Sunday, October 24, 2010

Acrylic Nails For Wedd



One night while I was in a mall about 20 km from home, a young man was stabbed, an event unusual in the area. I saw the man come running from the parking lot, tripped by the establishment as he covered his severed throat and then collapsing in the supermarket was crowded with shoppers. The man, terrified, rolled over, putting his face on the floor and bled to death.

was not much I or anyone else could do for this poor man, mortally wounded.

I helped calm the crowd by making people circulate for emergency services, who arrived quickly, they could do their job. Occasionally looked at the man stabbed and I was surprised at the amount of blood that can contain a human body. As the man lay on the floor dying. the pool of blood coming from his throat completely surrounded his body, drawing an oval growing around them. People passed him in silence, as if watching an open casket in a funeral ceremony, muted by the thought of death all around us.

While participating in this horrible scene, I had the feeling of actually being there. As I watched your body, mind the man said: \u0026lt;That's not you, it could be you. That's not us. We are Christ> The body, blood, the thought of death, none of it seemed more real than a movie. Not that he was unable to feel shocked.

Any bad day could still have my reactions. But this particular collection of images made me clearly see the unreality of the body and how false was the idea that any of us could be contained in a vessel so fragile and temporary. The life of this young man had completed more than a third of the usual route of our journey in this world, all their hopes, dreams, fears and joys were being returned to the deluded mind which they came. Was this something that really could be called life?

Later I asked the Holy Spirit if you think this way was some sort of denial. The answer that came was, yes, absolutely, is a negation of the ego. The thought process that was developing as he watched those scenes are not stopped me from doing everything we can to help, or, as my teachers say, by doing things that would have done anyway ... but, while doing my mind was being away from the error rather than fall into it.

in December 2000. after thinking about death and marveling at the spectacle of a presidential election that was decided by the Supreme Court rather than the will of the voters, Arten and Pursah made his sixteenth appearance.

Arten: There is not much to say about the experience of the mall. Say puts things in perspective. Gary

: So, really, we are not this body. I know. I have had many experiences that I've been told, but this is the first time the Holy Spirit has used a trick of the ego, which was supposed to convince me of the reality of the body of another person, to teach otherwise.

Arten: Okay. Return to the issue at hand within a minute. But first, briefly, what you did not like the outcome of the election?

Gary What election? Have been better if we had not even. The candidate bought and paid for by corporations lost half a million votes --- officers not to mention another million votes disqualified, mostly in minority areas, and the Supreme Court president makes, and the casting vote is delivered by someone who was appointed by father! Another Supreme Court judge, who said publicly that he believed to be in a \u0026lt;guerra cultural> with their opponents, in fact scored to make a decision that would be wrong to count the votes in Florida because that question the legitimacy of the election of Bus . I have news for you, my friend, democracy is dead.

Arten: Injury yes, but not dead. It is true that in your country the will of the people can often be manipulated by the powers that be hidden, including the modern corporate media. And in those cases where it can not be manipulated, you can turn around. Eventually, an investigation by New York Times, which is ignored in TV, conclude that if all Florida's votes had been counted, Gore would have won the election. But most Americans are too concerned about his own ambitions to address the common good. This results in a politically illiterate public that can usually be cajoled into accepting long-term negative consequences, many of whom do not know.

This does not always correlate with the president. We could tell you stories, as when the Federal Reserve Board deliberately caused inflation in the late 70's and early 80 so that the average American had to be a slave to the banks for life to become masters of their home.

At that time people went to borrow $ 30,000 to have to ask 130,000 or 230,000, have to pay back four times. Note that when inflation came down, prices did not. The salary increase was never even a shadow compared to the price increase.

President Carter, a man kind and spiritual, was the perfect puppet to assume the political costs of the situation. Gary

: know, I remember something like that. President Ford knew that inflation was a problem, everyone knew it. Even enacted a series of measures called WIN. But when Carter was elected president, the Federal Reserve Board made the interest rate lowered. Publicly said they were trying to avoid a recession, but in reality was like pouring gasoline on the fire. What a scam! Most of us do not pay much attention to this sort of thing. People have had to pay attention to the results of this election but I doubt that going to change anything.

Arten: Look at the bright side. Not interested in politics and therefore from now. Gary

: Is that good? Is not that what the country's corporate owners want?

