Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Nylon Scenes In Movies


NOTE FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT PRACTICE THE REIKI: Any activity energy of love is valid! Valeria L.

22 Mar 2011 14:09:29 +0000

From: Ling Estévez \u0026lt;otahki@mac.com>

COMMENTS: this circular we received on Saturday. Due to health problems has not been translated until today. Walter Lübeck announced impressive how the developments in Japan.


Hameln, 12.3.2010

Dear friends!

While teaching a seminar last Friday on Saydiyay in my heart of Hameln, wrapped in peace and spiritual energy, and alongside the participants were enjoying a pleasant massage tantric, on the other side of the world was developing a drama epic proportions. Scenes typical of films shot in Hollywood disaster flooded televisiores screens.

The death toll is much higher!

was talk of some two thousand officers dead! False. It was only the first identified bodies! The number of unidentified dead, and therefore not accounted for, will rise to many thousands. We were at the first earthquake, and the first flood. There will be more natural disasters. There are three nuclear reactors about to cause a debacle that will add to the other damage. Other damage may be added. This occurs in a very densely populated country where there are no territories to emigrate. The radioactive clouds have been carried by wind to the Pacific, but the moratorium will only happen until Wednesday. A time of grace? To the Japanese themselves to animals and sea plants no. For the inhabitants of Pacific islands either. As from Wednesday the wind will blow in the direction of Tokyo. Through flows Wind and natural flow radioactivity was distributed throughout the world gradually. This is safe.

The consequences of the catastrophe of reactors is likely to exceed the consequences of natural disaster

is very likely that the consequences of nuclear disaster in Japan are much worse than occurred after the earthquake and tsunami.

This is why I write this circular should be out later date in a hurry. This circular is not intended to speak of Reiki-Do Institute International. In the next retake the information about the seminars, stones, aromatherapy, books and music.

two years ago, and half received another memo in which I warned about what was coming to join us, in astrological terms, the planet Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. Month that happening hatched the global financial crisis.

Lightworkers, it's time for you to make use of your abilities!

Since then I strive to make the public understand the seriousness of this period of transformation that will continue even astrology 12 years. I call upon the light workers around the world to make use of its potential to help the world, people, animals and plants! Now is the time when men and women trained spiritually to be displayed and act responsibly. When reason and personal effort and can not bring back a situation must turn to the magic. Labor time has come to light. To this end, the creative force gave us the magic, prayer and mediumship.

Therefore: Bring out your magic wands and start working to remedy the situation. Let us support the

as political goodwill, scientists, soldiers and the forces of salvation, the victims of the disaster and the light beings and nature who are willing to come to our aid, while still being on time, to heal this terrible karma that we have caused.

In this period of Pluto in Capricorn astrological power structures of our society will be shaken violently around the world. This should be that we who have decision making capacity, as well as the entire population, wake up and understand at once that the course taken by humanity leads to a dead end. In the coming years, after the decade-long we have left, shall in Aquarius Pluto. Then we could be the beginning of an era truly free, peaceful, and friendly unit nature or else humanity will fall for a long, long time in a dark period of anarchy, chaos and misery. The reason: the Age of Aquarius offers two possibilities: Freedom (used responsibly), equality (in the sense of recognition of individual human value), fraternity (social responsibility), but also lawlessness (get rid of something), social coldness irresponsibility.

A new beginning and a better world or the anarchy and chaos

In the days ahead, with Pluto in Capricorn, including power structures, the technological basis of such structures, will be profoundly shaken. It is an opportunity for humanity to emerge something new and better. If you do not pay attention to what we have to address is introducing a new start under the more adverse circumstances. Albert Einstein said: "I know not with what weapons will be held the third World War. What I know is that the fourth world war will be with stones and sticks. "If we stay in the area understand that we speak of our present, our level of technology, the way we treat people, our culture than one side has contributed to enormous progress while in other areas, it is my opinion, has become very outdated.

Many years ago I have been in training Spiritual healers and Reiki Rainbow, development of mediumship, shamanism, tantra Lemurian and light work. Why? Because only through numerous well-trained people can reach a greater number of individuals who in turn will train others so that together we can alleviate or correct what is to come. I know many colleagues worldwide who have acted the same way, being consistent with what they are: spiritual teachers.

What does this circular target?

Through this newsletter I want to again appeal to you to use your potential to informéis to your friends and for them alertéis on the need for all of us put in the same direction. Distribute this circular as soon as possible and compartidla with all spiritual people and open you to know. Especially interested in

slogan "The One Million Reiki Tsunami."

