Saturday, November 6, 2010

Food Shop Questionnaire

The Spiritual Dimensions of Healing Addictions

Dr. Donna Cunningham Andrew Ramer


Karina Malpica COCAINE AND Sophistication In

10.000 years, if humans continue to use drugs produced in chemical laboratories These drugs are genetically as part of its natural environment such as grasses and weeds. However, at present, human bodies are not used to the chemicals produced in laboratories and there is no proper use for any of them, from amphetamines to aspirin. Those looking for a way to flow into the flow of things, must scrupulously avoid this and all hard drugs. We're not saying you have to go back to hunt and live in caves. What we mean is that you must put your brilliant perspective to perceive reality technology, instead of putting the technology in your body. The human body is timeless and does not need to ingest the century twenty, or create it. To heal is herbal remedies, meditation and healing techniques as acupuncture and shiatsu to work much better than any chemical. Cocaine, however, occupies an interesting place in this movement natural to the technology because it is a highly refined product of an organic substance. There are fungi that replace the LSD, but there is nothing resembling cocaine. Cocaine is sophisticated. The problem, however, is that people who use it see themselves as a reliable deliverer change movement in new directions. But instead of being the foot moves toward the new, are more the shoe. Those who think they are leading change, are really just the rubber sole of the vanguard. That's the problem with sophistication. It is bright and splendid image of something that is not. Remember, when you see sophistication elsewhere, but about something really interesting is happening. The sophistication is merely a pose of novelty, of knowing what is new. The sophisticated is lost in the poses. The happiest people are still finding themselves in the new developments because they keep finding themselves. All users of cocaine should ask this question: am I happy to be the shoe or the shoe I'm pretending to be the foot?

COCAINE , chakras and energy body

new drugs are created or become popular as they require new social skills in mass culture. If we understand how to awaken our chakras, we will not need those drugs, but how that information is far from our conscious minds, sometimes drugs are the best tools with which we can tell. You have to look at the recent rise in popularity of cocaine and now its most devastating, the crak. It appears that the crak is almost instantly addictive and more trigger to violence. Who are using and what they want? Why culture has made a tool of power cocaine now? Cocaine is popular among affluent upwardly mobile individuals, artists, film, music and sports. It is also used by people impoverished urban classes, but the reason people use the same. Cocaine is a powerful tool to connect the root chakra third eye chakra, creating earthly visions of transformation and new growth. Similarly, people do come together the upper and lower classes on the networks of sale. Part of the role of cocaine is combined with the lower chakras over the lower classes with the upper classes, new patterns of being in the world together in harmony. But as you all know, the chemical is destructive tool, while the intention behind it is needed. Awaken these chakras is best for themselves and use them together to use these dangerous substances. The first chapter exercises help you to awaken and heal these chakras. You can join them through meditation, interwoven with threads of light color you choose intuitively and spontaneously to the need to have at the moment. The effect on the energy body is subliminally perceived by those who use it. People who have the urge to collect the cocaine in a line, has the momentum correct, but the line really should not be drawn into the nose. The line you are seeing is a meridian line, as in the acupuncture meridians. Cocaine and heroin produce extraordinary but still unknown effects on the meridians when applied externally as it realigns energy. However, with enough practice, simply draw a line of light along the meridians, the finger if necessary, can have a much more healing and not have to deal with drug dealers to do so. Use the red light to stimulate, depress the blue light and white light simply to enhance the connection. Teach something about the meridian is beyond the scope of this book, but those who are interested in the topic, you can read something about it later.


