Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bike Shaped Cake Delivery

The mission to remember - Part I, 2 and 3


clip_image002 Once upon a time, a place the universe, where all souls live outside the Earth. One place was a royal Cosmic Consciousness of Love and Wisdom. One day, that Consciousness summoned a large number of souls, this call came all those souls who thought it appropriate to go, then the election was completely free to go.

The story we tell, it could have happened long ago in a faraway place, beyond the stars. In a place where souls rest between incarnations, which are prepared to continue its development when the time comes back to Earth.

The story begins:

Once upon a time, a place in the universe, where all souls live outside the Earth. One place was a royal Cosmic Consciousness of Love and Wisdom.

One day, she called consciousness that a great number of souls, this call came all those souls who thought it appropriate to go, then the election was completely free to go.

Once you are all gathered, headed Consciousness them all and so we said,

Listen, I have sent for me, because there is a mission to accomplish. I'm going to detail in broad strokes and then give you the details.

I have to prepare to create a New World, and I have to prepare you to live in Him, will be a parallel world to Earth, that is, a second Earth, but with a higher vibration level, where evolution is no longer the suffering and pain , but Consciousness, Wisdom and Love

Although I know that you are not understanding anything, be patient and let me go. You have to create that world for those souls who are here, and have already acquired a degree of evolution such that they can no longer embody more in the 1 st Earth, because they can not withstand the low level of vibration that is still there also no longer need the suffering and pain for their evolution, they have already suffered for so many incarnations, which have already realized that they had to understand and know that from now until the end, the evolution will be for Awareness, Wisdom and Love, all this will find it on the 2 nd ground.

So how important is setting your mission, since you have millions of souls waiting for you to prepare the 2 nd Earth to continue their evolution, and incarnate in those bodies that you will do. I'm explaining all this is also for you, for those who get access to 2 nd Earth is because they will have reached the stage of development needed to be there.

Although I still do not see that much aclaráis, patience, everything will explain in detail. Look, assuming that the souls that embodied in the 1 st ground, will we put the scale of 1 degree to the less evolved and 5 th grade to the most evolved, ie, those in Grade 1 would be equal to people without consciousness, murderers, terrorist, etc ..... and grade 5 would be equal to people with knowledge, people who are dedicated to others, that affect the suffering of the world, who have love and above all, people who are interested in their spiritual evolution, etc. ...., know how difficult it is coexistence between them can you imagine how it would be the coexistence people of 6 th, 7 th, 8 th, 9 th or 10 th grade in the first Earth.?

So why am I going to be prepared comprising the 2 nd Earth? Now, when you create and prepare the 2 nd Earth, does not mean that project is going to destroy the 1 st Earth, but will continue its mission of school to continue transforming people from grade 1 reaching grade 5, and that these persons 5 º degree when they die and reincarnate again and do so in the 2 nd Earth to continue their evolution, which does not happen now because the 2 nd Earth is not configured yet.

fix if your mission is important, the evolution depends on you the human soul, which in turn is the evolution of cosmic consciousness.

I do see the importance of this mission, because then you will see how difficult it will be done, also I want you concienciéis good of all who are listening, then you should know that many have been called, but you will be the chosen few .

going Now that understanding something, you might be wondering, if I created the 1 st Earth and life in it, why not create the 2 nd Earth? The answer is very simple, when a child is born in any family, is all done, finds a home with parents who love him, with siblings, etc ... but when he becomes an adult, now is he who must build their own home and family, do you have understood?

I, the Cosmic Consciousness belonging to the souls of all human beings, I'm you and that you and I go back to being one, you have to know how everything I do and if I created a physical world with the thought, you also have to do it, because you are the dark side of our light, which have to illuminate your evolution, and when that day arrives and all the souls belonging to human beings and I are ONE, we will realize what who we are, a Great Consciousness of Light, Wisdom and Love, and in turn we realize that we are the dark part of another higher consciousness of Light, Wisdom and Love

So, do you think it is important to your mission? Now, all those souls who have heard me and you are willing to accept this mission, you have to separate you into groups and prepare each in the mission that appropriate. Each group will assign you a Being of Light that will teach you everything you must know to go out gracefully from this important task, which save the greatest difficulty will be forgotten and vanity, remember these two words that will be very important. Now I take leave of you and wish you all the luck in the world so you can carry out your difficult task.

Those souls were forming groups met that were more similar to each other, and when they formed all the thousands of groups were assigned to each of them a Being of Light, which for a period of time had to teach all groups the same things, because all the Beings of Light were in connection with the Cosmic Consciousness. We move on to telling the story of any group.

Having agreed a number of souls to form a working group met and waited for the Being of Light to receive instructions. The Being of Light came and said: Hello

dear souls, I am glad to see you, I am the voice of Cosmic Consciousness, for a period of time we will be together to teach everything that you must remember to carry out the mission for which you have offered.

Well, dear souls, do a few paragraphs on all the things we talk. First, talk about the mission itself. Second, that you will have forgotten. Third, why you can not be elected, and turn away from the plan yourself. Fourth, talk about how you should continue your evolution when ye find the mission.

First, what is the mission? Well as I said the "Boss" must create a new world and above all we must keep it, I'll explain. The current

planet Earth, where you have reincarnated many times to evolve, it is a planet where reigns the suffering, pain, fear, hatred etc ... because this is in the minds of people, this means that as your thoughts and your world.