A Reiki million for the tsunami!

In the following pages I will give advice concerning the current situation - because the radioactivity is also coming to Europe! Many of the volunteers who have traveled to Japan become ill from the radiation. There are ways and options, both on your part as that of your loved ones, to do something for Japan and the rest of the world. Is in your hands!

Sayayi Deloriya! May the Great Goddess bless you with His love and wisdom. Walter Lübeck


PD Sorry for any grammatical errors that should have been reviewed but the urgency that requires the subject permitting. Time is short. (The same goes for the translation GOES WITHOUT CORRECTION. It has been translated on the fly without CORRECTION!)

A petition in favor of understanding ...

pray for your understanding because I will be brief without going to argue much my recommendations. Within one hour I should be in my Institute. I hope the dear fellow to attend my seminar. Given the urgency of this post-really important-I am deprived of sleep. If you have questions I can locate the next 18, 19 and 20 March at the "Sin Fronteras - Natura Vital" in Hofheim / Taunus. Also you can find me via Facebook. Try to update data for this move and keep you informed. Shortly we will have a Facebook page with the title of "Reiki" Tsunami. "

If a woman is pregnant or if someone is sick the following advice should consult with your doctor or naturopath before taking any products recommended. If in doubt always meet the suggestions of the practitioner.

Protection against radioactivity and disposal of radioactive substances

Orange essential oil: a boon as well as other citrus essential oils. Serve to protect cells against mutations. There are enough scientific studies to support this thesis. Orange oil must be of high quality and totally natural. There are several companies that offer natural aromatic oils. Orange oil is cheap and can be incorporated without major problems in food and beverages. No side effects highlight and has a pleasant taste. Note: ingestion of larger amounts of citrus does not work in this case. In this case we take as an oil. If precisáis advice contact me via Facebook. Miso

from organic production. This also includes miso-based soups. This food helps the body quickly debug radioactive substances. In his day, following the release of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there were studies. The Japanese who regularly ate breakfast miso soup could cope with the consequences of that radiation. If precisáis advice contact me via Facebook.

fresh juice of nettle and nettle tea. Helps purify the body of radioactive substances.

Reiki: During the Chernobyl disaster some Reiki teachers I know could see that the fresh mushrooms radioactive radiation remitted when given intensively Reiki. The checks gauges were tested with Geiger Müller. For this reason Reiki install showers in every room of your home and workplace and often performed by Reiki stays clean. If disponéis the second level of Usui Reiki but do not know these techniques can find in my book "Reiki - the most beautiful techniques" (Walter Lübeck). Regularly practice self-Reiki and ofrecédselo people who want. Those who have the second level can make lists for the treatment groups. So you can treat several people at once thanks to treatment by the occupation Distance compatible with your agendas. Offer Reiki daily to the Higher Self of your home and where trabajéis structures. I send Reiki to the Superior of your village, town or neighborhood. This can be done by saving time and remote treatment lists. You can also find sufficient explanation in my book "Rainbow Reiki" and "Reiki-The techniques most beautiful." If you have been inducted into Marayana Sayi, the new Rainbow Full Reiki Treatment for the first level, using the songs for healing the liver, kidneys and bones and used in all positions a bottle of orange essential oil of the highest quality (type of Young Living Citrusfresh) as we have learned in your seminar.

If you have the second level of Rainbow Reiki can you give to yourself, your loved ones, your clients and pets, including distant Reiki symbol SDT more orange essential oil, miso and black tourmaline and selenium and some of the preparations of algae mentioned here. This can also be done collectively through the lists of remote treatment.

Zinc is a good radical scavenger Free.

healing black tourmaline stone cleanses the body of disharmonic energies that are released by radioactivity. Meditate with this stone (being of light), put it in your farms and Use it in your Reiki treatments.

The Goddess Radionic DorEx Mega-Tool can be very effective in transforming the appearance of DOR enhanced due to the radiation in the healthy Orgon.

algae and other dietary supplements: Bio-Reurella, Afa algae and alga Spirulina or capsules Multigrid and Ningxia wolfberry juice are very effective tools to remove heavy metals and also help to detoxify, stabilize the immune system and improve the quality Blood and liver function.

Vitamins: are very important and absolutely necessary along with natural food supplements, minerals and trace elements. All these substances are of great help when the body has to deal with radioactive contamination.