Opium, which is the source of heroin, a drug that is derived from the poppy capsules will not start, which contain a slight resin extracted is dried and ground into powder. According to the classification of substances that are used here, the effects and origins of opium place it in the same category as marijuana and hashish, as a natural substance minimally processed. However, there are few individuals addicted to opium many more are addicted to a derivative thereof, the heroine, so we included in this chapter. For centuries, opium was used for medicinal purposes in Asia and in Europe. Approximately 4000 BC was used in ancient Sumeria. It was mentioned by Homer and its medicinal use was suggested by Hippocrates in 400 BC It was not until the seventeenth century in Asia and the eighteenth centuries in Europe began to be used for psychological effect, rather than its effects on pain relief, and addiction became a problem. Opium smoking was introduced in the United States in the early 1800s. The injection did not become popular until after the Civil War. Laudanum, a tincture of opium, was widely used in cough syrups that were given to children at the time. Morphine is the principal active ingredient of opium. This highly effective in suppressing pain and addiction, was taken in Germany in 1805. Codeine is another derivative of opium. It is a narcotic less powerful, less addictive and is often used as a medication for pain relief in cough syrups. Heroin is a product of opium. Secondary treatment granted a place in this chapter along with cocaine as an organic substance altered due to chemical processing. Heroin is produced by treating morphine with acetic acid to create a chemical three times more powerful than morphine. Even narrowly used as an analgesic, especially in cases of terminal illness. However, it is highly addictive and it is a controlled substance, an important factor in the illegal drug market. Methadone, a synthetic member of the family of opium, will be addressed in the next chapter. Heroin addicts are notorious for their taste to sugar. Physiologically, this is a need for fuel for the body. Heroin massively disrupts the body's metabolism, normal appetite depressing. A survival mechanism in the brain alert to the lack of fuel, and sugar is the fastest way to get it. At the level of body energy, both the sugar and heroin, create movements in the root chakra, but in directions contrary to the natural desire for sugar that is an attempt to create balance in the movement of energy. And so when they leave the heroin addicts, may have the need for transformers diagrams sugar habit, to heal any secondary addiction to sugar.

Incarnational HISTORY OF heroin addicts

Chapter of reincarnation talked briefly about addiction in general as embodiments bridges intercultural and heroin specifically as a bridge between a series of lives in the East and the first in a series of lives in the West. The massive number of deaths in World War II and subsequent wars in Asia created space for many crossovers. These people are volunteers from an intercultural exchange needed to build a global civilization in a few generations to come. Those with long roots oriental cultural adjustments faced by rapid changes in Western culture without the support of the heritage of consistent skills, and addiction to heroin is an entry level position in Western life. This does not mean that these migrants have no cultural heritage and important skills as they have a rich history of Eastern values \u200b\u200band spiritual development and talent we need to survive and crossovers evolucionar.No all end up in addictions, many fit smoothly. However, some are attracted to heroin because at least they are familiar, having its origin in opium, and serves to blur the nostalgia and sense of rootlessness drastic. We're not saying that all heroin addicts come from the East, but a large number of them do. To find out if this is true in relation to your personality, working with the material in Chapter Two about the recall past life.


Heroin is a tool to connect to your own sense of power (solar plexus) and place (the root chakra) when those powers are not working together because of emotional and environmental deprivation. As a tool, does the job you want to do, short of actually and only for short periods of time. As the addiction progresses, the heroine ultimately reversed the connection and further disconnects the two chakras. It's much better to teach how to activate these chakras to love someone's private home and meaningful work in the world who use this chemical tool. However, in these times and in this way, heroin addiction has forced the normally disinterested mass culture to look straight problems. The crime associated with heroin addicts as necessary to maintain the habit, tap the pockets of those who otherwise would spend their lives complacently unaware of the suffering of others. Often the homes of people who refuse to see the lives of the poor are those houses that are stolen, a call to the door of your consciousness. Only when mass culture to accept the connection between these two chakras as the real right and inalienable right of all members of this planet, the stage of addiction to heroin leave the conscience and human experience. As mentioned before, the popularity of addictions decreases in response to changing needs of culture and development phases of human consciousness. Some of the addictions that have been discussed already outdated, but heroin and cocaine are definitely in vogue. As global conditions continue to deteriorate, probably find that heroin addiction becomes a more serious problem before it starts to fade. As the television, satellites and other means increased global awareness and desire for more and more people is linked to the chakras, more and more private persons will be attracted to heroin. Because television and movies, people who once lived in poverty without knowing the extent of their deprivation, are now bombarded with this information. Can no longer live in ignorance. Is spreading to the Third World countries to the extent that we make the dubious favor of Westernized. The attraction to heroin is not always a result of severe environmental deprivation. The deep emotional deprivation, emotional poverty, even in the richest houses, can direct someone to this form of addiction. To Be Essential in its immateriality, poverty is poverty and lack of power is lack of power, no matter what its source. The body produces pus to warn that there is an underlying infection. The heroine is a kind of social pus. Is the rallying cry of a Mother Teresa. But at this point in time, people like Mother Teresa seems to be a five billion, so the person you scream addicts will probably not soon. But by demanding social change continuously, heroin still works as a tool of power. As with all addictive substances is not the best tool, but is the only tool available. It can be very difficult for heroin addicts honor this, remember that once stood for something, and his search led to heroin. But when the initial impulse is honored, recovering addicts can begin to open up to healing with time, become carriers of new tools of power to change society. You can not teach effectively unless you've been there. And once you've gone through it and have healed, are required to teach it.


