Sunday, October 24, 2010

Beer Prices In Krakow 2010



September 11, 2001: Arten and Pursah when I first appeared nine years ago, I was at war . Now I was alone most of the time and the United States was at war.

On this day, the World Trade Center, Pentagon and 4 passenger aircraft became the target of terrorists, which destroyed everything except the Pentagon, which was badly damaged. Thousands of unarmed civilians were killed, and the American people, except for a small part, was not in a state of mind conducive to any kind of forgiveness.

was a new type of war to a more complex world. The script for the ego and not wars against an enemy called visible and clearly defined.

would be much more terrifying enemies that have continually could hardly be seen or detected, which did not obey any \u0026lt;reglas> of the war and believed fanatically that desire was from God to kill Americans. How could \u0026lt;acabar> really a war of this kind?

That Tuesday morning, along with millions of other citizens, looked puzzled silence enveloped in television images that showed live the collapse of the second tower of the World Trade Center. The combined footage of the attack were some of the most horrific images ever seen, images that, although the public did not realize symbolized separation from God, the loss of Heaven and the fall of man.

level of form, the crazy ego thought system was being dragged into an illogical extreme. Those who had executioners in life was undoubtedly fall victim to another.

As I watched the terrible disaster and its results, almost cried when viewing the horrific nightmare that no doubt they were seeing who were in the buildings and around them. Then, a miracle born of habit, I asked for help from J. Almost instantly came to my mind a couple of thoughts I had read many times at the beginning of the course, but that only seemed appropriate to apply in those terrible moments.

There are no degrees of difficulty in miracles. There is none more \u0026lt;grande> \u0026lt;difícil> or more than another.


J to join, I almost felt embarrassed for a minute feel better at what seemed to be happening. Could it really that simple? Could denying the ability to feel concerned about anything that was not God? Was true that there was a hierarchy of illusions, including any kind of death? Could devote sincerely vigilant only for God and His Kingdom?

Were all just worldviews temptations designed to persuade me that I was a body, so to judge others and keep intact my unconscious guilt, my dream cycle of incarnation and my ego? Was it really the Holy Spirit, forgiveness of the exit ramp leading to the peace of God, on my return to Heaven and the disappearance of the universe?

I finally knew for sure that the answer to all these questions was yes. Although at times I felt bad over the next few days, he also knew that my feelings were nothing compared with what would have been not having to J and his course. That does not mean that it would be appropriate to act before a crisis like this. However, as far as I could determine, the ego had produced a situation in which there would be no winner.

If the U.S. took no military action, that would not deter psychopaths, and perhaps encourage them, as in the case of Hitler. If the United States undertook military action, which seemed inevitable, is likely to produce new terrorist attacks and assassinations, although military action was successful. Who knew when they would get these attacks? 8 years had elapsed between the two attacks. How many years would the terrorists willing to wait to strike inside the United States? America could respond and be attacked, or no answer, and yet, being attacked, and could occur at any time, in the distant future or not so distant. This was a dilemma that I could not see an easy out. As usual in the script of the ego, the plot could be summarized by the phrase: \u0026lt;Mal if you do and screwed if you haces>.

In any case, my job was to forgive, and I decided to leave the decisions about what to do the country in the hands of politicians. That was their job because they had wanted, not that they could not practice forgiveness in any situation if you learn how. I give money, donate blood and give my forgiveness. It was possible to do these things without vengeance in his heart, without anger or guilt trial. No matter what seems to happen, always remember that the attacks on America just proved that this world is not God's world, and nobody in their right mind would come here except to teach the way to go. Moreover, this could have a happy dream of forgiveness, the dream that lead me to the real world.

I also felt very grateful that Arten and Pursah had promised me a visit over at the end of the year, I wanted to discuss this unexpected situation with them. However, do not know and what I say? Could almost Pursah hear: \u0026lt;All miracles are the same, Gary, want to believe or not. And if you do not forgive Course students, who will?