Reiki to Japan

Please send through second level Reiki techniques to Japan's Higher Self and the Higher Self of the Government of Japan and the Higher Self of the affected nuclear power plants. Their names will find them in newspapers or on the Internet, the most affected of Fukushima. You can

Reiki for help through remote to the angel and the little angel Naro'ta The Vana'tiyeri. These very powerful heavenly helpers who inhabit the center of our galaxy have been called by the Great Goddess to help us specifically in relation to the disaster suffered by Japan. So they can do their work we must support by prayer and energy work. We expressly request help for those affected as celestial beings deeply respect the self-responsibility. With the first level of Reiki Usui or Rainbow Reiki can help as follows: Put one hand on your 6. Chakra (front) and one hand on your 4. Chakra (heart). Breathe the air leading to the area underbelly. Recite the following prayer ...

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Great Goddess and dear angels Naro'ta He and Vana'tiyeri. The needs of our world are great, especially in Japan and its surroundings. I beg protection, assistance, guidance, love, healing and wisdom for all concerned. Please take wise decisions and that all humans want to work with love, kindness, respect and wisdom. They all want to be open to receive divine instructions.

Cara'die, healthy die, the caran'do Sayayi. OM!>>

This sentence can also be included in Treatments for Distance invite the angelic power. If you have not been initiated into Reiki put your hands in the same fields just mentioned (front and heart). Place your hands under a polished quartz crystal that has previously been 20 seconds under running water to clean energy. The one million

Tsunami Reiki - A Reiki million friends willing to help the country in which Reiki was born

During my meditation this morning I received a vision. I have asked the Great Goddess help regarding the disaster in Japan. Whenever I need good advice hope or ask for help. Human wisdom is small while the wisdom of God is great. Here Mother Earth's response ...

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Those who follow the footsteps of Mikao Usui Reiki is healing with owe a lot to Japan, Japanese culture and spiritual tradition of this country. Through Mikao Usui have received a great present from Japan. Many healing, happiness and goodness came by this route. Remember for all the good you have experienced thanks to Reiki. Meditate on how much they have benefited your life and health through Reiki. Maybe it's time to give back what was received. Japan, the Japanese and the nature beings that live there need you, need to urgently Usui heirs. The is happening in Japan is a result of karma you have created worldwide. Unite to return much and good to those who have given you so much. Thus love will compensate for the horror and the Divine Order will return to Earth. Ask me for help and will help you. Send Reiki to Japan, its islands, its government, its nuclear plants. I send Reiki to the Superior Government of the islands of the affected cities, regions and nuclear power plants. Do it daily. The more you ask the more they can help the celestial forces. Reiki yourselves how much easier it is to get to restore the Divine Order.>>

far the message received during meditation. My suggestion: send Reiki in the manner I have mentioned. Do it how much better between 7.00 am and 8.00 h, 12.00 h and 13.00 h and 20.00 h and 21.00 h on your own time zone. Distance Treatment Realize many minutes as you can. If during those hours desired can not do it, when a large can. Inform as many friends as you can Reiki practitioners. The goal is .... Mobilize a million friends of Reiki in the next four weeks. Let a tsunami of Reiki. We are a healing flood for Japan. Now is the time when the Lightworkers to be displayed to the world and take responsibility. We make something good for the country from which our techniques and has given us so much good!

far the text that was interested in sharing with you and would appreciate urgent circular on the Web.

May the Goddess bless you, your Walter Lübeck


How Do I Play Pokemon On Mac?

25. Yesterday

I will never understand completely because I attracted so much attention, because I loved to see her again and again, and because if I find someone now that reminds me, is always a good time. The Goonies 25 years ago, as they are on that list on the left margin of this blog (which is not quite right as a starter), I found this idea outright to congratulate the quarter century have been met. Best of all, is that the film has not grown old at this time, but stays young with that bunch of kids brazen, ill lousy surrounded by an aura of pathos, of exciting adventures with bright stones hidden in prefabricated houses demolition order, and with Cindy Lauper music star, who still hear in a bar from time to time. Worth
see her again, and above all, it is worth taking the VHS, put it to a nephew or a brother, and let the mind fly by one-eyed pirate ships and pirates.
going for you.
And it was so desperately

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ritetemp Operation Guides

great walk around knowing that yours would get a push from behind, Climbing up the adrenaline because it's not like the rest, because its not like anything, because it's so damn physical and strictly chemical, the only thing I felt was excessive euphoria, and just jumping until you came and decided that it was time to shut up. Because I knew we were not of those who need words, because we do not need it now, because it is not necessary to finish it, that we have not begun. I write at full speed and the images form a sequence disjointed and I still boiling blood of pure adrenaline.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Where Can I Buy Mills Pride Closet Organizers

Because it

In my fridge is a half-can of tuna two weeks ago, a brick empty juice, half an onion, a few eggs, milk, butter, tomato sauce and cream in more or less decent, and another brick I'll have to throw cream on Monday pumpkin. In the pantry, a package of macaroni and powdered mashed potatoes.