From the most simplistic way possible, we can say that if the cocaine is an aspect of takeoff society, then the heroine is an aspect of their breakup. We put them both in this chapter because their effects on the subtle body are similar. But while cocaine tempts you with the promise to rise above the rest of society, the temptation of heroin is to drag everyone down to the same basic human level of hunger and need. Cocaine promises to teach by the sophistication and prosperity heroin abriéndote promises to teach lessons to learn from the suffering and poverty. But ultimately all his promises are false. Cocaine is like a movie of an elegant party, while the heroine is a documentary of life in neighborhoods. Each speaks of life, but none of them is real. It is easy to see heroin as a drug worse than cocaine, but how can you measure the destruction? It is easy to see heroin as a symptom or a factor of poverty, but like all power tools, the lesson of heroin is this: that you need to make or change something. And the less we see, the less we open ourselves to it and will become the biggest problem.

TRANSFORMER DIAGRAM drugs derived from organic sources

As mentioned in previous chapters, some to leave and heal drug habituation it, is to reprogram the brain wave patterns. In no case is more crucial than hard drugs which have abolished the normal waves for long enough to alter massively. The diagram shown here is the diagram to transform the habit to drugs derived from organic sources. Make your eyes go up and down between the center of the two parallel lines without stopping. Repeat the movement ten times per session up doing three sessions a day.

PROPER USE of drugs derived from organic sources

No proper use of any chemically processed organic origin involving ingestion or absorption by the human body. The human body is not yet able to process these substances, as is unable to digest plastic dishes. This does not mean that these substances are useless as tools to alter consciousness, and the next ritual involves a minimum of four people. It takes at least four to provide enough physical roots / electric. Group members will not use physical substances, which cause physical harm, but instead, will use on the mental plane. The experience is pure, detached and free from harm, in the same way that reading about a murder is not the same as being murdered. Sit in a circle on the floor, preferably at night in a dimly lit room. Place the chemical in a high place in the circle, for example, a paper turned down. That each person believes their bubble of white light and then coat the surface of the bubble with blue light. Visualize all together a magic circle around the group, a blue neon light tube at heart level. Breathe deeply and slowly, feeling your body is filled with consciousness. Project then a tentacle of consciousness outside of your body to the substance and back again with her to your body. Experiments and processes of consciousness-altering properties of the substance. This tentacle of consciousness can leave your body through any of your chakras, through several or all of them on. Some preferiréis that this selection occurs spontaneously and sometimes you can choose to direct the process. If the power goes to the heart, the experience will be different than if it goes through the solar plexus and brow. In a particular session, one can focus on a particular problem, for example, love, using the related chakra. Like all rituals, when it reaches its natural conclusion, do not forget to break the ring of light of your individual bubbles. This ritual should not be done more than once a year, and the best chance would probably be the birthday of someone inside the circle.

EXERCISE: A light substitute for drugs of organic processed

People who depend on these drugs are looking for something that does not exist, something new and yet undiscovered, whether in the world or their own consciences. In many parts of the world there are religious rituals that include substances to inspire the vision or hallucinations. (You can refer to the book Don Juan Carlos Castaneda of Economic Culture Fund.) The next exercise is designed to do the same, use it repeatedly and with extreme patience, sitting like a Zen monk, making it over and over again. These are the steps to follow: Sit in your bubble of white light. Feel the safety and security of your bubble. When you feel comfortable in it, visualize yourself floating in your bubble on the surface of a deep and infinite dark sea. The site you are entering is completely unknown. No one has seen before here. Here there is no light, no light that shines is not in your bubble. In this semi-dark things will happen you. Some are beautiful, others are appalling. Remember that whatever you see is not real in the world you live, but only in the world of the mind. If you can not stay completely calm, yet do not belong here. Return to where you came, knowing that nothing you have not created from within can hurt you, but you're not strong enough to cope. (If yes, skip what follows and go straight to the end of the year.) Tries to hold on to some of your perceptions. Beautiful or horrible, all future can be learning tools, future visions. When you've gone far enough, rock your body forward and back gently to return to your sense of this world. Feel the sea then yielding around you and open your eyes to the physical world. Do not make this exercise more than one once daily. Do not do it for more than three minutes each time. Not because you can damage, but because you can lose energy to be a beacon of light illuminated worlds. As concluded this exercise, you may need to sit in your bubble for a while until the light grows strong around you and within you to balance things out.