In late October, I attended the tenth annual conference of A Course in Miracles held in Bethel, Maine, including Jon Mundy, one of the first teachers was introduced to the course in 1975 by Helen Schucman, Bill and Ken Wapnick on Therford Ken's apartment in New York. I loved the conference and Bethel for the first time I realized that some of my shyness was gone loathed. This led me to think that, perhaps, begin to travel further to meet other students of the course, whenever the Spirit Santo guide me to do so.

December 21, Arten and Pursah showed up for the last of the meetings we had agreed.

Pursah: Hello, my dear brother. That's what I called the first time I saw you, remember? We are happy to see you, but know it has been a tough time in America. How are you?.

Gary Considering everything that happened, I'm fine. Being bill broker, I identified with some of the brokerage firms of the World Trade Center. Many of them could not get out. I know we all choose the script, but not to this level .. Has been a terrible experience for many families, and this has made Americans feel less safe, at least temporarily.

As I'm sure you know, about a week after the attacks went with my brother, who had come from Florida, to see the Red Sox in Fenway Stadium. It was our way of saying that the terrorists were not going to affect our lives. One of the things that made me feel very good is that, during the seventh inning, when most of the fans got up and abucheábamos the Yankees, this time we stood up and sang New York, New York, was our way of giving our support to the people of the Big Apple. It was a gesture very moving for all who were there.

Pursah: Yes One way to join. Many people in New York could hear and appreciate. I must say you did a good job of forgiveness on the day of the attacks. Gary

: was trying to tidy up parts of our book and had the tv on. When I see it, it took a while to explain what was happening. When told that one of the twin towers fell, I could not believe it. I thought I would be a mistake. Could not have fallen so immense tower .... When he fell to the second, I was almost lost.

Arten: But remember to J. Gary

: Yes, it never fails. As soon as I remembered him, the separation ended, never happened. However, in such a situation may seem a little inappropriate to stop being compassionate to the victims.

Arten: course. As you know, we have nothing against doing the right thing. You can still continue to identify yourself with them, as Christ, there is no difference between feeling bad and feeling guilty. Mild discomfort is not unlike a rage or an extreme penalty. You who have invented the idea of \u200b\u200bthe levels. The memory of the truth can bring you peace, regardless of event or the person being forgiven. As you remember the truth, you're doing your job.

Sometimes the dream may seem pleasant, but suddenly, without warning, turns into a nightmare. This is a reenactment of the separation from God. However, neither the bad nor the good that seems to precede true. As the course you remember:

Fairy tales can be pleasant or frightening, but no one believes they are true. Maybe they believe in them, and so for some time, are true for them. But when reality dawns, the fantasies are gone. In the meantime, however, reality had disappeared.

Pursah: forgiving sure to follow regardless of what appears to happen. You consider yourself the temptation of a body, first, reacting as a person before the tragedies on September 11, and then, identifying as an American and responding as such. No good American will sit back with something, right? So there you stay in the same vicious circle of ever ..... unless you forgive. If some people believe that something would be wrong to forgive and show love instead of fear, perhaps they should remember that the madmen who committed these acts they would not have done if someone had taken the time to teach them to forgive.

In a case like this, most Christians do not even bother to ask what Jesus would do. That's because the answer would not be consistent with their feelings. As noted above, the answer will always be the same: the pardon. That is not debatable. If people forgave him for killing his own body, do you think revenge now? Of course, I'm talking about the historic J made no concessions, not the pointless religious icon that can go in either direction. I say this to Christians who have ears to hear. With regard to attacks on United States, then talk about how to best proceed in such situations.

Always remember that your mental state and the result you get from it are in your own hands, because there are only two things you can do: prosecute as an expression of fear or forgiveness as an expression of love. Perception leads to peace of God and the other perception leads to war. As the Course teaches:

Or see the flesh or recognize the spirit. This is no middle ground. If one of them is real, the other can not but be false, because what is real denies its opposite. The vision does not offer a different vision than this.