How on earth the general thinking is negative, it creates a world and a negative consequence, but this must be so, for the man in his lowest level of development needs of the suffering and pain for upgrade or light. But what about those who have already achieved a degree of light, which no longer need of the suffering and pain to its evolution?

Well, you have to create another planet higher consciousness and commensurate with the level of development of those who will live, to follow its evolution, Consciousness, Love and Wisdom. You might be wondering how can we, simple souls, to build a planet? Well this is your mission, pay attention.

You must embody once more and get live, think and act according to your level of evolution, you have acquired and you have now, because even if it were a scale of degrees above mentioned, have been called the souls of Grade 5, or those souls that you can live in the 2 nd Earth.

If when encarnéis in the first Earth, you succeed to live and act according to your level of development and above all, think, feel and imagine a better world, you will be helping to form the 2 nd Earth, and especially being able to access it, for Your mission is to enter all you go to imagining and creating a better world thought. You must

to imagine a world without suffering or pain, without wars and fears, religion and above all without your truth, because if you go with your truth and would conflict with other truths. In this New World is passed only with the desire to live and let live, evolve and let evolve. You must imagine a world with no teachers or leaders, where there is vanity and addictions.

Imagine a world where every embodied soul, is a Spark of Light Free and Independent, who go all the way to the Light, into the cosmic consciousness to follow the evolution and become one with the All, and imagine a world where life is to help each other to achieve all this. And imagine a world where all this is to be achieved with Love, feelings, knowledge and wisdom. Now think for a moment that evolution is different in the 1 st Earth in the second right?.

is in your hands Well, imagine that world from the depths of your hearts and the love which is in the depths of your being, only then will succeed, because this world has to train with the most sublime that is in the Human Being.

If it has become clear as you create the 2 nd Earth, pass to the second paragraph and the most difficult for you, (the forgotten). Second section, which will have forgotten.

Well, you know that, when reincarnated lost all memory of why this reincarnation.
But you, after a certain time to live a normal life, it will be time for you to wake and begin to remember something and begin to connect to us, now comes the most difficult, for among the challenges to be communication, but what you agreguéis of your mind and your vanity, we are breaded.

I'll explain: With respect to communication, there will be problems with your attitude on the ground, because your minds and bodies will have been contaminated, and you will be full of fears and will not understand many things that are happening to you, but that go out in time.

On what agreguéis with your minds, is that the information you will receive in your connection with us, this is processed in the same brain you have to process the information you have received throughout your life on earth will have difficulty discerning what information comes from us or from your mind. Remember what I say, because now I'm talking to you all the same things, and you will see that when you fall into the earth, no agreement will go down on almost anything.

When you begin to awaken and receive information from us, do not be afraid, be patient, there will be a time of adjustment of the body and mind will think and believe that you're going crazy, but it is not, since at all times be Beings Light be with you, and although you dont see or hear, your side will be all those who contribute to the Plan of Creation of the New World, and all help from the dimension that are at that time.

So, when you begin is to receive information, be calm and try to discern with patience and time, you must be consistent and try to retrace what is your mission in this incarnation, but you should not act until it was quite safe, because instead of helping to plan, you could interfere and turn away from the course. Third paragraph, why you could not be elected and I plan apartaríais yourselves. Listen

dear souls, I see that you are all gathered here was excited to hear everything they say, because I notice that you are going to give body and soul to this mission because of you depends the future of our evolution is in peace and harmony, but listen carefully this section because of the much depends on who you can be part of that mission.

You have been called to be the souls of 5 th grade, since you have a conscience, love and wisdom suitable for this mission because the souls of lower grade are not yet ready and superior grade can no longer be reincarnated in the 1 st Earth (a matter of vibration), by which I mean that reencarnéis you when you go into the ground and waking up, I also wake up all those powers which have obtained in your evolution.

This means that when you are people will have powers of clairvoyance, healing, etc ... and you can do many things others can not yet, that you will fall in the vanity of believing that you are superior or that you are elected, shall you behold the other over his shoulder, I will choose leaders and so many more things that I do not want to name, and you will fall in the networks that govern the evolution of the 1 st Earth, and then you apartaríais you same plan and you would have to wait for another occasion, this is what more ought to be feared, it is a shame that with all who have suffered to get to have a 5 th degree of light, let it pass by simple vanity and egos, so memorize this.

For vanities not prevail in your life, memorize all those who dwell on earth and are of 1, 2, 3, or 4 th grade, are souls like you and that is a matter of time that they are souls 5 degrees or more degrees, but remember that you began to be the souls of 1 degree, and if in time we will be here explaining all this, will you memorize all these things, I will be more difficult to fall into the trap of forgetting, so strive as can.

All those powers you have, use them for good, whatever you do, do it for good everything you think, think for good. To access the 2 nd Earth, we must take a clear mind, pure thought, human and material detachment, love, wisdom, and especially Consciousness Evolution and Unity. And you dear souls who I are listening if all that I just said, you are able to feel when you are embodied in the 1 st Earth will go reaching grade 6 Light, you can live in the 2nd Earth and you will have achieved your mission.

But you can not access if your custody negative thoughts, fears, egos, vanity, religion, or truths, as if it could happen with these thoughts, it would create other land equal to the first, and this 2 nd Earth will only be created with positive thoughts and with the conviction to keep those positive thoughts.