Ebay Bmx Hutchtrickstar

Title: "Red Landscape" / 2010
Technique: Acrylic and tempera on wood trim.
Dimensions: 17 x 15 cm .
u $ s 500

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Std Checks In Toronto


Alexiis, March 17, 2011

not know if this was a pipe, but suddenly I was united with the whole group of goddesses and all Energy Light Women, led by Mother Mary and asked to express in words what we were doing.

We were joined by all the Masters, all Beings of Light, Beings from other galaxies, everyone, absolutely everyone to surround GAIA and absorb all the toxic emanation coming from nuclear facilities in Japan. We

absorbed and transformábamos in Light and Love to help address the serious GAIA danger. Audio is


I will ask everyone to report this as possible, to upload to blogs, to every place possible and that we touches on our part to help in the salvation of Mother Earth. Today

mention just one of my blogs, but I can divulge where and ask them to do the same. This is not my request but all the Goddess Light, feminine and masculine energy, and if there are people who can translate into other languages, Biévène be.

Love, Alexiis



Sunday, March 13, 2011

Honey For Overactive Thyroid

It opposes

It started many years ago. I remembered it a week ago they told me. The exact phrase was "when you're with them, you're more like us, when you're with us, you are more like them, try to think it is not true, perhaps in part it is not, because more limited.
I have never liked or I wanted to let me go for nothing, not even belong, not to be. Nor do I want to play a role, and that's what ends up looking like. It scares me to associate myself with something, you might then discover that it was wrong. I can easily say, I never imported tell anybody anything, not that I do not have intimacy, I do not mind sharing. Maybe I should sit in my green bean bag, and stop and think who I am, but it gives me hopelessly beaten. Lately

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spinner Crank Removal

people I have in mind disparate forms of speech, classical music, rare music, movies cool teen, more or less decent movies, computers new artistic movements and cultural-architectural-existentialist pill discos, pubs crappy, family, friends of past and present, buses down, middle-distance trains, autocad hatch to lines and mass, clothes that I bought, and the whole paraphernalia that I form a noise so that so that will not let me write anything too coherent.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why Does Music Suck Nowadays

Background Library ITEM

S or high
And to come down (with a cough drop?)
And do you know why we where spinning?
I scream And my nose bleeds

passed things, many things that were loaded concepts of those who had me before coming here. Of those on which I thought in the car when going to school.

Party crashin 'In the evening

And maybe they're right and we have become all a little crazy. From time to repeat the phrases.

To die on your way to the soiree
It's the only way I'll get around!

The lightning bolt of pain, it stays. I feel it all the time

No, do not think much of what we do, I will be.

And heaven Was a work in vain
Before Were you born ... Did it hurt? Feeling so broken

When I'm drinking ...
Leaking Problems That

I think the music's to fast
'Cause my legs severed Passed out on the living room couch

Remember down the slopes? Of course, it was much better than getting the Gran Via
When you arrived at Corte Ingles know you were half way.

So That You're not dead, and it's not What You Expected ... it's a drag.

To live again with your friends and living skin, well it's a lonely dream I'll never Have


The lightning bolt of pain, it stays. I feel it all the time
And Heaven Was a work in vain
Before You Were Born ... Did it hurt?

a while, in the next 10 years.

Stay in the moment you're in.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Free Letters To Use For Pastor Anniversary


Alexiis, March 3, 2011

As many of my posts I mentioned that I am a Past Life Therapist, and somehow I have referred to these facts, I think I need to comment on a little of what is involved here.

Past Life Therapy, hereinafter DVT, is a therapy of the soul, because our pain is in the soul and the soul is what you need to heal.

Through regression, clarified that do not work with hypnotism, but with deep relaxation, what I do is bring awareness that moment, that emotion is reviving our soul without us knowing it. In doing so aware, we can relive the original position and allow those emotions to find out through our body, experiencing feelings sensory organ, or maybe, just crying.