You can only learn two lessons. Each gives rise to a different world. And each of those worlds would inevitably drift from the source. The world you see is the inevitable result of the lesson that the Son of God is guilty. Is a world of terror and despair.

Arten: completely depends on where you want to accumulate your treasure. It depends on you what spiritual path if you choose to use to help build up your treasure in heaven. If you choose this path as we did in our past lives, then we ask you to simply pay attention to what it actually says that self-study course, then use it without trying to change. Because, as J explains:

The Holy Spirit is the interpreter of God's laws for those who do not understand. You could not do that on your own because a mind in conflict can not be faithful to a single meaning, and, therefore, alters the meaning to retain the shape.

Gary right. Do not want to wait, so please tell me what is the best way to proceed in situations like the tragedy of 11 September.

Pursah: Think back to our conversation about prayer and how true guidance. That's how you can be inspired and receive creative solutions to your problems, and this applies to any problem, without exception. Join God and experience His love, and responses to level of form will come to you as a natural extension.

There could be no better example than the inspired way to solve the problems that made Gandhi to oust the British Empire in India without even firing a shot. Its not very well organized violence and public opinion eventually led the British people are biased against their own army and pro-independence India. Gary

: That's true, but it worked because the British themselves are very civilized. The nonviolence does not work with someone who does not care a damn if people die, or who feel reluctant to kill.

Pursah: 're right, and this brings to the table an important point. Inspired answers are different for different people and situations. There is no simple answer to be given all the circumstances. The real inspiration is applicable to what is happening to you you, now. What made Gandhi worked at the time and place. In your case, you may have other problems requiring even more creative solution. How will inspire people if they do not learn what produces the true inspiration for practice then?

We mentioned that, as the most powerful force in world history, America has much more responsibility than any other country when it comes to finding creative solutions to problems. The profession you have chosen is not politics, but you should make use of what you learned in your own life and share your experience with others. A day in the emergence of a president who can join God in true prayer and to find genuine inspiration. The Holy Spirit works on a case by case with each apparent individual, and each approach should always be to work with him

Gary: We have already discussed completely free to the United States from its addiction to oil, so do not have to be involved in the Middle East except to do good. It seems that this would be a logical starting point.

Pursah: Yes it would, but that will not happen in the near future, and you, individually, can not provoke him. However, you can receive inspiration about what to do with your life. As each person learns to do the same, the illusory world can not help but benefit.

Arten: Choose from Christ's strength and weakness of the ego. The world is asleep. Save time in your wake I can help others avoid the level of the mind. Generally does not see what your pardon, but I assure you that it is vital, and that the plan of the Holy Spirit can not be complete without you.

The Course says:

laws of perception must be reversed because they are a reversal of the laws of truth.

Be part of this reversal of thought by concentrating on your own lessons of forgiveness rather than those of others. We are honored to have participated in this project with you to make more people aware of the truth. That does not mean you might try to lead others. That is the work of the Holy Spirit. Your job is to follow Him and allow your apparent individual perception of a rollover. If you focus on your own learning opportunities, you'll save lots of time.

You've become so accustomed to the imaginary world of the ego ephemeral bodies that need more determination and discipline to be free. Absolutely confident in your success.

Pursah: Instead of caging the corporeal and robotic figures in your dream, liberal as acting for you. Sometimes you'll want to use thoughts like this in the Workbook to start your day off right:

Today let Christ's vision covering all things for me, and that instead of judging them, we give them each a miracle love.

Arten: Never forget the mental process of forgiveness that gave you Pursah. This is how the Holy Spirit wants you to think at this level to help him to take you where there are no levels. In fact, when the universe disappears and you return home, or even remember the concept of levels. As the Course:

remember In heaven no changes or variations. Only here you need contrast. The contrasts and differences are required learning resources, because thanks to them learn what to avoid and what to pursue. When you have learned that, find the answer to eliminate the need for differences.

Pursah: As you read the course, you'll see for yourself that the things we said about him are true. The following quote is very representative of the utterances of J on the ego's thought system, which is the system of thought in the world:

punishment claims guilt, and granted his request. Not in reality but in the world of illusions and shadows that is built on sin.