ESSENCES AND STONE TOOLS FOR addicted to these substances

If you like cocaine and you're ready to try a glass substitute, try this: You need to get a piece of selenite on the size of the last two sections of your little finger and a piece of aventurine more about the same size. Selenite Keep your left hand and aventurine in your left. Imagine you are breathing energy through your palms and you're directing that energy toward your head. Let it spill from there until it fills your whole body, floating through it like a cloud of bright light. For those who used heroin for a considerable time, there is a need to clean the alteration of brain waves. Because the effect is the polar opposite of cocaine, do the same exercise with the opposite pattern making aventurine in your left palm and selenite on the right. The essences can also help. The solar plexus are SUNFLOWER, for self-confidence, and to take charge of your own power, can be useful GOLDEN BUD. For rooting of the first chakra, use SQUASH, CORN and MANZANITA. To be clear and stop feeling outside of yourself, and in space, using OPAL and CLEMATIS.



The three most common categories of drug addiction are manufactured amphetamines, tranquilizers and methadone. Women, because of their particular role in our world today, have the highest percentage of use and abuse of tranquilizers, often caused by prescription. Until laws change, they also used and abused, again with the collusion medical, diet pills as a power tool to create thin bodies that society insists that we have to be acceptable. Until recently all addictive substances were made of natural substances or refined from them. Only after the last two hundred years the so-called active ingredients from plants and minerals were isolated and then chemically reproduced in laboratories. Sugar, heroin and alcohol is prepared from plants and plant products, while pills weight loss, tranquilizers and similar drugs are manufactured. Over millions of years, the human body has been taking natural substances such as alcohol and even these can harm the body. Has not yet had time to learn to absorb man-made chemicals that are harmful. Along with so-called active ingredients from plants, there are numerous other substances, not so active, that are also involved in the effects of the plant. These ingredients include minerals and elements that support the assimilation of the product by the body. By recreating the active ingredients in the laboratory, scientists have created a very powerful and useful drugs, but have numerous side effects, some deep and others subtle. The reason is that without the support of these other minor ingredients, the body can not process these drugs as well as plant products. Missing substances are as small indentations of a key. Without them, the door will not open. Manufactured drugs affect the physical and subtle bodies in a much more damaging. Its frequency retune the body of artificial and unhealthy ways. However, these chemicals have certain positive functions, as well as drugs, if not abused, as an evolving plan. There are signs pointing towards the direction we need to go to change. The more we refuse to change and further deny that direction, the stronger the power of the power tools that will create and destructive.