Now let's see how you can remember things that you're saying, then you should know the following: there souls Grade 4 incarnated on earth that also have their mission, but you do not have to confuse them, because they have to do things for the evolution of the 1 st Earth, for example, help the needy, build organizations, care for the planet etc ... but when you awake, you will feel your same concerns, but when you want to organize something to improve the world, will see that nothing will go well, for example, as you will have the power to heal, montareis a clinic, but not work, as you will have the power of clairvoyance, montareis a query will not work, etc ... But to others if they work and this is what you have to be careful, because, as you will feel our call, and you will want to dedicate to others will not understand because you can not get anything.

That's when you have to give account, that the work you have to do is to dedicate to you, remember to get all this and put it into practice in yourselves, cleanse you of all mental pollution of land, and all you have to become aware of your level of development and shaping it into the Earth, day after day, for those who tend to pursue other, they tend to forget about himself, and his own inner development.

As the 2 nd Earth will pass with body, soul and mind, you have to get on the 1 st Earth all the purity of feeling, love, thought and above all imagination, as are the tools you will need to be created every day that wonderful world, but those who fail these impurities, they can not access the 2 nd Earth, and consider that it is not punishment, but, by grade level and light.

If ye ye trapped by vanity, or the selfishness of the Earth, you have to wait for another opportunity, you will continue with your 5 th grade, but you have reached the 6 th grade is needed for translation of the bodies. You may ask how can we know if we grade 4 or grade 5, as grade 4 also have a certain level of consciousness and often lead a spiritual life? Well, listen, as you will to understand.

beings grade 4 tend to be aware of action, as for that down, because as they evolve, take action under the plan, and almost without awareness of what they do, they work and organize things sometimes not explained why they do and also do very well, but they are so busy they do not observe themselves, and especially do not yet have Unity Consciousness. I will give you an example:

There are people who are preparing to send packages of clothing to poor, but some where gender classification, which is away to good use and takes her home. There are people who selflessly help sick or elderly company do to not feel alone, but then takes years without speaking with his brother, parents, friends or neighbors. By this I mean that these people may have some awareness of love for others but do not yet have awareness drive, which if you have you and that is necessary for the 2 nd Earth, do you see? I happen

other things that if you put attention you may give the key people who are grade 5. Pay attention: Naceréis normal family, but when you grow, things will feel different to them, for them you will be rare, do not understand, go forth into the world and you do not understand, you will have the feeling that you are not of this world, you will feel lonely and misunderstood, I will believe that you are mad, seek people who feel like you, but if you come together with people from grade 4, there would be no communication, then it ought to be thinking that you are souls of Grade 5, and thereafter will begin to feel the Oneness with the All, the desire for inner development, and begin to understand that the world is fine as it is, that everything is on course, and that the plan is the "Boss" and you should not alter his plan, which must only take care of your mission, then you will have connected with us and you will begin to remember any of this, but that does not mean you will all Indeed, quite the opposite, then is when you will have to achieve everything we are saying, then it will be when you have to be able to live in the 1 st Earth consciousness that you have here, the 5 th grade, and keep it alive until the day of the Translation, at the time and appropriate embodiment. Look

, although it is very difficult to maintain a consciousness of love and wisdom and act with her in a hostile world, know that when you manage to go to the New World, will not be so difficult to maintain because, in this New World Consciousness more low will be to those who achieve the transfer and in turn made it through to Grade 6 of evolution, that means there will be a low level of knowledge, but on the contrary, and coexistence among people are of Love and Harmony. I will give you more

data to remember, for example, know people who say they have the feeling that will not die and rejuvenate, others say they have the feeling that the group she belongs to, it's as if they had known before, others will say that they have come to create a new world, and many more say they feel that all are One That means, who are you, and already going, remembering part of what is being said here.

Now, consider the following: the group of souls that you meet here, is not unique because there are thousands of soul group as you, to which they are giving back the same information to you, with this I mean that when you begin to remember and feel, ought to remember and feel the same, but that depends on you and your personality gained.

Note that when you begin to remember or to receive information, it will have contaminated part of your personality, you have to be vigilant and consistent, do not be led by the impulses, and monitor very closely all your egos and vanities. I will give you an example: If you those here, you come to reunite and remember that part of it here, you might believe you are the only group commanded by the "Boss", and I would believe who are the elect of God, and your egos soar.

When you begin to remember, be calm, you have much time to prepare, do not try to convince anyone, because all souls of this mission and have all the same information, it is they who have to remember, all you can do is confusing, because your information may not be quite correct, remember that it may be contaminated by personality, but if any of you writing all this is being said here and now, also say that this story is contaminated with personality the writer, and therefore what is written here is a percentage of error, which can range from 1% to 100%, it depends on who reads it, with this I mean that when you remember or awake, or ye shall receive information, you can write, comment, but you should not impose, nor discuss, nor antagonize others defend it, because if you girls alteráis these concepts, this means that while you are souls of Grade 5, you will not have succeeded yet, personality Grade 5? They have to be in harmony, the degree of evolution of the soul and personality, do you see

Consider personality to get a grade 5, is a mission impossible for the soul of 1, 2, 3, or 4 th grade, but you do not, because ye have soul of Grade 5, you only have to do is capture it on Earth and in your personality, and you will get to care, Silent Perseverance, Humility and Love .

now means something else when you go remember and begin to feel that you are souls of Grade 5, you should act as if you were a beacon in the vast sea, for a lighthouse is a landmark, a beacon is without looking for boats, but only with their presence and silence illuminates the course of the boat. The lighthouse does not tell the boat where it needs to go, but when the boat is close to that, you can see the clear path, with light off.