However, the course also teaches a different thought system that can not be mixed with that of the ego, but has come to replace it. You're learning well. Spare the world the way it teaches you J, as he did.

... And we are safe from all the anger ascribed to God and then discover it was only a dream.

Gary: I think . I knew there had to be more about J of the churches I was told when I was growing up. Somehow, all this looks familiar. I guess the thought system of love was exactly what J's attitude reflected when you were with him 2000 years ago.

Pursah: Absolutely! It was not nothing but love. His forgiveness was perfect. Gary

: And your teaching style, that sometimes, we should call, so direct, has been strictly for my benefit?

Pursah: Yours and many others. Sometimes you have to go a little beyond the line to someone's attention. In this day and age, this would apply to many other members of this society where you seem to live so hard. You, dear brother, you are now anchored in the right direction. Perfect forgiveness are learning here, as they have all ascended masters, and perfect love is all you know in heaven. Remember, when awake and a dream, the dream disappears. It will completely. You will not miss anyone, because all the people you've known and loved will be there with you, you are one. It's awesome. Gary

: Great! So you have some last minute instructions for the book?

Arten: Because you are including the citations we have mentioned of course, we decided to set things so that when you have finished writing our book, you will have used exactly 365 of them, one for each day of the year . These appointments, when read by themselves, are a reminder of what ACIM says. Although some of them are paraphrased, can be read in the exact order going from one note to another, and are a representation of J in their own words. Just a couple of them have been used more than once, and can be used over a year as thoughts of the day to keep readers interested. Anyway, people can choose how to use our book in the future.

Also, as you suggested long ago, you might want to get rid of your notes, especially in these films in terms of use. You do not want one day be auctioned on the internet. Other than that, just finish the book and do with it what we discussed in private. Do not feel any pressure. Our message is timeless.

Gary: It is well. You know that, anyway, some of these tapes did not come out well. I had to fill in many blanks. It's good to have taken notes. You said that the book did not have to be a verbatim transcript, is not it?

Pursah: Right. You know, J also told us and I Thaddeus 20 centuries ago should not feel any pressure. He said that salvation comes to every mind when you come. While there, in a body that supposedly had died, he advised us to give people our love, our forgiveness and our experience, and we let the Holy Spirit took over the rest. Gary

: Go! That must have been incredible. You know, I wish I had known when you were St. Thomas, I bet you were an interesting guy.

Pursah: She was not a saint, that was a subsequent action of the church, remember? "Actually, I knew when it was Thomas. In fact, you knew me better than anyone. In fact, I knew better than anyone else.

Gary What do you mean?

Pursah: You and I are even closer than you think. Gary

: What do you mean?

Pursah: See, Gary, you were Thomas.

Gary What do you mean, I was Thomas?

Pursah: You were Thomas 2000 years ago, and I'll be in your next life.

Gary What?!

Pursah: All this is part of the script, my brother, and you must represent your papers. You have had many lives that were very interesting, and others were not so good. That's true for everyone. Gary

: Are you saying that you are appearing to yourself in your past lives I am you? What I was there with J Tadeo and 2000 years ago and it was Thomas? "I wrote the Gospel of Thomas? What I will be you, a woman in my next incarnation? & # 160; And that this will be my last life, the life you become a Buddha?

Pursah: we're saying. Okay, Gary. You know it takes someone with a spiritual training to understand all that. Try to understand I've come to help, and help others through you, and so has Arten. All part of the plan holographic forgiveness of the Holy Spirit. Arten

You and I have known over many lives, including one in which you were Thomas and Thaddaeus. We also know in this life, but we'll let you guess who it is. The fact that I-your future-Pursah body image appears before you and help you form part of the plan, and reflects the law of Heaven by which I just help myself. It's always yourself who to support. By the way, you're seeing a version Pursah body when he was 32 years to help pay attention. I think it worked wonderfully.