Why is taking place in the world this epidemic of addiction? What is happening that cultures themselves are denied access to the healing and vision? How can we explain the clear need to choose such terrible and painful experiences such as addiction? What is going on that causes the old tools to be repeatedly abused by countless masses of people? Some would say which is a sign of how sick we are, what degraded, corrupt, polluted and even unnatural that we have become. Some would say this and leave it there, grumbling about the terrible state of the world is so wicked, so devoid of sacredness. Not so. When people make new drugs more powerful and destructive than ever seen before, is a sign of how large, how ever seen, pores and sacred are the places to which a group of people is about to enter . Never fear is so great as when something big and new is to be born. The child unborn triggers the birth process by releasing hormones in the body of the mother. Hormones are chemicals, new drugs are chemicals and chemicals can be abused. Everything must be in a state of equilibrium. What is wrong is abuse, not the chemical. Those identified as addicts, are only the vanguard of the movement of our society. What they do too much, the rest is done by a lesser degree. Synthetic drugs are a symptom of the moment. They are everywhere: in food, aspirin, birth control pills birth control in so-called medicines. Anyone who takes any of this is a user of chemicals. A user of chemicals can become an addict to these chemicals. What addicts do more, do so because in the unity which we all so desire. Enter into worlds so new, you must create new ways to help you to see. Drug addicts are the soldiers of the front line of this movement, exploring the field, receiving the first shot. Incarnational history of many drug addicts is in many lives as soldiers. There are currently more incarnate warriors wars in which they fight. They are used in battle conditions, living in trenches, lost limbs, using substances to alleviate pain, fear and hunger. The life of an addicted to hard drugs is a hard life and most of us could not endure even a week, but these soldiers / addicts are so accustomed to them that rarely seems hard work. Many Vietnam veterans who had problems with addictions during the war and after it, fall into this category. However, for many addicted to synthetic drugs (as well as cocaine), karma is not about past lives, but future lives, lives so than the current drugs that serve as tools that prepare them for them. As you use the exercises of chapter two to remember your past lives, you can use to remind future lives. Time is more intricate than we can perceive and remember the future as well as remember the past. People who feel attracted to chemical drugs are not only or not primarily those with their own vision of the new life that lies ahead. They are responding to the collective vision, even the collective decision that all human souls on this planet are ready to perform. They feel weak attraction to the outward expansion of uniting with the whole universe in its various dimensions. People who are attracted to these drugs are those that subliminally perceive how fast this new way of life is struggling to take place. In response to perceived, yearn to see more, hear more, do more. The five senses are no longer enough to cover everything we feel is possible, or the sixth sense, that once was strongly awakened in us, but now is stunted by lack of use. There is a seventh and even eighth sense in the body that ultimately will lead us off the planet. However, drugs can not actually create these meanings that exist beyond the potential form. No, they only simulate a ghostly appearance of these that makes the user more saddened and longing: colors outside the spectrum we can see, sounds beyond the hearing range we can hear and feel for which our languages \u200b\u200bhave yet to develop the capacity describe. Similarly, indescribable sounds for those born profoundly deaf, colors unimaginable to those born totally blind.


One of the reasons why we continue to make new drugs is because the old do not work. Our evolution is now so fast that no drug works for a long time. During this century we have evolved immensely. Wars, rape the planet, were an indication of that evolution. Once it was more functional to be an alcoholic or an addict to opium because these tools work better than now. Alcohol is no longer works so well, and does not take you to states of intoxication / euphoria which had before. Alcohol has become obsolete in response to current needs. What we need now is to prepare for life outside the planet. The ancestors of the Eskimos did not learn to live in the cold overnight, just as our descendants will not be able to live on other planets in the overnight. First we need to augment the limited base of chemicals that can be absorbed by the human body so that people can work in radically different environments in the future. Substances are manufactured here, it may appear as natural and organic on other planets. Chemicals that "discovered" may be getting their inspiration accessing the universal unconscious. Part of the process is the gradual introduction of substances in our bodies artificially created. In a sense, at this stage of evolution there is nothing that humans can create, however artificial it may seem, it is not from earth. At this point there is no unnatural substances. Everything is created from something else. For example, the plastic comes from oil that ever came from forests. On other planets and in other times, this limitation in substances will not be the case, but it is for us now. You can create something from nothing, something of thought, but not here and not yet. For now, the introduction into the body of substances manufactured, from medicines to food additives and true drugs of abuse, serves an evolutionary function. However, you can not expect a body conditioning developed over millions of years two, three or even four generations, the ability to perform chemical absorption of substances manufactured. Some part of every addict knows that at some level is important, useful and expansive test pills and ingesting manufactured substances. But Rome was not built in a day and can not be expected that the human body change overnight and absorb these chemicals without damage. It is therefore important, simply honoring the wisdom within you that knows that these chemicals are useful. And then not use them internally. Due to the extreme absorbency of the palms of your hands is much more useful in the evolutionary scheme of things, holding them depressants, stimulants and other drugs manufactured to eat them. To sustain you can alter your brain waves and your genetic makeup subtle enough. After several generations of these changes, we will begin to produce offspring whose absorptive capacities are much larger than ours now. So, if you've been addicted to pills, you honor the wisdom of recognizing its usefulness and honor, humbly the part of you that has a dislocated sense of time. You are not your great great grandson. Let them pills to them. Also we live in a culture that insists on instant gratification. When it comes to a matter of personal vision, whether mood, emotion or body weight, are easier to take valium or diet pills to do the kind of inner work to eradicate the cause of the problem. We deal with the symptoms instead of dealing with the cause. We ended up caught between stimulants and depressants to change moods on which we have no control. We ended up hooked on diet pills to change the weight on which we feel have no control. Or are we hooked on the valuims and qualudes or any of the chemicals to which we refer to here interchangeably. Vary in composition, but not in the insensitivity of our bodies to handle. Whether our social or personal view, the use of substances for further our experiences is the key under the influence of drugs confused with a door. Is the keyhole that we mistakenly view as a gateway to the total. Drugs alter perceptions, as well as Alice found in Wonderland, but many of us are finally in detoxification centers. In these centers, We often turn to drugs to "heal" of addiction. We are victims of a culture that values \u200b\u200bperformance rather than perception, meditation rather than medication.