Souls Grade 5 are not to persuade or preach anything to anyone, because we can not convince people of inferior grade, if you already have the necessary evolution to understand you and neither should you convince people of your same level, because they you know the same thing, leave it, to remember them alone, but you should only speak when you ask or when you go to ask. I know you are wondering, if you can not talk, interact, or preach to others, how can you help others? And I say, does a blind man can help the blind?

You, the souls of Grade 5, you are evolving and if we add to the pollution of your personality, how pretendéis help others?, would not have learned in your previous incarnations, the chaos that comes from wanting to help others with your beliefs and your truths?

Listen for a moment, you, here and now you have an awareness of Grade 5, you think you know a lot, it is the highest level you have, but remember that there are many levels higher than you have now. By this I mean that when you want to help other people, you will do from the point of view higher than you have, but you will realize that there are other points of view superior to yours and which theoretically would know more than you would see things differently and to you, because your field of vision is wider.

With this I mean that when you are on earth and you please help or do something for others, first you must prepare. Search within yourself, try to know so that you are there, remember that the plan is the "Chief" and not yours, remember that you are evolving souls, remember that you have a role in the play of life and you do not know the script so try not to improvise, because otherwise your return, the director crazy.

You must know that the souls of inferior grade to you, are living up to what they need to evolve, but now you must live according to the Evolution of Cosmic Being, so we are here together, talking about all this, so, pay close attention and try not to put many obstacles to plan, do not be led by a little egos and help the "Head" and remember that you came by choice. Well we'll get to the fourth paragraph, as you must follow your evolution in the 2 nd Earth.

Now, when you remember all this, you need not worry about when will the day of travel or how they will live in the New World, or which shall be yours mission there, nor worry about whether there's religions, faiths or truths, as in the New Earth to live day to day, and with the support of many people I met along the way you go because the collective evolution will be more personal .

Note that you will be the first souls who dwell in the New Earth, and you will do the same body you had in the previous one, but at the time of the Translation, Metamorphosis will occur in your body, which coupled with the new degree of light and vibration you have reached at that time and although in theory all those souls who do the translation will be 6 º grade, there will be variation between each other light.

The more light the better the body will have, it is very important because the next step you will have to give, will be the creation of bodies for the coming of the souls of higher degree, such as 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 th grade. That means that these souls, who will be your children will need some bodies in keeping with its current evolution. These souls of superior grade is sublime love and wisdom, they need bodies made with much love and awareness of what is done, because trauma can not inherit from parents, as in the 1 st Earth.

Know, my dear souls, that you evolucionaréis more quickly and with new knowledge, then your children will teach the consciousness that brought, for this awareness will be higher than the 6 th grade will have, and so is evolution, you you will help the souls of a higher degree creating in Love and Light bodies and they will help you with their knowledge, wisdom and light, since the evolution will be collective, helping each other, because if it is aware that we are all part of the same light, you can no longer act otherwise, because when you meet before any clip_image003 embodied soul, you know that she is in you and you you are in it, and truly, I say that anyone of you is in billions of souls and that one billion souls are any of you.

In the New Earth will be no more suffering, no more sorrow, no more possessions, no strings attached. Peace, Harmony and Love are the laws which govern this world, this is what you should imagine to be fulfilled, so imagine that world, Think of it with all the strength of your hearts.

Well, my dear souls, that's enough for today, we will continue another day, since much is that you must learn and above all there are many questions that you want to do, everything you say and everything you answer, Be patient and remember all that has been said here and now.

The mission to remember 2

This story that we will have then may well have occurred long ago in a faraway place, beyond the stars. In a place where souls rest between incarnations, which are prepared to continue its development when the time comes back to Earth.

The story goes like this: (Second Part).

After a time when all those souls were pondering all that is said in the first encounter with the Being of Light, they were summoned again to continue the mission plan to remember. All souls of that group were coming to the call.

When they were all gathered and waited to go the Being of Light, and while exchanging opinions and questions between each other, but always with joy and hope to be competent to accomplish the mission. After a moment, appeared the Being of Light, which greeted them and said:

Hello, dear souls, I am glad that come all ye find the call. Now, before we go, we turn to chapter questions and concerns you have about all of the above. So who of you have any questions? One of those souls got up and going to the Being of Light said:

Dear Being of Light, so I could understand again, is that we must be aware of and maintain the idea of \u200b\u200bunity, it is essential to move to another land, but I wonder, with souls of 5 º degree, are not we already aware of it?

Look dear soul, when you are on earth, ye souls in grade 5 you can have consciousness of unity with other people, but this consciousness of unity the are accustomed to have if they are your friends, or think like you, or if they As you wish, but this consciousness you lose if other people are not to your liking, you are the opposite, did not agree with your ideas.

Think for a moment, when the work will make life impossible, when someone betrays you, you owe money or are ungrateful, tell me how many people believe to have consciousness of unity in these times?