A part of you know all past, present and future. The Holy Spirit, looking back from the end of time, decided that in some cases would use the future to help heal the past, just using this to heal the future. The world has to learn to think holographically rather than the old linear fashion. Gary

: "So I'm your pre-incarnation?

Pursah: Yes, but in reality the two incarnations occur at a time. We now go to visit you from out of time. Gary

: not know what to say.

Arten: Excellent. A nice feature for a student, remember? I know it's amazing. Get used. There are many other exciting things that await you. Just keep doing your job to forgive. Remember that you must forgive everything, regardless of what seems to happen in the future. Only God is real.

We apologize for not reveal this before, but you would not have been ready to accept yourself as a reincarnation of a famous saint without thinking that that made you special. Now you see it as a classroom lesson. Most people assume that, for the simple fact that the Church calls us saints, those lives in which were two of the first disciples should be the last, the lives in which we reach mastery. It does not work that way. In fact no one can judge the level of spiritual development of another. Only the Holy Spirit has all the information necessary to do so.

supposedly did not have to start remembering that you had been Thomas at this point in time. The reason why I always had that desire to know what life was next to J 2000 years ago is that you were there and you were his student. Were trying to remember. Gary

: I can see. It's like trying to remember a dream you had in bed the other night, but you really can not do it accurately. I guess trying to remember more consistently Heaven is something similar. Going to have to spend some time for me to get to all this, I can not believe I have written the Gospel of Thomas.

Pursah: Yes, but your life as Thomas was not the last, and then wrote another spiritual book. As time went on, was read more widely and made many people in the right direction. The book was called "The Disappearance of the Universe - and you will finish it within a few months. Somehow, you could also call it the second Gospel of Thomas. Get up, lazy. Gary

: This is too much to take it all at once. I do not know if I like the idea of \u200b\u200bstudying the Course for more than an enlightened life.

Pursah: Some people consider the course over a lifetime. and others are light in the first life to study it. In any case, it is a process. You have made great progress and you continue making them. Like most people, you have some deeply buried guilt that you are unaware, so you still have any fear. It will take even more forgiveness to be collapsing unconscious guilt to be able to awaken fully. That is why we insist on forgiveness is what wakes you up. You're in the process of awakening! Your eyes are opening, and finish the task in the end only two lives is better than later to get another hundred lives. I assure you that without the course would have needed another hundred.

also know from experience that when you Pursah and study the course everything will come easier because you're familiar with him in this life. Gary

: Will I remember all this in my next life?

Pursah: Still posing good questions, my dear brother. Interestingly, enough and remember enough to forget to enable your last lesson of forgiveness. Go postponing reading the book you wrote in this life until much after the lesson of forgiveness college already told you. Further study of other things, including classic materials Wapnick. When you reach the point in your life to read "The Disappearance of the Universe - assemble all the pieces and remember everything. Your consciousness will have expanded to that of an ascended master, and Arten and take some time in your life, helping. Together we remember many things.

Of course, I'm talking in past tense because for us it has already happened and in a broader sense, everything has already happened. You two were you able to forgive everything, and do not harbor any resentment. You had not afraid because wrong values, and choose the power of Christ at every opportunity.

Finally, we are not using our real names in these lives because if we did, some people of the future may be vigilant to see if they can discover who we are, and that could complicate things. It is true that I had a name from South Asia, but I've changed for these conversations. Gary

: How interesting is to see how things fit.

Pursah: That is the nature of the hologram, but even so, you have to forgive them all together with the Holy Spirit if you want to find the way out. The desire to find the way out only comes when you recognize the true nature of this imaginary universe. Do not be misled by your success, and not expect others to always agree with what you say. No need to wait for everyone in the world wake up and smell reality.

're very fortunate that, for your thousands of lives, you were friends with both J and Great Sun And if you ever feel the temptation of thinking that makes you special, remember this: \u0026lt;Any the mundo> & # 160; for at least one of its many incarnations, or incarceration-both terms are accurate - would be happy to be a friend and supporter of an enlightened being still seems to be in a body. Sometimes that Being enlightened is famous, or at least known, but usually not.