Arten: is good, in a sense, because one of the things I can guarantee you about the policy is to always be consistent. You're on the side, the other side will always be there, right next to you. That does not mean you should not vote as a way to assert your opinion. 've Always voted. Most Americans, though declared patriots, do not even bother to do so. But you should vote, forgive, forgiveness and have that be your real contribution to politics. Gary

: "Although the results are a fraud?

Arten: all a matter of perception, brother. The Republicans say that Kennedy stole Illinois in 1960. Gary

: Yes, but even if Mayor Daley of Chicago forged some votes for Kennedy dead voters, Kennedy still had enough electoral votes to win the election without Illinois. You can not say the same about Bush and Florida. In addition, Kennedy also won the popular vote. As you indicated, since 1960 have been spending many strange things to change the country, and not for the better. As far as I'm concerned, Eisenhower was right about the military-industrial complex, and one of his main moves to conquer absolute power was the killing of Kennedy.

Arten: not going to go into more detail about this, but we were talking about politics and elections. The point is that even if some of them had been rigged, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. That's duality. Only God is impossible to lose, so your real work always comes back to forgiveness. So, can you forgive this election?

Gary: right, brother. I would hate my body died having something so stupid like this without forgiveness.

Arten: Excellent. How do you usually think you're a speculator and a capitalist, from time to time we have taken the time to talk to you about money and politics. But in reality you are not these things, and you need to be precise about the details of your grievance at the level of form. What you see is not really there. You have made. Given what you know, you have no logical reason to project your unconscious guilt about the rich, especially because you do not mind being one of them. This means you have a perfect opportunity to forgive yourself, forgiving others. The truth is that all these things are lessons of forgiveness, and that all the lessons of forgiveness, including death, are equal.

Until tonight, sometimes have delayed the implementation of forgiveness when your life circumstances were particularly difficult. When you forgive, and always end up doing, and how did you even at times in the middle of the electoral debacle, you feel good. Then you tend to slip and allow concessions in the way you see things. That leads to a temporary absence of peace. In her misery loves company, but that does not mean you have to accept your invitation. It is time to bring the truth to the end. Do not make more concessions. This brings me back to the topic of our conversation tonight.

now know without a shadow of doubt that you are not a body and can not really die, right?

Gary: Right. I also believe in what both the Bible and the Course say \u0026lt;The last enemy destroyed is muerte>.

Arten: Yes However, if you can not die, nor can anyone else. If they can not die, neither do you. These two ideas are.

Pursah: Death is a symbol of your illusory separation from God. What happens when someone you love seems to die? Suddenly you are separated. Seems lost, just as you seem to lose God. But that's not true. You really can not lose, as you can not lose God. You are inseparable. A body cry when love seems to die, but as the course teaches you what you really miss is your experience and God and heaven.

And who would mourn for her innocence? Gary

: I cried for my parents, but cry for those who mourn, what in fact we miss less is our true home, and our real state in God.

Just do not make that connection because it is unconscious.

Pursah: That's right. You had many different parents in your many lives, and many wives and children. Many of them have died apparently while you kept in physical body. This is how the dream world. But it is only a dream world, and indeed you are with God. The system of thought of the Holy Spirit is making you wake up and, once learned, it is up to your work and \u0026lt;acordarte of Él> and His system of thought in this level. Gary

: So when I think you should not hold any hard feelings, I stop. In fact, there is no injustice if I have invented everything, and I invented for a reason. When I remember that I am at peace, but then I forget and go back to being trapped in the debris of the ego.

Pursah: Yes And there you have identified one of the biggest problems of all serious students of the course.

Gary Once you know and understand the truth can still be very difficult to remember when you think of negative things, especially if you have to do with something you consider important.

Pursah: Exactly. Vigilant can be difficult, but is required. Occasionally have to re-commit to be even more alert. When you can not remember the truth that the Holy Spirit offers you delay your own happiness. As the Course asks

What is this miracle but remember? "And there is someone in whom there is this memory? Gary

: I know from experience that I can do this course when I remember.

Pursah: Yes you can. You can do whatever the problem you face, including the death of your loved ones and the death of your own body, which, as I have said, occur at a point in the script that you yourself have given. Why worry? It is not just another opportunity to forgive. Whatever happens, the smartest thing you can do is use it to forgive, and better sooner than later.