These people are usually the 6 th grade and up, and you the grade 5, you have consciousness of unity when all goes well, but at the first opportunity the you lose, so it's one of the most difficult to carry out and more principal. Do you understand me, dear soul? Yes, Being of Light, I know you're right, since land is very difficult to live with that consciousness of unity, when no one usually has. Could you tell us how to get it? Good question, my dear soul, listen closely:

As I told you last time, when awake and begin to remember and feel that you are more evolved souls than others, you begin to want to fix the world, to teach others your knowledge , or worse, believe you elected superiors and, well, if all that valuable usarais desperdiciáis time in vanities, and dedicated it to try to figure out how to transmute the wishes of intolerance, criticism, etc ... that you wake up the others with their actions, iríais on track.

consciousness of unity, is the feeling that everyone in the world are part of you in essence, and although there is a gap of light between the lowest and the highest, we must not lose consciousness of unity of the essence, because one day all have the same light, but when you have that awareness, we must act accordingly and not leave it for another day.

Another soul stood up and addressing the Being of Light, he said: How can we know if we have this consciousness of unity when we are on earth? I will give you an example, said the Being of Light. When you are incarnated on earth, and forméis a spiritual group and other groups murmuring among yourselves, do you think you would have consciousness of unity?

When someone not liking you or reject by creed, race or color, do you think you would have consciousness of unity? When you judge the actions of others, do you think you have consciousness of unity? Consciousness of unity is absent of criticism, anger, judgments, vanities, pride, etc..

consciousness of unity, to understand the love, respect, tolerance, wisdom and above all not to judge, because one day you will know that you should not judge what is not known, for though ye souls in grade 5, I much to learn, therefore, how are you going to judge anything, if you still know everything?, as in the evolution of the universe you are a spiritual baby. Another soul was lifted and asked the Being of Light: Dear

Being of Light, whether to acquire consciousness of unity, we must act with love, tolerance, respect, and not judge, does not that mean that we ride roughshod over people who do not have these concepts ?, I mean that when we humiliate, do we have to turn the other cheek. Well to be aware that it's me, "I can not do anything? Far from it, "said the Being of Light. Perhaps when you get injured and you lie alcohol, does not hurt and not hurt yourself to heal yourself?

Does a father chastises his son and gives him a whip to teach, and does so with love and wisdom?. So you have to learn how to act when you meet in these circumstances, how to respond to these attacks, temperance and harmony, for your level of consciousness compels you to work from that point, but when dominéis circumstances dominaréis acts both as yours your enemies, then desarmareis your enemies with your poise and your steadfastness.

But if you must use some violence to counter violence, you can do, but never with rancor or revenge, as if you have to take alcohol to the other part of you, cast it with the awareness that is to heal, but never hatred.

But you know that you will meet all kinds of difficulties, people that will make life miserable, will have financial problems, emotional, etc ... and this is what I want you to understand, you have to learn how to act in every circumstance, with the consciousness of unity, wisdom, love and determination, because this is what you need to go to 6 th grade, so you must not wasting time, because your progress is at stake.

Being of Light was a quiet moment, he seemed to hear something. He then went to the souls and said: Listen for a moment, for I will speak the "HEAD" in person. All those souls looked at each other, they wondered, could happen for the "BOSS" the talk. There was a hoarse voice, echo, and with great majesty the said

Dear souls AM that I AM, I want to say a few words. You, as you know, you are souls of Grade 5, the more consciousness on Earth, the mission that must be done is a big responsibility, but you're still in time to refuse, because after you hear it you will think. I want to say that there is a law which I warn you, because this level of evolution, this level of ACT.

I want to say that your level of development is too high and your law, and can not forgive many errors in other degrees. Memorize as I am going to say

When you are incarnated on earth, will have a high degree of consciousness, not to lie or deceive useis other souls, if desviáis your way through ignorance or lack of awareness, ACT will be milder, but if desviáis of their way, by greed, vanity or believe that you are the Messiah, will you apply the maximum law, and I will not be able to do anything, because the LAW is the LAW, and I ME. Rather, I say; Fear not the LAW ever, but you do use it. Remember that each one of you is a part of me, when you are incarnated on Earth, reunite, seek in humility, understanding, tolerance, and love, there you will find, and also search incomprehension, intolerance and arrogance and you will find, but I do not find.

I can only say that when you are on earth, if you become leaders or teachers of something, watch your health because if you do them ill, you should change course from what you are doing or preaching, as the disease I will be advising that you are applying the law.

But if what you do agree with the plan, all shall be well. That's all I meant. Good luck.

Being of Light to take the floor again and said: Do not fear the law, because if you act with love and wisdom, do not spend anything, because what matters is that you dedicate yourselves to yourselves, and make not you do not know anything until the plan. Remember that there's no time, If life remember any of this, but not the plan, do not amarguéis, as the plan so you can remember other lives, because life on Earth is a breath here. Behold, I will explain:

Assuming that the New Earth and the translation of the bodies are in the year 2900 of the land, and many of you awake in 2000 and remember something all this, you will begin to say what will happen at the time of that life you are living, and you will begin to assemble the God, the prophecies and misfortunes that come out of your minds, because when you are accustomed to awake with doubts and fears.

why you should know that your awakening and embodiments takes time to develop all that we are saying here, and you need much time to the next grade of evolution, as well pretenderéis not wake up one day and move to another, right?. Well, before moving on to something else, wish to make the last question?. Yes, said one of those souls. Tell me what you want know?, Le said the Being of Light. When the boss said we did not fear the law, but the use we make of it, what ACT is concerned?, Or rather what is the law? Well if you do not know, how can we apply? Look

dear soul, I can not tell me what is the LAW, but I think it is in every one of you, in your hearts, you must find it, but this Act may be: do not fear life, but to use should do it, for he who lives in harmony and peace with their fellows, nothing to be afraid of life, but those who are constantly getting in the affairs of others with criticism and lawsuits, is that he to be afraid to law and life, because more love and wisdom, less ACT unless love and wisdom, but a LAW, but remember you always for your good, and spiritual advancement, because the law has not been done to punish but to evolve.