Every day in our labs create new drugs. Most of them have medicinal functions, but some of them not. Many of them can be very addictive, although the hallucinogens or psychedelics usually are not. In general, can be divided between those who depress the central nervous system depressants [ downers) , and those who encourage, stimulants [ uppers) . Manufactured drugs like cocaine and heroin have a profound effect on the chakras and energy bodies. These effects are very clearly deduced the names we have chosen for them. Depressants [ downers) , which literally means "workers" energy creep higher chakras into the lower body. If you're attracted to depressants, we encourage you to do the work to open your chakras and begin to alter your energy working with them. You're attracted to these substances primarily because you are trying to arraigarte else in your body and the world. You may be struggling with simple topics of daily life, relationships, problems at home, illness, injury or you can become to these substances when such problems appear. Stimulants [ uppers) , which literally means "ascend" have the opposite effect on the chakras, lower the energy of the higher centers to the lower chakras of the body. If you are using these substances, you're probably struggling with issues professional, occupational or vocational, or you're using when you need energy and clarity. But ultimately these substances damage the chakras and physical body, so it's much better to learn to work with your chakras to enter any of these substances into your body. Many people alternate their use of depressants and stimulants in addition to other addictive substances. You may be taking stimulants for the day and evening depressants to simulate the body's natural rhythms and cycles of the day. But the desire to work in higher energy levels than normal and lower them then quickly damage the organs and subtle bodies. And yet, somehow, all these chemical manipulations are indicative of the direction in which human beings move naturally. As we learn more about the brain and body physiology and more about working with the subtle bodies, evolve into a race of beings with much more resistance and much greater longevity than we can imagine now. So, in a way, these manufactured drugs point to the future development. They are as real as science fiction, future memory snacks. They are stories that we tell our bodies. But since we are so alienated from ourselves and think that we manifest our dreams away and not let them evolve, we have created substances that force our bodies into a future which are not yet ready and force our minds to remember things We are probably still capable of handling. As the dreams and visions become part of our culture increasingly be able to live with the changes first as a possibility and not try to force them into physical manifestation early. The organic drugs have their seasons, time of harvest, dried or fermented. However, synthetic drugs exist outside time, outside the stations. Have the ability to link up with other planetary consciousness, but they do the price of our current planetary bodies. Help us move into a time-consciousness and a time out of time. But we are not yet sufficiently rooted in our bodies and our minds to be able to handle these rapid changes, really only a brief preview of events to come. We want an instant change and we know that is possible, but we have not conquered the internal tools, spiritual. So we invented pills that promise to give us: an instant cure for colds, an instantaneous change in appetite and body size, an instantaneous change in mood or energy levels, and all work well, but only for a moment. Earth consciousness has been planted by guides and visitors from many other worlds for hundreds of thousands of years. They have had to come flying vehicles come in energy bodies or vehicles energy. At a subtle level these visitors have implemented information in our genetic codes and subtle body. This information exists within us all, in something like slow-release capsules. As we move into the linear time, these bits of cosmic information emerge. But we have created a culture with such an imbalance of the left cerebral hemisphere that are underdeveloped in the right hemisphere skills that are necessary to balance the flow in and out of this information. So that on the one hand, those who turn to chemical drugs are working with chemical tools instead of working with tools adequate awareness to make this information available. On the other hand, many people looking for synthetic drugs are so scared because of the emergence of this information they are using the same chemical tools in a bid to cut it and prevent it from getting conscious. As with all things on this planet, the opposites unite and work together. But if we blame for our imbalances rather than look at them and grow, we will perpetuate the imbalance. However, if we see this period of our history as moving from elementary school to high school, such as growth rather than failure, then we can learn from it and grow. The rules are not the same in primary than in secondary and the focus is not the same. It's time to conquer new skills that will prepare us to enter college or the cosmic connection. So, if the slide rule chemical drugs once worked, now it is time to use computers instead of our bodies and our spiritual awareness. During long periods of human history, the seasons followed one another in a fairly regular order. Today's weather patterns are changing all over the world due to environmental changes we have created in the past two hundred years. For generations and generations, sons and daughters followed their parents as workers, farmers, traders, with many women dying during childbirth and many young people dying in war. Today there are predictable cycles in our lives. Inherited not only the work of our parents, but we reject them and not just reject, but we made many changes in the vocational course of our lives. And we are dying from diseases that did not exist a generation ago. Everything is changing in the land now and faster than ever before in any other period in human history. So it's no surprise that we look for drugs to assist us in these changes. Use amphetamines as Benzedrine, Dexedrine and methedrine spur. And then use sedatives such as Seconal, Nembutal, Miltown and Valium to calm down. Qualudes used as muscle relaxants and even Phencyclidine or PCP or angel dust, which was first used as an anesthetic during the 50 animals. There Demerol, Darvon and methadone who promised to cure ourselves of addiction to heroin in 60 but proved themselves to be highly addictive. It is impossible to count the number of people who are addicted to pills and diet pills that we offer help to change our appetites and our bodies. It is impossible to count the number of people with multiple addictions to substances that everyone started to use as tools for change. Many of these substances are legal and can be found in the drugstore shelves. Once we found these dualities in our culture, because drugs are seen as both: as a healer and as a cultural demons. Many of these substances are legal, but only under medical supervision. And the nature of the medical system is such that there is significant abuse of these substances, as we know due to media coverage of information about actors, politicians and athletes. But as with the substances mentioned in the previous chapter, some of these substances are illegal and carry with them the energy of fear, hatred, and exploitation of all those involved in world trade. Curiously, however, that all these drugs are more destructive on the mind and body than cocaine and heroin, although many of them are legal. The society says that if you get a doctor, okay, even if not cling to them, but if shopping in the park, is not well. The drugs seem to change today as well as computers. It's hard to say what the next generation of drugs. The dream of the 60 chemical light seems distant today, when young people increasingly are using large number of drugs and with more devastating effects. But we can be sure that the more you resist the changes our culture will further increase the effects, the power and danger of these drugs. The only way to stop addiction is to teach the tools of transformation from birth, from yoga and healthy eating to meditation. But while our main focus remains the manufacture of bombs to destroy the world another 6 or 8 times, this transformation will not happen. So drug addiction is not separate from politics, religion and our everyday lives.