Arten: unconsciously afraid of death and feel attracted by it unconsciously. You once said it was like the attraction of the moth to the flame. The attraction to death is what the Course calls the third of four major obstacles to peace, and your fear of death is only subordinate to the erroneous fear of God. You could say that the fear of death is a symbol of fear God, and blameless in your unconscious mind will be impossible to feel afraid for any of them. J was not afraid of death, and certainly not afraid of God. You no longer need to fear your Father.

illusory should see the death of your physical body as the day of your graduation. It means you've got all you had to get this temporary classroom in particular. The lessons have been learned! Should be a celebration. I assure you it will be fun. In most cases, if people knew what being free of the body, do not weep for the dead, rather they feel jealous "The problem is that the fun does not last. As emphasized, blame grabs you and makes you re-wrap in the security blanket of a body. This is simply the continuation of the dream of birth and death.

Gary sure why I want to forgive my opportunities now. Thus death will be more fun, and I may be more advanced in my progress, whether they appear to be in a body or not. If you get enlightened in this life, great. If not, continue to be much better. You talked about reincarnation, but now I understand that's just something that seems to happen, only that I'm dreaming of a body to the next.

Arten: That's true. As for reincarnation, it does not matter what is created, subject to forgive. The Course says:

The only thing you must recognize, however, is that the birth was not the beginning and that death is not the end.

Gary: So consciousness, although it is a dream-like state, continues after the apparent death of the body. When fully awake sleep, consciousness disappears and experience your oneness with God and All Creation.

Pursah: have been as accurate as one can be, brother. All enter the Kingdom together because, as we have said, time is only an illusion. It does not take any long wait between the moment of illumination and enlightenment of others, because the lighting is a state of being that is beyond the confines of time and space. The mind was the time and space, and therefore must, by definition, out of them. One more thing, is well mourn the death of a loved one at first. People often take some time to forgive something like that. Always act appropriately in your dealings with others.

Gary long time ago you mentioned something about J heal some people who were already dead. I assume that Lazarus was one of them, but how was that J did?

Arten: The act of resurrecting the dead is no different than healing the sick. The true healer is still the patient's mind. You join with that mind to remind her true identity. J was so advanced that he was unwilling to make concessions on an idea so important. As stated in the course, commenting on your relationship with him

.. Your mind will choose to join mine, and together we are invincible. You and your brother finally you join my name, and your sanity, you will be restored. Raises the dead because I knew that life is an eternal attribute of all that God created living. Why do you think would be more difficult for inspire me discouraged or stabilize the unstable? I do not think there are degrees of difficulty in miracles, you do.

Gary So for him to resurrect the dead was no more difficult to heal the sick, or forgive someone for saying something nasty, or any other miracle. All are equal. Life being an eternal attribute of all that God created, J knew that death does not really exist. Only what God created is real, and what he created will never die.

Arten: Yes not forget that the body is only a symbol. J was not making the body of Lazarus was nothing special, the same way did not make his body was special. Make the mind body would revive the projection temporarily was symbolic. The body itself is negligible. The question is simply to show that there is no death. Despite what the Bible says, Lazarus did not stay in your body long after J raised him. Left side of his body and made her transition peacefully and happily, because he had shown that there is absolutely nothing to fear.

Gary Okay, so that J was merged with the mind of Lazarus as everyone thought he was dead meat in the tomb is as if J is to join with their own reality as Christ or the Holy Spirit, and also join as one with Lazarus. Minds are joined, so that J was able to shine their love on the mind of Lazarus and the two were one with the Holy Spirit, because J knew that he was her true identity. This, in turn, reminded Lazarus who was truly, making your mind revive its projection body as a symbol of the denial of death.

Arten: you choose wisely, brother. Do not forget, J was all the progress that can be in its ability to bind to other mentally and remind them of their innocence, therefore it was such a good healer. Do not feel disappointed if not resurrect the dead on your first attempt. Gary

: I understand. If the day comes that I bless someone whose body is very dead and gets up and starts walking around, then I'll take that as a sign that I am about something.

Arten: Okay. Years ago we told you you could not understand how we project our bodies, but now understand much more and has made significant progress towards the target. In short, your body image you project the same way you project your images when you're dreaming at night. Your mind is projecting a movie, then, in your experience, seems that the eyes of your body are watching your own body and all other bodies, but in reality, your mind is apparently separate, they are seeing their own thoughts, projected from another hidden layer.

When the mind returns to all, no separation of levels, and therefore there is no projected film or any body to do. Then your body disappears from the film. Like everything else, the body is a mental experience, not physical. Never ever! But for the love of an enlightened being can take shape in the dream, as did J after the crucifixion. This love is the love of the Holy Spirit. After all, you should to start being one with him to be enlightened.