Now, once all the questions, I'll explain a little, as is the organization in these planes, and as we draw a support plan to help you in your task to achieve your goal of achieving a higher level of consciousness.

If you think you just have to wait your evolution incarnate and no more, you are wrong my dear souls, because behind every one of you is a plan and a story or movie very particular, which participated many Beings of Light. We manufacture many circumstances in order to bring you the knowledge of things, but that task we have set light beings, guides, angels, etc ... you embody it when you have the power to go the opposite way that I prepare, and we constantly obligáis to change course, because as you look further into the lives of others you are not attentive to yours.

So is my insistence that from grade 5 you begin to set in your evolution and be attentive to everything that happens around you, for whatever you can think of is for you, and what happens to others is for them, not going to solve their problems and forget yours.

Remember this: Since you embody in your life and even death, is a film prepared for you, it is implicit in all that is needed for your evolution if you do not respect you if you dedicate happening and fix the world, however much ye find fact good for others, you will always be to resolve your movie and then you will have to repeat again and your progress will suffer a delay.

Many of you believe that just doing good makes his glory, others believe that you have incarnated to fix the world and I believe other you are the Messiah, but then so is the "BOSS" and all of us, and all spiritual leaders, and the whole plan?, more if we had to wait until you fix the world, we would manage; and therefore leave to God what is God and man is man. Why, perhaps from the plane of consciousness you have on Earth, you know the law? Did you know the plan?. Your minds on Earth are not yet able to understand the why of things.

For example, could you understand how a plane full of people humanitarian aid missions, crashing and dying every occupants? You could understand why Third World people already living in inhuman conditions, suffering from hurricanes and earthquakes? Perhaps you can understand how one person can kill more than 130 children?, And especially can you understand how it allows the "Boss?". So you should not judge this to keep them, the knowledge of things, and you will get when you dedicate yourself and your evolution, only when you are light, you will understand.

Look, ye souls of Grade 5, started from scratch and thanks to your efforts and our work in helping them and prepare each and every one of the circumstances of the lives lived, you have got here, but now you must know that as it took for your evolution, as, books, teachers, apparitions, voices, experiences and sufferings, and must leave aside, for all was needed for arrivals this stage of evolution, but now you must empty out all that, in order to acquire new values \u200b\u200band concepts.
One problem you have most of the souls of grade 5, is that you are so full of concepts already mentioned that you do not give way to new and very important to follow your evolution. I will give you an example:

We made with you, like you do with children during the first years of their lives, I do believe that there are the Magi, and they colmáis toys, and you do it for love towards them, but when the time comes, you are informed that the Kings do not exist, are the parents, depending on the child, that you feel more or less well, because they are angry for having taken deceived. Well, we've done the same with you.

will see: Up to 5 th grade, those who awaken to spirituality, we will consider spiritual children and I do believe that there are Kings and we let them play with toys spiritual "(I guess I understand that toys I mean ) " but you, to continue your evolution to grade 6, I have you to say that there are no Kings, but is the "boss" who create them. But do not tell to those of inferior grade, then they need to evolve, let it say your level of consciousness.

Be attentive to everything I say, because it is new to you, my dear souls, for when encarnéis ye people in grades 5 and will have awareness of spiritual child, but this is being recorded in your memory and will come to the surface if you succeed in carrying out your evolution to grade 6.

I explain: As you know, the souls, as you have spent many difficulties in the lives until the 5 th stage of evolution, had to learn many things, also had many failures, they went from one religion to another, from one teacher to another after they have beliefs had to change , but everything was necessary for evolution, and came to the realization that only in them and inside was light, came to get the 5 th stage of evolution.

Now, when you are embodied and awake, you will take the evolution of the place that you did in the previous life, and then you also wake up the powers, you will have visions, you will hear voices you will be blind and other things, but you must remember that all that is old for you, you must not be caught in such events, and you have to remember how I said earlier about the Magi, which no longer exist for you.

From that moment comes the hard part for you, and is, that you must leave all the concepts received and remembered until now, because if vaciáis not mind all the old, you can not get everything that you come to own merits and evolution.

This does not mean that all the powers that you have cast aside, and those connections that you have to let the other planes, what I mean is that you abstain from time to follow your evolution and retoméis later, when you know to make good use of it, as though you have powers of healing or so ... And do not have a sufficient level of consciousness to use, it will harm you, so it is very necessary not to act to keep them, the consciousness that is usually in the 6 th grade, but you are free to do so, but remember that you enforce the law. You

if to be conscious of grade 5 you dedicate just to practice with your powers and not avanzáis to grade 6, you will not have achieved anything, by many miracles and good work done that ye find; For the "head" does not care what you do for others, if you do nothing for you. And now, to be finished and before going to questions, I will summarize a bit what has been said so far.

When encarnéis on Earth, you must dedicate your life to observe and not those of others. You should not judge, do not criticize and especially can not be at enmity with anyone, because if you hate or can not see a single person, you can not have consciousness of unity. You have to see life as a play made for you and act accordingly, not to identify yourself with the role, but as an actor trying to make the best use of their performance, and above all do you decode we mean the situation that you prepare at all times.