The reason that recreational drugs have become so popular is because our work has increased and do not have much time to play. Most social interaction is empty, most of our lives are empty. We must return to what it really means recreation, that is, the re-creation. Young children know how to sit in a sandbox and constantly create new worlds with extraordinary fluidity, moving from character to character and game to game. As adults, we need to find within ourselves the same capacity. Many of our games are hard and fast rule that we teach or try to teach us how to live in a world of rules, but if we are to evolve, need to start to create games that extend beyond the rules to higher levels of creative order. We are bored of the old kind of games because we have grown in consciousness to the point where we need less rules and more spontaneity. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat should be the new recreation, imagine a chessboard on which there are new parts as needed and where the board itself expands into spirals or pathways that make use of three dimensions or more. Imagine a football game played by four teams moving in the same field to four different targets. The object of the game is not to take your opponents the ball, but every team is trying to give the ball to one of his opponents. Competition comes from four different teams, each trying to do something good for others. Imagine the kind of interaction between adults around a table where a circle of good friends, instead of sharing his sorrows on a bad day at work, sharing together in helping each other to create new patterns of behavior in the workplace . The so-called designer drugs are becoming increasingly popular. Imagine a group interaction that pursue the same policy of initiating new and increased states of consciousness and feelings without poisoning the body. A culture that honors the body as the supreme artistic creation is the soul other non-chemical means to make alterations to the physical structure. Continued ...


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