Pursah: As the years go by, you, dear brother, keep learning and growing, and your awareness grows increasingly understand about these things. Again, it would help you to be more forgiving as of this moment. You've forgiven a lot over the last few years, why not delve deeper into your decision? Gary

: understand. The course is much talk of not making concessions, and I think I'm prepared to be more serious in this regard.

Pursah: Excellent. Let others make concessions regarding the principles of the course. Your job is not to stop, just forgive them. You have no need to make concessions, and really no one else out there. There is only one ego appearing as many. There is no belief where the award is more freely accepted among seemingly separate, in the belief that sleep of death. As the Course:

... If death is real for one thing, life does not exist. Death denies life. But if life is real, what is denied is death. In this there can be no compromise whatsoever. Or is there a god of fear or Love One The world tries to make thousands of compromises in this respect and try to make a thousand more. Not one can be acceptable to the teachers of God, and that none would be acceptable to God. He did not create death, but did not create fear. To him, both are equally meaningless.

The \u0026lt;realidad> of death is firmly rooted in the belief that the Son of God is a body. And if God created bodies, death would certainly real. But then God would not be loving. No other point so clearly illustrates the contrast between the perception of the real world and the world of illusions.

Gary Once again, the real world is what you see, not with the eyes of my body, but with my attitude, when you have completely forgiven the world and it does not project any unconscious guilt. That would also mean that I have fully forgiven, and that the perception and time are coming to an end for me.

Pursah: That's right, my brother. It's nice to see you fulfill your tasks to read the Course as well as with the task of forgiveness. Gary

: Thanks. Speaking of the belief that the Son of God is a body ... this year, scientists have decoded the genome map human, which is the full outline of the human genetic code, the \u0026lt;book of vida>. They say that determines who we are!

Pursah: Yes They love the complexity and the supposed beauty and ignore the body that directs the mind. That's like thinking that a computer can not do anything by itself, is important, and overlook the programmer who tells what to do. The ego has triumphed temporarily.

Remember, if something allows researchers to find treatments for diseases that can help people, we do not oppose it. We have already mentioned that most minds can heal the body more easily if half a manner that the person can accept without fear. But you must remember something else. There are people who meet all the physical conditions for heart disease and Alzheimer's disease, who have clogged arteries or have a family history of pernicious, and yet show no symptoms of these diseases.

always the mind that decides whether to be sick or not and whether cured or not.

Gary: Well . I remember something I've wanted to ask you for years and I always forgot. Is the Shroud of Turin really the burial cloth of J? Did it intentionally its image as a symbol of resurrection?

Arten: not want to take a jug of cold water on something that the people liked, but the Shroud is a fake bright to the point that is almost a work of genius. You have practiced various scientific tests have offered contradictory results, and some suggest that the Shroud is authentic. There are other explanations for these results. You have to realize that the Shroud was made at a time when it was very important for churches to have relics of famous figures. Then considered to have much power.

Let me ask you this: do you really think J would something behind to glorify the reality of their body image? No. In the resurrection, the body simply disappears. By the way, the image on the Shroud does not reflect the true appearance of J, nor the show the tables have made it. The physical tests are unnecessary, Gary. All you need is faith. J's body was nothing for him. Now do not try to make a picture of him is important.

body, the universe and all it contains only images in your mind, parts of a virtual reality game. Sometimes it may be a convincing forgery of life, but as the Shroud, is false. Do not seek your salvation there. Always look for where the answer really is "in the mind dwells the Holy Spirit, and you will find. Remember, we say that God is, and then we stopped talking because there is nothing else.

Pursah: To end our conversation on the subject of death, remember what the Course says about your life and apparent death in this world:

In any other state other than heaven, life is not an illusion. In the best life seems, at worst, death. Both are, however, judgments about what life is not identical in their inaccuracy and lack of meaning. Out of Heaven, life is impossible, and that is not in Heaven is not anywhere. J

calls you to be with him, and he join and where life really is!

The First Advent of Christ is not just another name for the creation, for Christ is the Son of God. The Second Coming of Christ is not simply the end of the rule of the ego and the cure of the mind. Like you, I was created in the first, and I have called you to join me in the second.

If you are ready to answer the call, then, knowing how deep unconscious guilt may be, will be increasingly determined to forgive your brother at every chance you get.

.. and be with him when time runs out and no trace of bitterness in the dreams of those who dance to death.


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