. Note that abandoning the use of synthetic drugs is not easy and should not be attempted alone. This book can not replace medical care, therapy or support groups. What it does is give you some insights about the spiritual causes of your addiction. The explanations and exercises first book, spiritual dimensions of healing addiction, will also be very useful.



A person seeking substance abuse has been trapped for years in the ferment of visions and dreams of change, none of which has been manifested in the world. You can not find anywhere any addict who is not on the verge of change and yet be unable to move. Addicts are as Fool Tarot cards, ready to make a giant step to a place where there pavimento.Vivimos in a world of pavement strength beneath our feet and any movement we undertake in this world is made through prescribed paths, roads and highways. The person who turns to addictive substances is that he wants out of sleep. These people do not walk on air, but on the water. The appeal of drugs is that they promise to do to manifest the vision. What they actually do is to burn the body slowly. Actually you walk on water, not because of your spiritual strength, but because you have become lighter than the water itself. There are more than an autumn leaf floating in the stream. This body through going to express that vision is nothing but a pile of dust now, an empty sack. The body is no longer channeling the vision is just full of it. When you destroy the structure, essentially wasted. You can not put old wine in a bottle. You can not pour wine in those who are still too scared to make themselves errant views. In Spiritual Dimensions to heal addictions there are exercises to help those who fell into addiction because they know how to express their views. A powerful way to leave is to conquer addictions and direct your spiritual gifts, and we've tried to help with the exercises and processes of both books. Decidedly, these principles can help most people in our world addicted to sugar and drugs, when working with this material will get the first benefits. The information contained in spiritual dimensions of healing addictions explains the greater reality so that I can be more comfortable and familiar. In this book, we have also discovered how the substance abuse distorts the spiritual dimensions of the body and mind. The exercises and visualizations of both books help readers enhance their spiritual attunement and use the power of your mind to combat both the addiction and the underlying causes. The dangers of addiction increase in a society that does not consider as their own roots in the world of dreams. The rising abuse of addictive substances and other drugs in countries like the United States by people of all ages and social groups, is an epidemic of serious proportions. When you read about the spiritual dimensions of addiction, you could see that have a great relationship with the spiritual condition of our culture and our loss of contact with these other levels of reality. We are in a crisis that has much to do with our group purpose and our vision group. To understand how they fit into this specific addictive substances needed to see the story of humanity in perspective, as we did in the various chapters on specific substances.


All physical illnesses, including addiction, have long histories of mental imbalances, emotional and spiritual that created them and that began long before the physical problem to manifest. No one gets sick of the overnight and no one will cure overnight. Many people seek alternative healing methods have become disillusioned because much of conventional medicine and conventional therapists. From the beginning we have seen the work we share in these two books as something that complements the sanitation standards of detoxification and recovery programs. Although your Essential Being spiritual, if you read this book and think you can only help him, you are being careless with the mental, emotional and physical of who you are and this approach will become an additional source of disappointment. But if you see all available methods to cure your addiction as different shelves of a hardware store you can stroll up and down trying to find tools that serve you best for the particular job you need to recover and renew your life. This book contains a set tool and we hope you find them useful, but remember to look for tools from other classes when you need: health care, therapies and self help groups.


This is a story that I (Andrew) I've told so many times in recent years that I can not remember where I read or heard. I think I did not invent, but in the course of telling, you may have changed some details. Well, the fact is that an anthropologist will travel three months to study a group of Eskimos in Greenland, I think. He is especially interested in finding out about native healers and methods of healing. In the village there is a very old man and the anthropologist decides he must be the healer of the village. Spend the first month courting the old man slowly, spending time with him to gain his trust. Gradually, in the second month, starts to ask questions about healing old, trying to catch the old information never provided. With only a month back, the anthropologist becomes more direct and ask questions that the old still does not respond. Finally, when he was only two weeks to go, the anthropologist abandon its principle of not imposing their needs in culture and in individuals who are working on. Directly confronted the man, saying something like, "You're the oldest man in the village. Everyone respects you. Why do you refuse to say anything about it? "The old man looks anthropologist like a fool and says something that it is quite obvious:" How I can be myself a healer, if I have dreams? "To the old that was a prerequisite for healing and I think that is a universal prerequisite. I like to tell this story to recovering addicts, all of whom have been wounded and most of them have dreams. Can happen, as you complete the process of these books, you start to become interested in healing work. I think experience of addiction and recovery provide the prerequisites to become a healer, but my concept of what a healer is very fluid. A chef can be a healer and can also be a gardener, a beautician or a pianist. End


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