Remember that all we are saying is for you, the souls of Grade 5, not trying to preach all this to the other souls of lower grade, leave them in peace, then to evolve we are, Beings of Light Guides , Los Angeles, etc ...

where there ye may thrust you do not call you and fight against the feelings that you will have to; Elected Gurus, Teachers, and other vanities, for even here you are all very quiet and attentive when you awake embody and desmadráis like crazy, and I fear rather than a cloud, as they liaise with your prophecies and your forward to fix the world, makes us take overtime to calmares.

When awake, and you do runaway, you have the gift of sowing chaos and fear in others, because some schools have learned in other lives, you also have the chance to see other realities, and which, taking advantage other negative forces to deceive as children with their prophecies of doom, to which you give free rein and they do the game, causing negative states of consciousness, and is just the opposite of your duty, because we with you so that you bear some Light to Earth while evolucionáis.

So remember all this not to fall into so many times you have fallen. Well, I think for now, enough is enough. We turn to the questions.

One of those souls went to the Being of Light and said: Dear Being of Light, said that we must be mindful of our lives to know in each moment what we do, and what we must learn from the circumstances that you prepares us for our evolution, and I put a hypothetical case in particular to give us an example of how we should act.

Well, tell me, what if I offer? Assuming that the next incarnation I was a woman he mistreats her husband, what would be the lesson learn and how they should act? "Let me mistreating and silent, responding to the attack or flee from that circumstance?

Well, "replied the Being of Light, pay attention to the response can be true for many other situations and in various ways, such as incompatibility with parents, friends, and in every circumstance of your life. To your question of how you should act will answer depends on the degree of evolution of the person, I explain:

If we prepare a situation where a person is abused, and this evolution is low, is to learn and severe in his inner being what she did with another person in his previous life, and going through this abuse, involves a situation that had not known until now for this suffering, to be recorded in this life, she was not repeated in the following, and our work with respect to abuse will be over when we see that it has taken effect this situation. I know you're thinking it's hard lesson, but the souls incarnated on Earth do not understand any language other than pain, so we want evolucionéis early to stop using these methods.

can also put the same abusive situation, a person of mean, but the answer has to be different, since in this case is a person who lacks authority lacks firmness and self-confidence and left victimized by everyone, so we will put this situation many times as necessary until it against her, to learn to confront others, but if you flee from this situation , we look for other situations of abuse, to flourish their inner strength and it's up by evolution.

And finally we can put this situation to abuse you, highly evolved souls, to see how you desenvolvéis with wisdom and level that is supposed have. Of course, you do not mistreat dejaríais you, but we want to know if you respond with violence, hatred or revenge, or if you respond with understanding and wisdom, and if you try to help anyone who mistreats you, teach you the right path, always without hate and with understanding, in short what we know is that if at such times as hard mantenéis the concept unit, but this will be one of your last test, that wherever you are and the circumstances that you are, you may have provided the concept of unity.

This does not mean that you may be stupid, but if you have to read the book to someone, I do, but always with a sense of love and unity to all, and if you have to break a bottle over someone's head, break, but then cure him without hatred and resentment and make him understand what is not yet understood due to lack of evolution. Do I have understood? Well I'd like to make one last question, because it's too late, who wants it? One of those souls stood up and said to the Being of Light.

When you told us dedicate ourselves to ourselves and not others, do not understand, because I believe that doing good to others and engaging in them, should not be wrong, because you love and we preach unity with others. Look my dear soul, if you do it with consciousness and according to plan, fine, but you need time to yourself, to be aware and understand the plan.

But Being of Light, why if we are not aware or know the plan, do good can be bad?

Listen, dear soul, I'll explain. Pay attention. There once was a person who wanted to be very good, he spent his life helping others, his fame beyond the borders. Such was his desire to help others, she decided to go to another country to continue his work. He looked one of the poorest and decided to go to an African country, when he arrived, went straight to one of the most primitive villages that existed and was in the interior. Once

there, he observed the life of the village to see how he could help, for all their desire was to do good. From what I observed was that all men of the village had to go swim a great river that divided the people of where their food was provided, hunting and planting.

These Indians did not know or boat or anything, so very few were so strong that they could get through the river, and the other half a lifetime spent trying to learn to swim. Then he thought he could build a bridge and so would end the suffering of all those people.

said and done, everyone got down to work and built the bridge. Those Indians did not have to learn to swim, or suffer in trying to achieve. These Indians worship abroad, and he was very proud of what he had achieved, because all these people were happy because of it. Many years passed and the old man died and went to heaven. When you get to heaven, this man was convinced he had won the Paradise for their good deeds on Earth.

he headed towards a Being of Light, and asked are not you the person who devoted much time to others, and done so much good for others?. Yes, he replied enthusiastically. Follow me and join me please, I'll show you something. This Being, led him to a place, and said Tell me what you see?.

This is wonderful, "replied the man , see big mountains and green valleys, trees, birds, flowers, and especially a lot of people happy, happy and in harmony, and everything is illuminated by a large bright golden .