DVT is a therapy of the soul, healing the spirit. If we consider only the present life of each one, if for a moment I will review the present life, will surely find plenty of experiences that profoundly influenced the human. Some spanking in childhood, the death of a loved one, perhaps the separation from parents at an early age, perhaps the removal of any of them, a traumatic experience at school, a history of shame in public, or thwarted love a betrayal of love, a political grief, and so can continue to infinity.

One of these experiences is enough to constrain the behavior of a person for life. In the life of a child there are dozens experiences that mark us and that go unnoticed for parents and even to himself, because we rehearsed defense mechanisms to adapt to each traumatic event.

What is trauma? It's just the memory of an event associated with an emotional charge. Over time the act itself becomes less important, is forgotten, but the emotional charge remains intact in our subconscious and from there proceed to determine our behavior, our lifestyle and our response to similar situations. The more we deny an emotion, the more you repress and bury deep in our subconscious memory, the more force takes over our lives. All this can happen as only with an incident in our lives today.

Now it happens that throughout our evolution, our soul has gone through thousands of stocks. In each there was plenty of traumatic experiences. Hundreds of violent deaths, from being devoured by a prehistoric animal, the skull crushed by the club of a primitive warrior, burned by the Inquisition, perhaps guillotined during the French Revolution, perhaps buried alive in a mine collapse, drowned in a shipwreck or suffocated in a gas chamber.

One of these experiences is enough to generate phobia, chronic headache pain, fear of public speaking, to express religious belief or a fearful and defensive behavior or, conversely, aggressive and violent responses to any opposition. In addition, these situations are repeated over several lives and in each reinforcing closer and closer.

Other times, death was natural and calm, but as in our present life, there were thousands of incidents recorded by fire our spirit, such as slavery at the hands of other more powerful nations, religious persecution, torture , impotence in the face of a disaster, betrayal, lies, infidelity, guilt, abuse of power, abandonment, castration, rejection, and thousands of situations that do not necessarily ended with death, but where psychic pain was more intense than the physical.

Throughout these stocks, life after life, our soul is evolving, learning, but at the same time was recorded each of these pains, each of the emotions generated by traumatic or significant events.

Thus, from the unconscious memory originate our fears, our beliefs, our standards of conduct, our aversion or attraction to certain people or places or just a melody or a meal. In every situation of daily life respond according to these forces of the subconscious. Hindu sages, long ago these forces identified two Sanskrit words: "saṁskāra" and "vasanas" past impressions and latent tendencies respectively.

These impressions and trends are remnants of past experiences that were seared into our souls and from there, determine the life most of us. Why DVT is a soul therapy, because our pains are in the soul and the soul is what you need to heal.

should remember that the Greeks called "psyche" of the soul, from where there psyche and psychology. Therefore when we talk about the study of the psyche we are talking about the study of diseases of the soul.

By means of DVT, we can go to the source of these pains. We can go to the place and moment where these forces are generated deep emotional. We find, identify and release now, at this very moment, this trapped energy, latent, that is influencing our lives. But not enough to remember. To release that energy is necessary to experience the fact that caused that emotion. Therefore, the TVP is fundamentally experiential and involves putting the body and feel strongly that those emotions are beating in my soul. Through regression relive what happened last fifty, five hundred thousand or millions of years.

time for the soul does not exist, everything is there, at the same time. We can remember events of our present life instantly, without a chronological sequence. Also episodes of our early childhood and immediately something happened last week. Similarly, all lives are recorded and the experiences lived. We are living many lives at once.

face every situation, every emotion, our soul is reviving the situation he experienced for the first or last time that emotion. React in the present, not according to what is happening, but according to what our soul is revived. Through regression we bring to consciousness that moment, that emotion revives our soul without us knowing it.

In doing so aware, we relive the original situation and allow that emotion to find out through our body, body sensations and sensory experience, or maybe, just crying. The body, the conscious sensation, acts as a drain of the soul, cleansing, purifying, finally releasing these energies entrenched. And the relief is instantaneous results.

Occurs insight (insight), lighting. Suddenly understanding arises in the mind, "now I understand why such a thing and such other." The next day, or next week, the same situation that generated anxiety or fear me, now I see with new eyes, respond differently, perhaps not even realize that I missed something, because that was repressed emotion is gone and my response mechanism is structured differently even without me having to think. I act freely and spontaneously. Now I can see the situation as it is and not as I thought it was.

sincerely hope that this report is useful for many, because for me personally, my life has been immensely important.

Love, Alexiis