We've already said that most of the enlightened beings do not seek a role, but tend to attract some friends and followers, and often is an important learning experience for these people. We've also said that during their lifetimes J was not as famous as John the Baptist. J became much more famous after the crucifixion and resurrection, but even before that was his loyal friends and followers, among whom were included.

There are now more than ever that lucky, or are illuminated, or illuminated in this life when the Holy Spirit heals completely unconscious guilt. Their number has increased over the past two decades, mainly because so many people studying and practicing the Course. I thought I would say this is because the world is more enlightened. Sorry, but salvation is not something that has to do with a critical mass.

People can not illuminated by the thoughts of others, or simply being in his presence. But it is possible to point out the right direction.

In the annals of spiritual history is not written on the most enlightened people who are now or soon will be. That does not matter. How could it matter whether it is a dream? If you really know that it is only a dream, why think it is important that others know? Do they mean something really the details of their lives? No, but still, your friends will benefit greatly from sharing their experience.

Arten: know what source you are destined to keep learning. Reading Course Text and Workbook is no substitute possible, even after making the lessons. Use your mind to choose between the body and the true spirit, and in doing so forgive the world. Through forgiveness, your ego will go undone. As the course poignantly

Salvation is undone. If you choose to view the body, see a world apart, disconnected things and events that make no sense. Someone appears and then disappears at death: one is condemned to suffering and loss. And no one is exactly as it was a moment before or is it a moment later. What confidence can be seen here that much change? What value can be who is not more than dust? Salvation is the process that undoes this. For the record what they see salvation those whose eyes have been released to contemplate the cost of retaining the guilt, because instead it chose to leave.

Pursah: J has made it clear how important it is salvation for him. As you undo your ego, you get closer to the start, when you made that first error that occurred after everyone else. Then you re-elected last time, resulting in your return to Heaven and eternal oneness with God. J will be with you every step of the road. Because, as I said in the Workbook:

... I have not forgotten anyone. Help me to lead you back where the day began to be able to conduct another election with me.

would otherwise not better to close quotes from our leader. We love you, J, and we thank you for your everlasting light and accurate guide. We are your disciples until the time runs out for everyone.

And I love you, Gary. We have a message to spread it, but you'll hear our voices combined into one, because in reality are the voice of the Holy Spirit, which will remain here with you when it seems we're gone. Gary

: I ever see you again?

Arten: That depends on you and the Holy Spirit, dear brother. You talk to him about it, like everything else you. Gary

: Do not go yet

Arten: right. You'll see. Everything will be fine.

Note: With this, the bodies of Arten and Pursah began to melt is a beautiful sight of glorious, pristine white light that was slowly filling the room until all I could see and feel was the warm and wonderful glow light that surrounded me. I heard the following statement Tone of voice, after which the light is expanded into a bright and then disappeared, leaving me in the room thinking about what had happened and all the help you need on the road that lay before me.

Arten and Pursah in Unit: I love you, my dear brothers and sisters, you are actually I do not yet know at all. Was grateful for the opportunity to forgive each other and thus forgive yourself. Replace your resentment with love.

Let your mind be guided to the peace of God and the truth that is within you emerge into your awareness.

may remember that towards the beginning of these talks, Arten J described as a light that guides children to their true home in Heaven.

The truth is that eventually all children have found their way back home. Then, when all acknowledged that they are one and found innocent, God came to welcome in the Kingdom of the Life of the Mind of Christ that did not seem lost or separated never to be seen again.

The fake universe disappeared, returning to the vacuum that was never there. Illusory mind was liberated in spirit, to love following the original intent.

Christ is so happy now can not be contained in himself, and so it extends beyond infinity. And all the foolish ideas of a child's dream no longer exist to be remembered.

no borders or boundaries, only fullness and completeness. No past or future, only safety and happiness. Because Christ is everywhere, because God is everywhere. Eternally limitless, there is no distinction between them. All that remains is one, and God Es


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