This man, excited, looked at the Being of Light and said Does this look like paradise? Almost, "replied the Being of Light. But tell me what else do you see? I see a great river with water crystalline, and see the other side is not like this, why is it different? Look carefully the other side and tell me what you see? He said the Being of Light. Well, I see that everything is gray and dim, I see no mountains, no trees, no birds, no nothing, just watch a lot of people sad and in pain. What do those people there? Why not go to this bank? asked the Being of Light And he answered: can not happen because not swim. And why not teach them to swim.

For my son, we send all these people on Earth to learn to swim, but a clever, I just wanted to do good, he got where he was not called, and they built a bridge, and returned all without knowing how to swim and now have to wait for another chance to back down, to learn to swim, and while they have to spend much time on that shore in their sorrows and pains.

At that time, the man realized that the good he did on Earth, may have caused much harm in the sky. And the Being of Light was directed to the soul and said, "to your question been answered?. Yes Sir, I think if we spent more time in learning, that act, all would be best in the land. Well my dear souls, and I must leave, I leave you a sentence that will give you thinking, but it is true both for here, the world of souls, and for when you are on Earth. I have to repeat yourself the following:

am where I am not, nor am what I am, but I will not be who I am, until it becomes aware of that I AM that I AM.

clip_image004 you soon my dear souls, it is time that partáis to Earth, and seeking of putting into practice everything learned here. I hope you have luck and you succeed, but remember that your main enemy is the pride and ego that you wake up while awake to the consciousness of Grade 5, and I believe over others. FIN

Madrid - November - 1999.

The mission to remember 3


After a while, after you learn and memorize everything that I had said that Being of Light, those souls down to earth, took each a body, and each lived their lives. A life better than others, and some calamities mixed. Each forged a life according to their degree of memory.

came time to be adults and start the mission, the Being of Light was prepared to awaken and to remember and begin to implement the mission on this plane, that is on Earth. Assuming that the time has come, step, leave them with the Being of Light Hello my dear Souls of grade 5. Today I speak to you, and once incarnated on Earth.

I hope you find them good, though I have my doubts, because as I told, you have a bit trapped in this dimension, but do not worry, we have to go ahead with the mission right?.


; the day (2 of 2 of 2002), opens a channel on the Internet for the reunion of the souls of 5 º grade.

This channel is created for you to try to regroup and I will bring forth good, which is difficult because having a physical body, and as already told you, you are contaminated, creeds, vanities, egos, temperaments and so strong. .. and especially you are a mess.

But do not worry, this channel is to enter all you to help you try to connect to the (sprinkles), and so remember what you have to do. No one in that channel will be elected leader or master of none, as each of you must contact us, (sprinkles), and so you will know what you have to do without that no man tell. I now turn to explain as you must have access to that channel, but I'll be a little tough, but necessary, step your game is the new vibration.

Try not to enter until ye cleaned of contamination. Follow where you are until something within you tells you that you can do it. In this channel you have to go with minimal consciousness of unity, have total respect for those who are already there. Enter seriously the time you are, we'll be watching. I know you are thinking, what if the humor is at odds with spirituality, right?.

But I tell you, you have all day and other channels to enjoy, so I think if you are a time when seriousness is not to ask too, right? also remember that you are Soul of Grade 5, and you are playing the further evolution and without suffering or pain, if you believe that this does not deserve a time seriously, nothing happens, follow where you are, but do not enter the channel, OK?, your choice is free, but remember that we are watching, and not allow a grade 5 Soul interfere with each other. It is high time for the final.

You have to try to enter without religions, without traumas, nor judge all the world, have no grudges against anyone and especially to have all that I have forgiven Indeed, because everything was necessary for your evolution, but did not appear.

But if you have problems and you have the urge to want to fix the heart, then well-come, because one of the missions of this channel is to help and recover Souls to Grade 5 who are lost, the other souls as have other channels and their own lives, do not let them ye may thrust them quiet, and seek to know how to differentiate.

not enter into the canal for commercial or enlightened leaders, do not be a plan in place, not estropeéis with your minds, you just have to get together and exchange experiences and information and above all try to get along, no one is more than anyone , each is at the time, remember you have to get unity consciousness, you are very close to taking the big step, not desaprovechéis for nonsense, okay?.

The first objective is to channel all of you to assist her conectéis with the unit, so you can be a light to illuminate the Earth. But to be light, first you have to turn your switch and your switch is called love at all.

You must be free and not attached to people or to matter, this does not mean you abandon it, but you find ways of managing it, or spend some time man and another time for us, (sprinkles).

Whenever you are "free" to do so or not, but remember that you are Soul of grade 5 and you have a certain obligation to you depends if you want to approve or repeat.

This channel is created to speak among you, the Souls of Grade 5, not to speak your human side, try to know when speaking one party or another, think before speaking, try to monitor your human side.

If you can not control your human side, have the courage to be quiet, and listen to the other souls what they say, for another day I hear them with you.

You should hear those souls that are tuned day, they will learn from them and one day they will learn from you.

will see that silence is understanding, and understanding is wisdom, wisdom is light and light is what you should purchase for the Shed wherever you go. Pour it in silence, with peace, love and tolerance not ye notice, just try to be and be.

I say goodbye Well, the point of all this and what will happen, I hope to tell you to each of you face to face, so there will be no misunderstandings.

Remember, the channel is to help each other, to issues of UFOs, angels, teachers, books and mental things, direct you to other channels, when you need help in inner evolution come to this, here I will be waiting with open arms.

Well, to see if this also fails, because the truth is that liaise when you have a physical body.

soon, we want to



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